[you] has no sense of humor...


One hot Weiner
Your sig is really annoying ... and the no was to the question "have you noticed that?" :)


Un Banned
Have you ever noticed that?


I'm on TK aren't I Ms. Manners?


That pwns that theory yes?

Y'should see me TrekBBS posts & threads m'lady:)

Y'thread here be ironic one m'lass!

TrekBBS casts out aficionados'wit'wee'sense o'hue-mar m'gal:(

Who left at TrekBBS? Mainly humorless mudstick drips who think William Shatner was somone Captain Kirk played once & that Vulcans'll land in Montana in 54 years!

"Oh the pain" as Dr Smith would say.


Un Banned
Someone please translate that from horseshit to english?

Bravo DP:) That's the spirit!

My point is that TrekBBS is ran by Herberts who BAN aficionados who show ANY sense of humor, or even a pulse for that matter.

TrekBBS's PTB want all their posters to be stick in the mud drip drones who are more fanatically & pathologically obsessed with & devoted to Star Trek than Osama bin Laden is to Islam.

Ms. Manners' thread is ironically self-pwning:)

With rare exceptions, most TrekBBSers remember a Eugenics War in the 1990's, Spock swimming in a SF aquarium in 1986 & Jack the Ripper being an evil alien entity. Most TrekBBSers accept these things as historical facts:(

Dean Spockwell indeed!


Un Banned
Are they as bad as the assclowns at stardestroyer.net?

I wish I could answer your question but I was never on stardestroyer.net:(

Now that you mentioned stardestroyer, I think I'll register there & test their waters.

Is Stardestroyer a Star Wars version of TrekBBS? The same way B5TV is a Babylon Five version of TrekBBS.

Funny you should mention a SW forum. I was on TheForce.net from when Revenge of the Sith was out till around this time in 2006. Wasn't banned, I lost interest in tf.net & never returned:)

TF.net was too high-traffic. Made TrekBBS seem slow by comparison.

I figure stardestroyer's ran by Herberts too:(

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
No. It was an offshoot of ASVS (alt.startrek.vs.starwars) A usenet group started in 1997 and was extremely popular for several years. Here's an introduction on ASVS. http://members.shaw.ca/csstrowbridge/ASVS/Intro.html One of the debaters named Mike Wong was getting his ass beat in the debates, so he decided to create a web based board where he could control the debate. Thus you have SDN. (stardestroyer.net) It's more or less a cesspool. A very popular cesspool, but still a cesspool.


Un Banned
No. It was an offshoot of ASVS (alt.startrek.vs.starwars) A usenet group started in 1997 and was extremely popular for several years. Here's an introduction on ASVS. http://members.shaw.ca/csstrowbridge/ASVS/Intro.html One of the debaters named Mike Wong was getting his ass beat in the debates, so he decided to create a web based board where he could control the debate. Thus you have SDN. (stardestroyer.net) It's more or less a cesspool. A very popular cesspool, but still a cesspool.

Mike Wong's a living breathing caricature of a caricature of a sci-fi geek.

Is he for real?

He's like those 2 ST geeks on "South Park", only worse, & a real person.

Making his own site to control the debate is so infantile it's pathetic.

Too bad the Grand High Admiral Exalted Mystic Poobah Wong himself doesn't have an account here.

At least T'Bonz faces her bannees here.

Wong? Too busy obsessing over warpcores, death stars & other items of importance.



Retired Account
Have you ever noticed that?


well we cant all be born fuckin stand ups like you!

anyway why you got a a problem with me can only remember speaking to u a handful of times in seven years?


Retired Account
Wish all you want..


Retired Account
ps i dont remember insinuating that i have a sense of humor or a personality for that matter.


Retired Account
ha ha ha.....


New Member



New Member
Have you ever noticed that?

HAHA Noob! OH look someone is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo jeulous of my sence of humour LOL wait WHAT ????

Oh it's you D: D: D: D:

Oh well you go now and cry in the corner..