I have been farting now for the past three days...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You taking penicillin for that, or are you allergic?


beer, I want beer
So this new one is a haventard?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I have no idea. Posts like he's on benzedrine.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Cody's a Flag sock.


RIP 1970~2018
Here's a sample of the new 'Cody'-

You know, i mean to a point i can understand criticizing a movie, but seriously man, you kind of have to draw the line somewhere and stop overthinking things. Its just a fucking movie. Same thing pisses me off about the lotr nerds. I much prefer to be a star wars geek, but you dont see nearly as many people picking apart the original star wars trilogy (episodes 4 5 and 6) as you do picking apart 1 2 and 3.
Man its just entertainment. Do you seriously sit there while you are watching a movie looking for holes in the plot? I feel sorry for you if you do. I just enjoy it for what it is, and if its good enough to watch twice, then cool. If not (usually the case) then meh...

Don't know or particulary care who it is but it's not the 'Cody' we all know and love to watch twist.


RIP 1970~2018
Cody's a Flag sock.

I'm not disagreeing because I always assume anyone can be a sock but me.

But how exactly do you know that.

My guess is you're just muddying the water as usual.

You know, one lying, evil, amoral reptile to another.

Not The Dragon, but definitely a dragon. AmIrite? :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Not at all. I came into this from a different angle (not to mention a different time) and like you, put puzzle pieces together. Although I'm good at muddying the waters, that's not what's about here. Just letting pieces fall into place.

Watching his shift from RH and what was said in the process, not to mention flag actually is allowed to post at YTSwhateverthefuck the rest is. That is him, if you've been watching. Especially watching his re-emergence at RH.

You should check what he's done, afa Cody/TBM/Flag, etc and how these spinoff boards came to be, if you haven't already. Some stuff happened at RH with him calling me, and some of the stuff that got said is why I won't post there anymore. Whatever it is with that one, it isn't good.

:flicks forked tongue:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
And Mud isn't innocent in this either, IMO.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I thought you were smart. You're Mr Vague, are you shitting me? I'm NOT going to do this. You started this. I finished it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Just because you're having fun at RH (which I would never fault you for) don't ignore what's actually happening over what's probably a petty fight on your part.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and dont fool yourself. Im aware of the lack of moral stop and the depth of betrayal :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I am more than aware of it. Just trying to figure what to do about it.