Get your booty to the polls


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

Point out the spelling errors in that; wait, you can't -- there aren't any. There's no "I know you are but what am I" in there, either. You are the Beijing Biden/Heels up Harris supporting Commie, not me.

The Question

And seriously? You're pulling a full on Blackfoot now by supporting yourself with duals? Sad.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You can't win this, Jack. Try though you may to buck reality, reality is not on your side, here. The case has merit. It has substance, backed as it is by literally 4/5ths of the states of the union. SCOTUS isn't going to just toss it, like you hope they will, and the facts are on the plaintiffs' side -- those four states, as a matter of fact, altered their voting rules unconstitutionally.

Plus you're now a spelling nazi bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hey loser. How's it feel to be so wrong?


The Question

Hey loser. How's it feel to be so wrong?


I wouldn't know, since I ain't been wrong yet. I hedge my bets. You, on the other hand, consistently display the hubris of a toddler.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You have what they call "grievance addiction". Happens to a LOT of Trump Chumps. Especially after 4 years of the lies and corruption.

Gotta get your fix some way I guess.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I know, let's go to DC, look for trouble and stab some people. Look who represents your ideology.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I hope Nancy has the balls to invoke the 14th Amendment. Those bitches don't deserve to be seated.

If she decides not to go that route, there are many many ways to teach them all a lesson.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
If you're a Republican and you're not a crazy person -- that is, you KNOW that QAnon is nonsense and that drunken rants from subliterate buffoons about stolen ballots actually embarrass you -- then it's time for you to come to grips with the fact that the supposed adults in your party are not only coddling and enabling the crazies, but that they no longer fundamentally believe in democracy.

What Ken Paxton wants -- what Ken Paxton has solemnly said he wants the Supreme Court to do, under penalty of perjury and Rule 11 sanctions -- is to craft nonsense relief that will overturn the democratic will of the American people and somehow make Donald Trump president again.
We have a word for what it means to disregard democratic elections and install a losing candidate instead. That word is "treason," and the word for people who support treason is "traitor."

Republicans, that's your party right now: a party that appears split between people who are truly batshit, out-of-their-fucking-minds full-on crazy, and those who are coddling the crazies by committing, advocating, litigating for full-on treason.

And that's it. There are NO other voices in government right now with an (R) next to their name. Just crazies and traitors.

So: that's your party. What are you going to do about it? ~~~Andrew Torrez


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Matt Johnson


Someone walked up to a Democratic Get Out the Vote rally in Stockbridge today and punched a supporter in the face then tore up his
signs, per police & witnesses. The suspect was arrested and charged with battery. Victim is ok.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Gee, who dat? Well after this, looks like she's finished.

One down, one to go. :bigass:

The Question

Okay, now that the Electoral College has weighed in, now it's finished. But you're still a moron for thinking it was finished before today. Dunce.