Wordforgers Help ! Why do your rulers refuse to activate my new account ?!


beer, I want beer
I registered my new name three or four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. Why !

MY new name is La Palasir X, a cool new anagram for Parallaxis of course.

And what a horrible system you have where moderators must approve new accounts ! Trekbbs I can understand, but a little board like Wordforge - it makes you look like you have a stick up your ass.

Oh, and your registration form is broke.

It says its "optional" if you want to mark whether you're male or female. But if you don't answer the question the board won't take the registeration form. You just get sent back to the "you forgot to enter a field" page. So much for the option !

It looks like that fat ass Nick demands to know whenever a real female enters his make believe world ! LOL !


Parallaxis said:
It looks like that fat ass Nick demands to know whenever a real female enters his make believe world ! LOL !

Mark yourself down as female when you register next time. Perhaps he'll start hitting on you?


beer, I want beer
LOL ! I did !

Didn't work.

He must keep a yellow post-it of IPs stuck to the top of his monitor titled "people who fail to worship me".


missmanners' favorite toy
Maybe it has to do with the factthat the board was down for eight hours last night for pruning?

I dunno, you've been away for so long, I don't think Elwood would have a big issue with letting you back in.


beer, I want beer
Interestingly I've never had any major problems with Elwood, even when being on different sides of the same issue. He even overturned an unfair ban for me once.

Its too bad Elwood doesn't run Wordforge. Nick does.

And Little Nicky has had it in for Para since day one.

Maybe its cause I don't speak his language ? But who has time to learn whale songs ? Maybe if I played those sound clips from Trek IV then we could finally open the lines of communication !

I did a search for my name at Wordforge and it turns out a good many people don't realize I've been refused to rejoin the site. Someone posted my absence as "left because he was tired of all the Serenity Fans". I didn't leave. I was banned then when my ban was up they deleted my account and refused to let me join again. OH! If they only knew the truth !


beer, I want beer
One would hope that they'd care that the board wasn't accepting new members.


the reason registration is like that is because i spammed the board with a dual influx last spring. been harder to get in ever since.


beer, I want beer
Well almost a week and my username still isn't useable. We're passing Trekbbs records now.

Will someone please start a thread at wordforge and ask whats up !


beer, I want beer
And now you'll be permabanned for me ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !


New Member
Oh, well. I only go there for the porn, anyway. I'm not what they consider a "contributing member", and have told me so several times.

bad dog

<marquee direction="left" behavior="alternate" scr
Fuck wordforge , take your trophy and move along , that board is a wimpy mother fucker.
