
  1. starguard

    10 Worst women on the Internet

  2. starguard

    10 Worst women on the Internet

  3. CaptainWacky

    Is this the worst post in the history of the internet?

  4. CaptainWacky

    This audition show is literally the worst thing I've seen in my life

  5. CaptainWacky

    Worst Simpsons censorship YET

  6. starguard

    People thought the Yugo was the WORST car in the world...

  7. The Question

    Maybe the worst and most hilarious thing I've run on a telemarketer yet.

  8. CaptainWacky

    New worst Simpsons ever

  9. Dr Dave

    Worst characters in Star Trek

  10. Imperium

    Who is the worst poster here?

  11. OS@M@

    Who is the worst in a fistfight?

  12. Mentalist

    One of the worst line-ups ever?

  13. D

    Exisle: Blatant Racism at it's worst

  14. Big Dick McGee

    NCIS: The worst show ever?

  15. Classic_Forever

    YOU DECIDE: How should I troll Lt RyGuy, the WORST mod of Spacebattles?

  16. Blindgroping

    Worst Cooks in America

  17. Friday

    The Worst Job You've Ever Had...

  18. CaptainWacky

    Just read the worst headline ever

  19. Gagh

    Worst. Hangover. Ever.

  20. CaptainWacky

    Is Adrian Chiles the worst tv presenter ever?
