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Zombies are just plain nasty. That old blood stinks and what in the world is it with them, they can't feel anymore (like hunks of flesh missing) but they sure do feel hungry. They have to be the lamest of all the scary creatures there are.
Depends on the source you're looking at.

Night of the living dead and all of Romero's works were meant as dark social satire. Day of the Dead is hysterical and frightening all at the same time.

The Return of the Living Dead series actually made the zombies sentient and cognizant of their surroundings. They explained their desire to eat brains as a way of easing the pain of death.

Resident Evil explained it as an engineered mutating virus that turns its hosts into monsters of necrotic flesh. That's fucking creepy.

The 28-later series explained it as a fast-acting rabies-ebola hybrid.

In Max Brooks' books The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, the zombies come from a somnambulist virus that causes dead flesh to reanimate. He puts an incredibly realistic spin on zombies that will make you think about preparing yourself for the zombie apocalypse.

If you look at it from an outbreak scenario, it's really quite terrifying. A disease that affects humans and causes humans to perpetuate it. In pretty much all cases I listed above it's incubation period is less than 48 hours. It's like a walking biological weapon with no cure. That scares me just as much as major catastrophic natural disasters. It's like mother nature wiping the slate clean and we're the chalk.
The Return of the Living Dead series actually made the zombies sentient and cognizant of their surroundings. They explained their desire to eat brains as a way of easing the pain of death.


Please let me eat your brains, I'm the one that loved you! OK...

Come to the hospital.

Who's the president?

Ummmm Harry Truman.
Zombies are just plain nasty. That old blood stinks and what in the world is it with them, they can't feel anymore (like hunks of flesh missing) but they sure do feel hungry. They have to be the lamest of all the scary creatures there are.

Werewolves have always been my fave...


Shaun of the Dead was an homage to the Romero movies. Most specifically, Dawn of the Dead. If you pay attention, the music at the opening of the film is the same as the music in the mall when they first arrive.

Details, friend, details.
And, if you want to be really nit-picky, I left out Vincent Price's Last Man on Earth and it's remake with Will Smith, I am Legend.

Both of which describe the zombiism as a disease.
There's also Zombies on a Plane, Zombie Strippers, Zombie Land, and one other movie I saw recently that wasn't really worth mentioning.
Zombies on a Plane did suck. I never heard of Zombie Strippers.

Zombie Land, thats the one with Woody Harrison, right? That sucked? I want to see it.
I meant the Zombie Diaries, not Zombie Land.

The one I forgot was Automaton Transfusion. Crap acting and plot, but the gore was fun. That is, if you're into gruesome ways people can die during a zombie attack.