Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix


I love you
I watched M. Night Shyamalan's Split, now I am watching Glass. These both are on Netflix. The 3rd one of course is not. It looks like it is on Amazon Prime.


I love you
I watched another female spy operative movie on Netflix the other night. ANNA
You know, she works for Russia, then USA, then both, then says "FUck you" to both of them, then they make it look like she died
and then she lived happily ever after
Oh and she slept with her handlers of course.

My favorite will always be the one with Bridget Fonda Point of No Return.


I love you
Whaaaaat am I watching?
Whaaat kind of rabbit hole am I going down?
Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult


I want to smell dark matter
Should I watch the Benedict Cabbagepatch puppet thing?


I want to smell dark matter
^I never watched it because nobody answered me.

Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 1 - The show is always good dumb fun and that does continue here with some funny stuff and good karate fights. But it's been going on so long it's all feeling a bit repeititve. I can't keep track of how many times each kid has turned from good to evil or remember everything Kreese did. Daniel going on about Miyagi constantly is annoying. He's dead, get over it. Anyway, it's still fun and everything?


I want to smell dark matter

Something to watch and instantly forget!


I want to smell dark matter
I'll watch this.

And this.



I love you
I watched "Uglies" tonight on Netflix.

Also, I went to Netflix and went to my "Continue Watching" AND THEY ARE ALL GONE. WTF I HATE YOU NOW NETFLIX! So lets add that to the hate forum! That and change. I fucking hate change.


I want to smell dark matter


I love you
Um maybe.

When the kids turn 16 they can get a surgery to turn them "pretty" and in the movie all of the "pretty" people look like strange AI bots. Its really really wierd.

Yep-just checked all 25, 1 was even 32!