Nascent Drama


Sinless and Purrfect
For the last time...

For the last time...



beer, I want beer

Freema Agyeman

Anna Popplewell

Emma Watson

Lena Headey

Get the fucking cupcakeER off there, you motherfucker!! She isn't fit to be on the list. There is not a single cupcakeER female who should EVER be compared with our gorgeous WHITE bitches. Even their own MALES hate them, such that they chase after our females. cupcakeER bitches are the equivalent of my piles of shit. Do NOT display any more cupcakeER females. Ever!


beer, I want beer
The majority of you chose Anna Popplewell, and you call ME a fucking 'pedo'? I thank you all for proving my point, that EVERYONE wants to hit on a young 'un. You are basing her looks on her movies where she was TOO YOUNG TO FUCK ACCORDING TO THE LAWS. PWNed!


She is fucking HOT. I GUARANTEE you all thought so when she was in her first movie, 'Narnia'. when she was 16. So, you all displayed hunger for a CHILD? *ROTFLMAO* Fucking hypocrites.


New Member
Big thread.


New Member


Retired Account
nice eyes shame about the rest of her head


Retired Account
So this was a big thread then.


moral imperfection
I'll go out on a limb here and say that this originally was either a huge karmawhoring thread or 25 separate ones fallen victim to the massive MF/BL merging spree way back then.
I can't for the life of me figure out why I would have told the MF that I am not a Pickle-dual in the month of my TK reg. I was way too shy to even enter the Holy Grounds back then, let alone spam in there.


Retired Account
How far you have come dear.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That sounds almost kinky.


Retired Account
New record.