[you] is my bitch


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Lord Vader said:
Where did I say she was female?
Don't say stupid shit that can easily be disproven.
Now drop a clue on Lilac's head. All the peroxide has eaten her brain.
Lord Vader said:
I don't care if lilac is a spam bot or an R2D2 unit recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada, she reads like a feam and so I address her as such. Do you really think whining about my choice of pronouns is going to cover up her misunderstanding of the thread title?

Yes, go on about how I misunderstood the thread title. It just makes you more of Jack's Dancer. Mine, too, incidentally. Dance, bitch, dance!

Oh, btw, what the fuck's a 'feam'?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You tags..... the gift that keeps on giving.

Lord Vader

Registered User
Don't say stupid shit that can easily be disproven.

This is a question.
Is this a statement.
Learn to differentiate.
By taking Calc 101. It's hard. And you are no Good Will Hunting. More like I am Sam minus personality plus stupidity.

Speaking of stupid shit that can be easily disproven:
Another fun fact: The thread title in this thread doesn't change.

Oh, btw, what the fuck's a 'feam'?

You are.


beer, I want beer
Two in the pink and one in the stink, Jack? :meh:
me love you long time and finger slipped

Two things that will never again happen in my lifetime:

1. I will never pick up a dropped bar of soap while Jack is around.

2. I will NEVER smoke weed with Willie again.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Vader said:
Speaking of stupid shit that can be easily disproven:
Another fun fact: The thread title in this thread doesn't change.

The thread title doesn't change. Sorry to burst your bubble.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
foam knight bubbles are pretty easy to burst, i would think...

Lord Vader

Registered User
Jack, explain to your boyfriend what happens to the thread title when I login.
When you are done with that simple task I have a much more difficult one for you.

I came here expecting dissappointment but the you tags are a nice touch and were quite unexpected. What else you got in your bag of tricks? WOW me.You're reading and writing skills are subpar even for a 4th grader, so it's gonna be a rough climb trying to summit that Everest, but do you think you are up to it?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Y'know what's funny Foamy? When you criticize my "4th grade reading and writing skills" while displaying that very ignorance with your incorrect use of "you're".

So that makes YOU the fucking moron, it would appear.

As far as the thread title, it never changes at all. Guess you're pwned by that too.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Make sure you go back to Cootie Cough or whatever you call that shithole you post in and crow about how pwned we all are.

Lord Vader

Registered User
Y'know what's funny Foamy? When you criticize my "4th grade reading and writing skills" while displaying that very ignorance with your incorrect use of "you're".

So that makes YOU the fucking moron, it would appear.

Nope Jackee, speling/usage lames won't cut the mustard. nor the cheese. nor the grass. But thanks for highlighting one more fine example of why I'm sipping Courvoisier in the executive suite, while you are spell checking "copy" for 5 dollars an hour with the other losers in the typing pool.

As far as the thread title, it never changes at all. Guess you're pwned by that too.

Wrong. when I first come to your site the thread title is "Unregistered is my bitch" After I login it changes to "Lord Vader is my bitch". Guess you have no clue what pwned really entails.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I guess neither do you, since the thread actually is titled "[ you ] is my bitch" That's how I wrote it, whenever you go into edit mode that's exactly what you see. Hasn't changed at all.

And d00d, you're completely selfpwned yet again. If you're going to troll someone over their intelligence, does it not make sense that if you misspell a word within the very sentence you are using the insult, well I'll let you finish my sentence....



I'm high
Nope Jackee, speling/usage lames won't cut the mustard. nor the cheese. nor the grass. But thanks for highlighting one more fine example of why I'm sipping Courvoisier in the executive suite, while you are spell checking "copy" for 5 dollars an hour with the other losers in the typing pool.

Wrong. when I first come to your site the thread title is "Unregistered is my bitch" After I login it changes to "Lord Vader is my bitch". Guess you have no clue what pwned really entails.

God you're an idiot.

You got taken in by two of the shittier trolls here. Good job, retard.

Lord Vader

Registered User
I guess neither do you, since the thread actually is titled "[ you ] is my bitch" That's how I wrote it, whenever you go into edit mode that's exactly what you see. Hasn't changed at all.

I can't go into edit mode on your thread dipschlitz. But you just committed a real backpedal boy. I just explained to you how it changes. Quit your bitchin.

And d00d, you're completely selfpwned yet again. If you're going to troll someone over their intelligence, does it not make sense that if you misspell a word within the very sentence you are using the insult, well I'll let you finish my sentence....
I don't troll. This is flaming. And speel lames don't cut it, either way, bro. But I've got you coming along very nicely. You are now able to stay on topic and string together more than one sentence. Good boy, here is a doggy treat.

Lord Vader

Registered User
God you're an idiot.

You got taken in by two of the shittier trolls here. Good job, retard.

There is this passage from the bible I've been saying when someone cries TROLL, seems appropiate here.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord Vader when I lay my vengeance....

No, no, no that's from Pulp Fiction not from the bible. Here is the bible quote:

Succumbing to the urge to respond to a Troll is known as "taking the bait". This is true whether it was an obvious Troll or not, the bait got taken either way. Some, like myself, occasionally take bait just so we can spit it back into the Troll's face. This doesn't negate the right of the Troll to declare it's bait successful, but the results make it a hollow victory for the charred Troll. I can live with that.


I'm high
Lord Vader said:
I don't troll. This is flaming.
If that was flaming, you're hopelessly pathetic.

And loathe as I am to say it, Jackie and Lilac are right. This thread title doesn't ever change. Can't say much about your misguided perception though.