You boys are slow


Forever Empress E
The five of you (The Anti-E Crew, the JLDOG) and the best you can do is a combined 2500 negs in the better part of two days.

I'm going out again in a few minutes but I'll be back in about three hours. I expect you to have improved your averages.

Hint: You need to neg 16000 times at least to get me near red.
LOL more like less than 3000 little princess. Nice try though

I has a star. I also has 5 bars. I know exactly how many it will take to stain your Depends.
LOL more like less than 3000 little princess. Nice try though

I has a star. I also has 5 bars. I know exactly how many it will take to stain your Depends.

LOL. Like 16000 negs would have been hard to achieve anyway.

What a cunt you are, e-princess.
my name's Paul.

Now we were discussing the three worst pictures of you. Two are the ones with the yellow flowery blouse. Which is the third?
LOL more like less than 3000 little princess. Nice try though

I has a star. I also has 5 bars. I know exactly how many it will take to stain your Depends.

You would be very wrong. Just because it would take that many to stain your Depends, you have to remember that I don't require the use of them to begin with and you aren't quite as powerful as you think you are, oh mighty King of the Trolls, the Machine! LOL But, yes, I'm the pwnt one.
my name's Paul.

Now we were discussing the three worst pictures of you. Two are the ones with the yellow flowery blouse. Which is the third?

I don't have a copy of it and you won't be able to find the picture online. It is a very bad picture of when I was seriously injured and basically a mess of blood, guts and gore. I didn't know it had been taken at the time - needless to say, when it was taken I had my mind on other things. But, when one of my nieces took forensic science at the local university one of the cases her class investigated was that old case and she told me about the picture. Even though you might be able to hack into the police's cold case computer files - and yes my case is still open because of subsequent connected cases - and you might be able to hack into the university's forensic science databases and locate it, you would need to know the name I went under at that time and, you don't.

I might be willing to find that picture and show it to you privately if you promised not to show it to anyone else and you gave me some other incentive - like an exchange of information.
Hey bitch, you just lost another one.

yes I would like to see the gory pic of you. I'll get to work on hunting it down

How about showing us a current pic to prove that you now look better than you did in the 2004 pics. Maybe one from the Glens Falls wedding, in the blue fish dress?
yes I would like to see the gory pic of you. I'll get to work on hunting it down

How about showing us a current pic to prove that you now look better than you did in the 2004 pics. Maybe one from the Glens Falls wedding, in the blue fish dress?

There has to be some quid pro quo, Paul. You've been researching me and know everything - where I work, where I live, how much money I was making per year about 5 years ago, some of the stuff from one or two of the writing conferences I've been to over the years, how I looked 30 years ago, how I looked 7 years ago, etc. I don't think you've found my two pen names yet or my name from my first marriage. Doesn't look like you've found my elf name either. There are quite a few current pictures of me on the internet if you know what name to google.