Get your booty to the polls

The Question

You think I live here, Jew boy? I do things other than just post on MarshmallowKingdom, dipshit.

Yes, SCOTUS abrogated their duty and tossed the Texas v. Cheatstates case. Bad call on their part. They'll come to wish they hadn't done that. Ultimately, though, it doesn't matter. What the Electoral College decides is what really matters, and that hasn't happened yet.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Blah blah blah. You're a loser, just like the guy you support.

I'll do it again. Monday will be a no brainer and he'll get the official call :bigass: 306 to 232. Why that's a LANDSLIDE! It would have to be, since that's what he beat Clinton by and that's what he called it. My guess is after Monday you'll park it on the January 6th date and say Congress will overturn the will of the people with protesting the electoral votes in certain states. Only problem with that is the House Majority so that won't work either. Guess we're Ridin with Biden :bigass:

It's fun to watch you twist in the wind like this.

Maybe Nancy will grow a pair and refuse to seat those 126 seditionists and traitors in the House. They're fucked either way.

Now that was funny, kind of like branding a big "I'm a loser" on each of their foreheads.

What a blast. How's it feel to be so completely wrong?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hey filthy commie nazi...did you watch the Wisconsin live hearing this afternoon?

Good times :D

The Question

Blah blah blah.

No. It still goes to the Electoral college. You can't "blah blah blah" your way out of that. That's how it works. CNNLOL and MSNBCPUSA don't decide who the President is. The Electoral College does.

The Question

say Congress will overturn the will of the people

Dominion overturned the will of the people. The people are going to overturn Dominion.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jesus, do you even read what you write at this point?

Sue I do. Do you? Your frantic, froth filled tirades are the stuff of hilarity.

Not a fact in a landfill.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Dominion overturned the will of the people. The people are going to overturn Dominion.

Prove it. Otherwise shut the fuck up you traitor commie. And we the people aren't overturning anything except the Trump administration.

Bye bye Donnie :bigass:

The Question

Shut up you fucking liar. Or prove it. Otherwise shut the fuck up commie.

Jesus, you keep running with the same failbloat. I told you, I don't support Biden. You know, the CCP's marionette.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nothing like a fascist who's full of shit for an afternoon's entertainment...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
In the meantime, prove it. It's been remarkable that y'all have gone this far without any evidence. Want to know why you lost? Because it was an honest election and the will of the people was actually heard :bigass:

That's how commie's roll


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Expulsion is the form of action by which the House of Representatives, after a Member has taken the oath of office, removes that Representative from membership in the body by a vote of two-thirds of the Members present and voting.11 An expulsion is considered a disciplinary matter and a matter of self-protection of the integrity of the institution and its proceedings, and as such is substantively and procedurally different from an "exclusion," which denies a Member-elect his or her seat by a simple majority vote of the body, prior to the Member-elect being seated (or after being seated "without prejudice" pending investigation and resolution of the matter), because of failure of the Member-elect to meet the constitutional qualifications for office (i.e., age, citizenship and inhabitancy in the state from which elected), or because of a failure to have been "duly elected"; an "exclusion" is now understood not to be a disciplinary procedure.12 A Member is "expelled" by a two-thirds vote, however, precisely for issues of misconduct, and expulsion is generally taken against a Member after the Member has been sworn into office.

Members of the United States Congress are not removed by way of an "impeachment" procedure in the legislature, as are executive and judicial officers, but are subject to the more simplified and expedited legislative process of expulsion.13 A removal through an impeachment, it should be noted, requires the action of both houses of Congress—impeachment in the House and trial and conviction in the Senate. An expulsion, however, is accomplished merely by the House or Senate acting alone concerning one of its own Members, without the consent or action of the other body, and without the constitutional requirement of trial and conviction.14


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

See, what you have to worry about now is, since these states flouted the Constitution, how do you know that their electors won't break their states' rules?

"Hey, you guys broke the rules when you illegally -- (because that's a fact, when government goes against the Constitution, that's government breaking the law, y'know) -- so we're gonna break the rules, now, too."

Whaddya gonna do then, eh?

The Question

In the meantime, prove it. It's been remarkable that y'all have gone this far without any evidence.

What's remarkable is that you claim there's no evidence despite the proves-the-Holocaust-level mountains of evidence.

The Question

Nothing like a fascist who's full of shit for an afternoon's entertainment...

I know, right! Wait... you don't know that's you. The "shoot conservatives for being conservatives and not surrendering" kind of fascist that you are.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You can't win this, Jack. Try though you may to buck reality, reality is not on your side, here. The case has merit. It has substance, backed as it is by literally 4/5ths of the states of the union. SCOTUS isn't going to just toss it, like you hope they will, and the facts are on the plaintiffs' side -- those four states, as a matter of fact, altered their voting rules unconstitutionally.

Guess you were wrong about all that, eh?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I know, right! Wait... you don't know that's you. The "shoot conservatives for being conservatives and not surrendering" kind of fascist that you are.

So spelling errors and "I know you are but what am I" Gotcha!
