Well I would, but there's the whole being permabanned thing preventing me from asking them directly.Why don't you ask them?
Wait, St. Lucifer is your dual???? Enke, I am shocked!
Lies. It was 4 years ago they banned me within mere minutes. I STILL hold the record for fastest ban without breaking a single TOS. This is why I know you are full of shit. I hold the same record at Wordforge and Lonaf. My records still stand, which is why they fear me so much.
Lonaf is cool.
that is a fact.
Wow, I can't believe this account still works. It's been years.
Is there something I can do to assure the admins that I am a legitimate poster so they can let me in?
I love Andromedron, and I'm really excited about finding a community where I can post endlessly about my favorite characters and subplots with people equally knowledgeable about the show.