
  1. I Love Cunt

    Don't Trash Talk Me

  2. CaptainWacky

    I can't even listen to people talk anymore

  3. NeonMercuryASH

    Wanna talk about my cancer?

  4. CaptainWacky

    Why does Gagh never talk like Ainsley anymore?

  5. Archibald Nixon

    Lets talk about James Bogner

    Well, he's still alive. Doing art here
  6. CaptainWacky

    I wish I was schizophernic so I had someone to talk to

  7. Mirah

    Lets Talk Like Aque Thread

  8. Eggs Mayonnaise

    Paquin dog entrusted with huge responsibility (story includes BOOBIES talk)

  9. The Castrator

    Talk Smack about [you] thread.

  10. The Castrator

    Talk smack about The Castrator thread.

  11. Cassie

    Baby talk

  12. H

    MJ, let us talk FRANKLY!!

  13. CaptainWacky

    Why can't Noirin talk to a male housemate without being called a slut?

  14. Dual

    Somebody Talk To Me

  15. ctmelvital

    Let's talk about Gossip Girl

  16. Omar

    enouf talk

  17. CaptainWacky

    remember when they were giving the careers talk at school but you were...

  18. Dr Dave

    Thread where we talk about Captain Wacky.

  19. Yub

    8===D The TALK SMACK ABOUT LOKTAR thread €====8
