Why do I feel the need to tell my mother stuff I know I shouldn't?

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
giving them details is never a good idea. When the other day I told my dad I'd rather attend a blues concert alone since "when flirting with a handsome musician, the last thing I need is my dad hovering around in the background" I swear I could hear him blush over the phone.
No matter how old you are, parents will always regard you a kid. And the idea of you having sex is beyond their horizon. (Not to mention certain techniques or positions that weren't common a generation ago). One has to live with that fact. Besides, it works just as well the other way round: who would dare to imagine the actual details of their own conception? Disturbing image, isn't it?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
The other part of me just likes to fuck with her, ya know? LoL.


I want to smell dark matter
My mum knows I love Natalie Portman.

Dr Dave

I don't tell my mom much either. Hell hardly anybody meets her. My best friend has meet my mom all of like once.

I'm a private person and my mom/family does not need to know my goings on.


Elder Statesman
My mom's dead, so that problem's solved.

Step-father is a Catholic Deacon (and was in seminary for awhile), he doesn't ask, I long ago stopped telling him anything for "shock value", way too easy.

Bio-dad: kinkier than I am and ancient. I can tell him anything, but I've stopped because he usually has a better story than I do. At 70+. Not sure if I'm grossed out or proud of him. For a long time, he was sleeping with people younger than I was (or that I dated). I think he's still doing that.

My only problem is one of my sisters. She and I tell each other FAR too much. That hasn't really "bit" me yet, but I do worry about her a lot from what I hear about. She shouldn't be doing what she does, but doesn't want to hear that. (sigh). I guess my complaint isn't knowing too much, it's that she never takes my advice (even when she agrees it's good advice).

The rest of my siblings are not close enough to worry about.

Meh....family. Bleah.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
family is a natural force, like hurricanes and blizzards. No way to escape them, all you can do is endure them somehow.

Maybe you should try and make it clear to your sister how seriousely worried you are. She might currently mistake your concerns for criticism or just big brother attitude. If you manage to get it through to her that you are honestly scared that something bad might happen to her, she might agree to be a bit more careful.

I'm atm in a similar situation with my brother who insists in marrying a girl not even half his age. *bangs head on keyboard* This is simply bound to go wrong, damn it!
Fortunately, my sister is common sense all through. No need to ever worry about her (except that maybe she is too serious).
As for my parents - they are stiff as logs. Noblesse oblige and all that. It's a miracle that they have kids at all.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Remember when Tisi and Loktar (and everyone else) said stuff?


I want to smell dark matter
If you post stuff here you won't end up telling it to your mother!


Is this real life?
I don't even tell my mum my friends names, nevermind anything whatsoever love-life related. It's not as though she could give me any useful advice, considering what her marriage is like.

Wow, that was catty. Must've been having a tough day!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Remember when Tisi and Loktar (and everyone else) said stuff?

I speak to Lox elsecough*fb*coughwhere, he's still sayin stuff. So is Tisi, but again elsewhere.


I want to smell dark matter
Wow, that was catty. Must've been having a tough day!

I miss catty drunken(?) Fuddlemiff who accidentally reveals the state of his parents' marriage!