"Do As You're Told."

The Question

So what will the left respond to this with?

1. "Breitbart reported it while CNN hid it, therefore he never said it."
2. "He said it, but it's fine. We all put up with TSA checkpoint security theater even though it's literally never stopped a terrorist attack and makes us less free, we should accept this too even though it literally won't prevent a single case of COVID and makes us less free. Just accept the constant slow contraction of your freedom, don't you dare oppose it."

Remember when the left in this country had a problem with the PATRIOT act because it abridged our freedom? Turns out they didn't mind it so much having that effect on Americans, just on illegal aliens. Make sure you let the unqualified gropester grope you, unless you're swimming the Rio Grande, walking though a tunnel into San Diego, or hopping a fence near Tucson.

Make sure you cosplay as a candy striper at all times, unless you're attending a fancy-ass dinner for Democrat politicians or throwing molotovs at your local Walgreen's.

Well, here's what we should respond to Dr. Anthony "Do as you are told!" Fauci with:



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Maybe you should watch the whole interview, in context instead of 3 seconds at 31:15


The Question

There's no "context" in which "Do as you're told" is not "Do as you're told."

Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. You can't put it in a little pink tutu and call it by another name and have it actually be anything other than what it is.

This is what you want. Health theater in advancement of the gradual constriction of freedom. Stop making excuses for it and either oppose it or own it. But quit trying to hide what it is. You won't fool anyone, you'll just look like a fool.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ah then, you didn't watch it. You're just going with the out of context snippet as the whole of the message.


The Question

Told you, Jack, there's no "context" that makes "Do as you're told" into anything substantively different from "Do as you're told."

I've seen the video. I've read the transcript. He said what he said, and you can't even fabricate a context in which such a clearly stated directive means anything other than what it clearly and obviously means.

It's authoritarian, and there's no shift of context that makes it into anything else. Yelling "contehhhhxt" isn't a panacea to get a would-be dictator out of being labeled a would-be dictator.

I don't know why Americans are worrying about it, though. Since the idiot Democrats are pairing this kind of authoritarianism with "defund the police", there won't be anybody to enforce it, anyway. We'll all just refuse to comply, since these halfwit Hitlers won't have any foot soldiers to enforce their will on the rest of us anyhow.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Oh for gods sake, we're spiking like mad and dying in droves and you're quibbling over face masks still, disguising it as "authoritarianism".

WEAR THE DAMN MASK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. He's absolutely right about this. I gave up every fucking thing I normally do in life for nothing because of bullshit like you're spouting..

The Question

So is this you abandoning the flimsy, shabby "contehhhhhxt" bullshit and just admitting that it's authoritanian dogma, then?

Because according to the CDC and OSHA, those flimsy little cloth masks don't do shit. The only thing that's effective at even stopping infected people from spreading COVID are N95s. And those don't protect the uninfected against catching it.

And Fauci's mask dogma doesn't even specify a minimum filtration level for mask wearing.

It's HEALTH THEATER. The same as gropings from the TSA are SECURITY THEATER.

None of it is suited to purpose. You're just virtue signaling by obeying calls for mandatory cosplay. You're just "dressing up as somebody who obeys."



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Stop putting words in my mouth. If you havn't figured out that masks have been politicized when they should have never been, you're part of the reason we're going back into lockdown.

The Question

How can I put words in your mouth, unless the words that are coming out of your mouth are weasel words with "flexible" meanings that you can use to dance with later?

And masks being politicized is the point I just made, or aren't you able to read? Masks are nothing but material virtue signaling. They serve no practical purpose. Unless you're in a full on head to toe HAZMAT suit with rebreather apparatus, you're *going* to be inhaling what's in the air, viruses included.

Mask mandates serve no health related purpose. They're only there to peer-pressure your naive ass into conformity and obedience.

That's why Fauci spelled it Right The Fuck Out as the OP details. It's about instilling obedience. Hasn't got shit to do with health, and it never did.

And no, "context" is fucking not a magic word you can chant to change that. He said what he fucking said. He was very clear and very explicit. He didn't tip his hand, he slammed it onto the table hard enough to make the table fucking jump.

At least he's got the balls to admit what he's after. Follow his example, and have the balls to own that you support the man's authoritarian bent.

Or have the balls to oppose it. But for the sake of your own self respect, at least, don't sit there and issue that mealy mouth ass mewling of, "Mnnnnnn, contehhhhxt! He didn't really meeeannn it!"

Yes, he fucking did.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Wear the damn mask, wash your hands, stay 12 feet away from others and don't go into crowded, unventilated spaces.

Pretty fucking simple. That will slow the spread and flatten the curve. Already been proven in practice.

Fucks wrong with you?

The Question

Wear the damn mask, wash your hands, stay 12 feet away from others and don't go into crowded, unventilated spaces.

Pretty fucking simple. That will slow the spread and flatten the curve. Already been proven in practice.

If it's been proved in practice, then the curve is flattened and we're done. Next.

Oh. Wait. We still have to do it? Then it didn't work, it doesn't work, and it's time to ditch it.

The Question

Y'know, as a Jew, you more than me should be worried about, "Do ess yoo ah tolt!" Would'cha think?

Whaddya gonna do, wait until you're looking down at a barcode on your forearm before you muse to yourself, "Hmmmm! Maybe compliance wasn't such a bright idea! Again!"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It was never said those requirements would change once the curve was flattened, as evidenced by the fact that people went back to the ways it could spread because of orange man being bad.


Nothing like a ventilator to remind you of what's in store otherwise.

The Question

It was never said those requirements would change once the curve was flattened, as evidenced by the fact that people went back to the ways it could spread because of orange man being bad.


Nothing like a ventilator to remind you of what's in store otherwise.

So a dead economy, where there are no products, no services -- because everyone's at home, of course, and not producing or providing them -- resulting in a lot more death than the Yellow Plague would have -- that's preferable? You like more death better than less death?

There's always going to be some death. Diseases like the flu, conditions like old age, loads of people die every year. Do you really intend to suggest that we're supposed to freak out over that and actually make it worse? As long as you virtue signal with obedience and conformity?

The Question

So nothing? Huh? You want more dead instead of fewer? Jesus.

As long as it isn't you and yours, right, you self-centered bag of ass.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Better than being a bag of dicks. Hope you like the ventilator Trump Chump.

Looks like you bought the whole package.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Also looks like The GA senate races are becoming nail biters which will take care of all of the rest of Trump's bullshit :bigass:


The Question

Don't worry about the Georgia Senate runoff. I've been organizing a few thousand midwest Republicans to go on down and vote in those.

The Question


"Do As You're Told."



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Don't worry about the Georgia Senate runoff. I've been organizing a few thousand midwest Republicans to go on down and vote in those.

Oh I'm not worried at all considering how many of us have already moved there and registered :bigass:

You'll be needing more than "a few thousand" to catch up. You know how easy it is to do that? All you need is a PO box and a utility bill as proof of residency. How cool is that?