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ZOMG Drama (ZOD)

I've decided to found the KMAOISPJMl;mapoemk,olkqjo2jmpm2dop34jrqawmjfdpomasdkcnasndcjansjdnfja so4enras asipodjf oiasjdf34jw gamqospfmaposdkfoskdfoskdpfokaspdomfp 4o30 2k-03ij wke0t-fwqjekf' aspdofv jasdfo amsfdoipj ans otjadsoamsd'pfkasmvpoasmndvaish4 ao9 4jkf2304tuj sdofjasodfj asoej asfjasf IOSDJF MSDOIF JSIDJ SIODF APISAGNBAGAGNANANA OAPPAUANQUIIAN PANANAPAANA NATLATKALITALTEITAKGJS OSCARLARORLATATLAS IASDNMFIOEJ FIMASDFOINASDIOFNAOIS NIODFN IANSDIFO34HN j opsjdofjasdofp aksdf as:0k pasodfkap sokfas[pdf kapsodk asd s;f ASDLF aDS: SD Laspdfkjapojdoj asdmn aidshn ansd sodj asijdf saajfsdi jaiejt j4 034j egjer iksdajf aiomnoisa ioasndcaiosdf w4it 304it40243 -4 e asd- k hwqehn qin wej fwre fsnaindsuifn e0u3j449 ujt4i 0qruew t0-aset iajp afs0hdf asnfoinsadfuoi nasif jawi4j fasep faosdjfasoifnaosudvbfasdvashbvnasdujb asdiofh asidf nasifajsdfansufansfaosnvoaisdnviaohew 93h40 u4 4





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l party; membership is open to all those who are willing to support an agressive platform of ahseinraosdnf oainsdf and jnas.
I'm in. I'll hardly ever post about it and am only joining so Dual doesn't have some BS reason contest my mod nom or whatever [like I've chance at winning] but I'm in anyway point me to the coffee machine and the couch, plz.

I specifically set the date this would come into effect as after the election so that you wouldn't be disqualified. Why do you insist on continuing the fantasy that I bear you some sort of ill will?
I'm in. I'll hardly ever post about it and am only joining so Dual doesn't have some BS reason contest my mod nom or whatever [like I've chance at winning] but I'm in anyway point me to the coffee machine and the couch, plz.

Thank you for joining ZOMG Drama.

Current Member List
Sniper Kitty
Lulz Kitty
J&L Massacres
Oh what the hell, I give in. Let me join :D

Of course. :D Welcome to the ZOMG Drama political party.

Current Member List
Sniper Kitty
Lulz Kitty
J&L Massacres
Blackfoot's Dick
Falcy Girl
Shitty Kitty
That would be up to anyone interested in running. It would be in ZOD's best interests if we all decide on one particular candidate. I personally have no interest in running, but maybe J&L or Yub would like to throw their hat into the ring.
That would be up to anyone interested in running. It would be in ZOD's best interests if we all decide on one particular candidate. I personally have no interest in running, but maybe J&L or Yub would like to throw their hat into the ring.
It's unfortunate that you have no interest in running; you'd be the strongest candidate. Yub, frankly, doesn't have the support base; this is the guy who got one vote in the last election. J&L would be an interesting choice, albeit polarising.

Water go down the hole

Hitler Kitty hates being left out of the ZOD party.

Of course. I will vouch for your citizenship with my last free account.

Current Member List
Sniper Kitty
Lulz Kitty
J&L Massacres
Blackfoot's Dick
Falcy Girl
Shitty Kitty
Hitler Kitty