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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

Holy crap. I remember Jobs and Apple, complaining that Gates flat-out ripped off the Mac OS for Windows but my experience was largely with Windows 95 and later. Today I was annoyed by how everything's moved around in Windows 11 and went to the Wikipedia article on Windows and damn, anything earlier than 3.1 looks like the Mac OS.
Holy crap. I remember Jobs and Apple, complaining that Gates flat-out ripped off the Mac OS for Windows but my experience was largely with Windows 95 and later. Today I was annoyed by how everything's moved around in Windows 11 and went to the Wikipedia article on Windows and damn, anything earlier than 3.1 looks like the Mac OS.
Oh Gates ABSOLUTELY ripped off Mac OS... because Gates was given early access to the Mac in order to develop Word for it. The only reason why the lawsuit between Microsoft and Apple failed over this fact was because a contract based around the development of windows 1.0 sucked and was in Microsofts favor, and Apple couldn't provide more explicit copyright infringement beyond look and feel which back then was not enough to advance a case like that.

Ironically Xerox tried to do the same thing to BOTH companies out of regret around the agreements they made surrounding the GUI in general, and also failed at it in part because they waited too long to even submit a copyright claim, and because Jobs had actual documents FROM Xerox agreeing to the use of technologies around the GUI in exchange for stock from Apple, because at the time Xerox saw absolutely no future in the GUI or the mouse.
Oh Gates ABSOLUTELY ripped off Mac OS... because Gates was given early access to the Mac in order to develop Word for it. The only reason why the lawsuit between Microsoft and Apple failed over this fact was because a contract based around the development of windows 1.0 sucked and was in Microsofts favor, and Apple couldn't provide more explicit copyright infringement beyond look and feel which back then was not enough to advance a case like that.

Ironically Xerox tried to do the same thing to BOTH companies out of regret around the agreements they made surrounding the GUI in general, and also failed at it in part because they waited too long to even submit a copyright claim, and because Jobs had actual documents FROM Xerox agreeing to the use of technologies around the GUI in exchange for stock from Apple, because at the time Xerox saw absolutely no future in the GUI or the mouse.
There was a...1996 PBS documentary, "The Triumph of the Nerds" that talks about the birth of the PC up to around the release of Windows 95. Jobs is still force out from Apple at the time. Very good show although it saddens me that it is now olde-timey and historical instead of contemporary information.

Anyway, yeah. Jobs stole the Mac from Xerox' Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). There's a great clip where he's talking about how they also had a computer network and object-oriented programming going on there but the idea of a GUI, a mouse, a laser printer, and WSIWYG display blew him away so much that he missed the other 2 innovations. And another bit where the woman who was told to show him around insisted on a written order to do it because they were giving away amazing trade secrets by giving Jobs the tour.
I just realized I can make shrimp scampi like a guy in an early 2000s Viagra commercial where Jennifer Aniston's car broke down in front of his house at 7pm.

I gave up meat, delicious meat for Lent but am going the Catholic-a lot of the apostles were fishermen-route where fish doesn't count as meat. After a week I know I can do it (better than giving up whisky or porn) but I am craving meat. But I digress. The point is, I got a big bag of them "salad shrimp" with the idea to make, you know, salads with them and also maybe throw them in with ramen noodles. The problem is I used up all my lettuce on my first salad and I've only got one packet of ramens left. (How did I live 2 decades without knowing about ramen noodles and another 3+ decades without knowing the key to ramen noodles is like oatmeal--you throw all kinds of shit in with them?) Eyeing up the amount of shrimp I have, I'm thinking about how to use them and considering shrimp scampi.

The problem with shrimp scampi is that you need white wine. And linguine. TWO! The two problems with shrimp scampi is that you need white wine and linguine and garlic cloves. THREE! Three! The three problems with shrimp scampi are that you need white wine and linguine noodles and garlic cloves and parsley. Alright, I'll come in again. NOBODY EXPECTS SHRIMP SCAMPI!!! Among the many problems with shrimp scampi are that you need white wine and linguine and garlic cloves and parsley and freshly grated parmesan non shrimpy shrimp. Salad shrimp are shrimpy and completely inadequate for shrimp scampi. That said...

When you want to nail Jennifer Aniston and you don't have any blue pills handy you can take little shrimpy salad shrimp and ordinary spaghetti and a thing of garlic powder and another thing of powdered parmesan and dry vermouth for martinis and...something green and parsley sized that isn't poisonous to humans and the ingredients you do have (oh, and sriracha or something instead of dried red pepper) and make something that vaguely looks and tastes like shrimp scampi. And with a little luck Jennifer Aniston is horny but off her birth control so she'll let you do anal.

Should I post more or less when drunk? It's so hard to say. At any rate, make sure you have enough butter in the fridge to make the shrimp scampi and still be ready if Jennifer Aniston is down for it.