Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Also the Clone Wars timeline is fucking confusing:

"This episode, more than others, reveals the convoluted chronology of stories from the first two seasons. The Season Two finale, "Lethal Trackdown," actually takes place before the Season One finale, "Hostage Crisis."

In a chronological flow of events, the series begins with the action on Christophsis ("Cat and Mouse," "The Hidden Enemy"), which introduces Ahsoka to the Clone Wars ("The New Padawan," which was incorporated into feature film). Then, the kidnapping of Rotta the Hutt introduces Ziro the Hutt, and the movie ends with Ziro's incarceration. Many Season One and Season Two episodes then follow, with Season Two's trilogy of Boba Fett episodes introducing Aurra Sing into the storyline. The crashing of the Slave I leads the Jedi to mistakenly believe that Aurra is dead, until she surfaces in this episode, which brings back Ziro -- chronologically -- for the first time since his imprisonment. The story continues in the next Season Three episode, "Evil Plans", and Aurra will somehow be freed from captivity in time for Cad Bane's attack on the Senate in Season One's "Hostage Crisis." The drama surrounding Ziro and his freedom then picks up in "Hunt for Ziro," the ninth episode of this season. "


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah so really when we saw 'Hostage Crisis' at the end of season one we were getting a look at things that happened after most of the season two episodes.

I hope the next one isn't just Cad Bane torturing 3PO for 20 minutes (it probably won't be.)


I want to smell dark matter
Typho is so fucking jealous.


Let's fuck some shit up
^ I'm jealous of him! He's standing right there, checkin' it out. He's also the head of security, so I'm guessing he'd get a front row seat to listen in or watch that happen.

Oh yeeeeeah


I want to smell dark matter
What the fuck.

I suspect some will call this the worst episode ever. I enjoyed it because I like 3PO and R2, but it was pretty fucking weird. I mean, R2 at a droid spa? A DROID SPA? It was the cutest thing, but why did it happen. I liked R2 giving himself up so 3PO wouldn't be hurt. I don't think we really needed an episode about how Cad Bane got the plans to the senate building, did we? Mabye they should have some episodes about, you know, THE CLONE WARS again soon. Still...R2 in a droid spa...

It should have ended with 3PO and R2 going to PC World.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah that was... interesting.

Nice to see Padmé in news clothes! Although when she picked her outfit the droid should've just given her the option of all 10,000 outfits she's worn.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well that sure was something!


But that like like 90% 9% WHAT THE FUCK?! and 1% bad mostly!

The good were, yeah Sy Snootles because Sy Snootles is awesome.
Quinlan Vos was good, too, they even used his force power where he touches objects and stuff.
Hot Twi'Lek girls?
Cad Bane was cool.
The fight scene at the end was cool.

The WHAT THE FUCK was Ziro's mum (actually actually called 'Mama the Hutt'...) because what the fuck?

Next weeks! Padmé and Ahsoka! Again! Grevious! Ahsoka!


I want to smell dark matter
I laughed out loud when Sy first appeared. And the kiss with Ziro...they could show something as disturbing as that but not Vetress kissing a (dying) clone?

I didn't HATE Ziro like SOME PEOPLE (Tomtrek) but it was cool and unexpected that he was actually killed (by Sy Snootles!) and we'll probably get a prequel episode explaining how he got his tattoos some day anyway.

The fight at the end was really good and Cad Bane continues to be the most credible villain character.

I bet there was lots of continuity problems with the Hutts but I don't care really (GAMORREAN GUARDS.)


I want to smell dark matter
I just realised the musical number was a tribute to the opening of Temple Of Doom. Duh.


I want to smell dark matter
I hope Kit Fisto kills Savage.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Her second lightsaber is...shorter?


Boobie inspector
They have them in the novels, I forget what they are called, shoto I think, but its usually for countering whips or nets.