[you] is my bitch


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What makes you think Lilac is female, n00b?

I mean, while you're busy pwning yourself so deeply and all, care to explain that little tidbit?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It isn't pwning I want to give you for your birthday...


Hmm, I never saw it getting used in MMA. It's a wrestling move btw.

You're right, point taken. But I'm going to counter you with my left mid kick.

I'm pretty sure Brock Lesnar's used it in MMA.

And you don't realize that wrestling is under the umbrella of Mixed Martial Arts, LOL!

and you don't realize that even with your kicks if a wrestler gets you locked in you're going to get owned and be forced to submit.

Lord Vader

Registered User
What makes you think Lilac is female, n00b?

I mean, while you're busy pwning yourself so deeply and all, care to explain that little tidbit?

I don't care if lilac is a spam bot or an R2D2 unit recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada, she reads like a feam and so I address her as such. Do you really think whining about my choice of pronouns is going to cover up her misunderstanding of the thread title?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fuck you, asshole. I asked why you thought he was female, not about your fake grammatically incorrect constitutional entitlements.

Backpedal much, fuckley?

Lord Vader

Registered User
Where did I say she was female?
Now if you keep avoiding the easy multiple choice questions I am going to make mince meat of you with the essay questions:

Do you really think whining about my choice of pronouns is going to cover up her misunderstanding of the thread title?

Avoidance noted Jack.
2 demerits.

Backpedal much, fuckley?

I suggest you look up the meaning of the word backpedal before you try to use it in a sentence again. Walk before you run.

I am Jack's lack of education biting him in the keister


beer, I want beer
You're doing great, Vader, keep up the good work. In all the years I have posted here I don't think I've ever seen a n00b directly challenge Jack before. In fact, I sense you may already have him on the ropes. Keep at it and you should have this thing wrapped up by tonight at the latest...

Lord Vader

Registered User
You've been reprsenting hardcore street yourself at the KOF's hizzzouse, no matter what that one foam knight says. Much like wacko jacko he yells I won/own/pwn/pwnt you at ever turn, but I'm sure you figured that out by the third "ferfuck".

But Donnie,Donnie, Donnie, I'm no more a n00b than you are or Emperor Palpatine is. Like Doctor Dre I've been in the game for 10 years making rap tunes, ever since hunnies was wearin' sassoons. I've seen Jack's jump up in the air dick waving antics so many times, he's nothing more to me than just another clay pigeon. PULL.

I do thank you for keeping the gate to the tard pen securely locked when you visit us, he is exactly the kind of flamer troll we don't need. I've seen better aim out of a monkey flinging it's own poo against the wall. I've seen better firepower out of the idiots on IMDB who thinks it's funny to go to a Wizard of OZ or a Star Wars forum and start threads about how much the movie sucks just to get a few cheap replies. So until he faces up to his Epic Fail in this thread, he gets no more of my attention.

Now if you will excuse me the Emperor and I have a thread to hijack.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Where did I say she was female?
Now if you keep avoiding the easy multiple choice questions I am going to make mince meat of you with the essay questions:

Avoidance noted Jack.
2 demerits.

I suggest you look up the meaning of the word backpedal before you try to use it in a sentence again. Walk before you run.

I am Jack's lack of education biting him in the keister

speaking of IMDB, who directed Foam Knight Returns?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You've been reprsenting hardcore street yourself at the KOF's hizzzouse, no matter what that one foam knight says. Much like wacko jacko he yells I won/own/pwn/pwnt you at ever turn, but I'm sure you figured that out by the third "ferfuck".

But Donnie,Donnie, Donnie, I'm no more a n00b than you are or Emperor Palpatine is. Like Doctor Dre I've been in the game for 10 years making rap tunes, ever since hunnies was wearin' sassoons. I've seen Jack's jump up in the air dick waving antics so many times, he's nothing more to me than just another clay pigeon. PULL.

I do thank you for keeping the gate to the tard pen securely locked when you visit us, he is exactly the kind of flamer troll we don't need. I've seen better aim out of a monkey flinging it's own poo against the wall. I've seen better firepower out of the idiots on IMDB who thinks it's funny to go to a Wizard of OZ or a Star Wars forum and start threads about how much the movie sucks just to get a few cheap replies. So until he faces up to his Epic Fail in this thread, he gets no more of my attention.

Now if you will excuse me the Emperor and I have a thread to hijack.

Quit biting your pillow just because I only lurked your bored, and never bothered to post.

Look, you've even got my bitch as a fan. He's so desperate he had to create a dual just to recreate the original verbal beating I gave him. New twists on old pwnership, I guess.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Foam Knights 4evah, d00derz!111!!!11111111


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I did realize this, but I hardly associate wrestling with MMA. Maybe it's just me.

That's because you don't really understand MMA, you just mouth the platitudes to appear tuned in.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thats supposed to be a pos, Dono. Not that it matters either way, your post was hilarious.


beer, I want beer
What the...? HEY Jack Negged me! O I am totally going over to another board and write lengthy complaint posts about this! GRRRRR!


beer, I want beer
Thats supposed to be a pos, Dono. Not that it matters either way, your post was hilarious.

Well the thread IS called "donovan is my bitch" I suppose you had to do it...err, wait.