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Why Discrimination and Racism can be a Good thing

Sadistic Bastard said:
Beyond exclusion from Military Service as Conscientious Objectors, I'm not aware of the Amish expecting exceptions to the law. -SB

Dont pay some taxes, kids dont go to school beyond 8th grade, children aren't immunized, cousins marry, don't have to put lights on the buggys at night, dont have to have licenses to hunt and fish, crime is covered up... the list goes on.

I'm actually for closing the borders to anyone and everyone right now. And rounding up those who are breaking the law or who are Muslim and shipping them out. In fact, I'm going to buy a couple more guns....

You'll need backup.

Out of your list, Madame Manners, the lights on buggies (hey, what about a kerosene or other non-electric means?) and the licenses for hunting and fishing on public land are probably the only things I'd take issue with. If they hunt/fish on their own farm or property, then I don't even have a problem with that. The "crime is covered up" happens in any "bad" neighborhood where widespread gang membership is encountered. That should be handled in the same way as any other location where the locals won't talk to the police. That's another separate issue.

It is not the following of a strict religion that I object to. It is that there is a growing number of immigrants that not only do not wish to assimilate, but who actively demand concessions from the rest of us to accommodate their minority culture, and in turn reject the tenants of the American institutions of Law.

If a Muslim wishes to practice a strict form of Islam, he is welcome. As is his Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Shaminist, Voodoo, or whatever counterpart, as long as that practice doesn't impose on the rights of those around him or directly contradict SECULAR law (this prevents Virgin Sacrifice, for example, even if it's a tenant of their religion. I'd make an exception for sacrificing RommieSG, but just that once). So, if he doesn't want his wife to show her face, then he has to accept that she can't get a driver's licence (a PRIVELAGE, driving is not a right!). The USA has a Christian tradition, but it's law is not inherently Christian. It is Secular.
Note that this cuts both ways. If someone wants to put a Nativity scene in front of their house, they have the Right to do so. And others have the Right not to look at it (as opposed to saying they can't have it in the first place). "Freedom" implies a responsibility to exercise one's rights in both positive and negative ways.

Sadly, we can't legislate common sense (evidence trying to make rules regarding Messy and Sarek, for example).
Sadistic Bastard said:
And the POINT is that maybe we need to not be so accommodating to other cultures when America has a culture of it's own.
One example among many: if you wish to vote, then you must be able to read English and cast your ballot in the language of the land. If you can't, then you can't vote. Same with Driver's licenses, lawsuits, etc. If a restaurant wants to advertise in a second or third language, no problem, that's a private business decision...but OFFICIAL business should be in the Language of the Land. If you are too stubborn to learn the customs and language, then you don't get to participate.


Aaahhhh, then we agree.
I like that: Refusing to integrate into American culture is one thing. The issue with most "hispanics" and with muslims is that they want everyone else in America to integrate into their cultures.
Red Whacker said:
I agree with you on this, but whose fault is it that makes this situation possible in the first place.

Think about it, what if you had the opportunity to go to another wealthier country compared to your own and make a shitload of many compared to your standards without any sacrifice on your part; sacrifice meaning that you get to keep your language and cultural identity. Add to that fact that you can later go back home and spend all this money on your family, your projects again in your country. Well why not?

Actually I wouldn't but that's more a moral issue. I could take advantage of a great many people and things but I don't because my morals dictate otherwise.

Are Mexicans immoral? Not necessarily but they are desperate and people will compromise their morals because of it.

The original immigrants had no breaks, but they understood and accepted this willingly, because their children and future generations would have a much better and improved standard of living. Yes my family will lose out on all its backward customs, but we will become Americans, back in the day that actually meant something.

Maybe the rest of the world is looking more friendly, maybe the US is looking less friendly. Maybe that's why the US isn't the end all be all destination for immigrants anymore, I sure wish someone would tell Mexico that.
Sadistic Bastard said:
The sad thing is that previously, people wanted to come to the USA to "Become American".

I guess I should blame Bush for it.

Sure, why not? Pretty much everything wrong in the world is Bush's fault, just ask a democrat. ;)
If Your house is burning, even the house next door with the dead grass, bad lawn furniture, pink flamingos and dilapidated archery range in the back yard looks good.
Sadistic Bastard said:
If Your house is burning, even the house next door with the dead grass, bad lawn furniture, pink flamingos and dilapidated archery range in the back yard looks good.

There is nothing wrong with pink flamingos!!! And doesn't everyone have an archery range?

Sadistic Bastard said:
You'll need backup.

Out of your list, Madame Manners, the lights on buggies (hey, what about a kerosene or other non-electric means?) .....-SB

It's not the electric thing, it has to do with being "worldly". Some districts can't even put on an SMV triangle.

When the ice thaws, I told the contractor to start building my garage. Underneath will be a pistol range.
Ooh, I just had an idea for a children's book to explain the Middle East conflict, with the characters being "Ben the Joo and Al the Raghead"! :D
The Question said:
They get a pass because they don't have a militant fringe that wants to claim the entire continent as their own, for example, nor do their beliefs apparently call for them to carry out a campaign of violent forced conversion on technology users.

EDIT: Same point SB just made, but restated and expanded for confusion's sake. :P

And to you and SB, I will say those actions are no different than what White Christian Males have been doing for hundreds of years (forcing their religious beliefs and law on native peoples) the Muslims are just behind the times is all.
