Trump's NFT digital trading cards

The Question

The issues revolve on whether I can adapt or if I can just ignore the changes as they don't apply to me.
Some changes should be actively opposed, even if all the opposition one can offer is to speak out against them. As John Stuart Mill said, "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
I don't get thrilled at being able to unlock my doors or start my car with a chip imbedded in my skin.
I'm opposed to the idea of locks that can be opened, and cars that can be started (or disabled) electronically by anyone who knows the right code or frequency. While you're worrying about not knowing how to pay your bills when you're 70, think about what happens when you're 70 and a gang of home invaders strolls right through your front door -- not because you left it open but because they used a smartphone to hack the lock. Or a gang of youngsters in a vehicle following yours does the same thing to shut off your car's engine when you get to a convenient-looking place to rob you or worse.

Not all change is for the better. Some change should be resisted, loudly and -- if necessary -- violently.


Zombie Hunter
That would be an interesting development, if someone actually started stockpiling precious metals, real property, etc, and issuing crypto against it: You don't mint a coin by solving a computer problem, you mint a coin when you have that value of gold/silver/copper/land in your possession. Hell, oil. And of course since prices fluctuate, you'd need a buffer. And/or faith/insurance to prevent a run on the bank.

The Question


Yeah, no shit, ya fuckin' Commie cunts. It was bullshit from the jump, we all knew it was fucking bullshit from the jump, you just wouldn't fucking stop with the bullshit. While the Democrats and their batshit fucking insane policies turn the United States into Venezuela, on purpose, you try to distract us by going after a guy who -- while he did engage in some fucking stupid "color blind" shenanigans -- was at least not a complete anti-voter fuckup.

You had nothing, we fucking knew you had nothing, and now you "graciously" admit you had nothing.

Fuck you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
erm, the committee is disbanding. He was fighting the subpoena already. They had to drop it.

The Question

Yeah, no shit, they had to drop it. They had to drop it because this whole thing has been horseshit, from the beginning.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No. That's not why they had to drop it. Now who's being obtuse?

Horseshit? Well like I've said elsewhere, you're entitled to your opinion. You're not however entitled to mine.


Forever Empress E
Hmmm... somebody - The Question - obviously did not watch one single hearing. There are mounds and mounds and mounds of evidence that Trump was in on the planning of the insurrection and incited the violence on January 6th. Yes. There were guns. Yes. Trump knew it. Trump wanted the guns let in. Don't forget the bombs and the bear mace and the clubs and the staffs and the crushing and the beating and the feces smearing and the third world banana republic behavior in general. His plan was to march ahead of the mob into the Capitol and claim victory like the Nazi Communist Red Tie Wearing Dictator Wannabe he is. And, while the January 6th Commission may have withdrawn the subpoena at the final hour the DOJ has still to make its move. Mr. Loves to Hear Himself Speak So Much He Owes Many Cities and Venues for His Rallies hasn't held one single rally since he announced his latest bid for POTUS. Makes me wonder what has muted the Orange Vocalbator. Bet he is trying to negotiate - even he has admitted he usually settles his criminal actions with dollars and promises - his way out of treason over the theft of top secret documents and his misuse of those documents. He needs to go to jail for treason. But, what do the filthy Republicans want to do? They want to spend their time in power investigating Hunter Biden's nasty selfies found on his misappropriated laptop - which, considering how it was obtained and has chain of custody issues plus there are massive doubts the content thereon is genuine and wasn't planted - will probably not be admissible in a court of law any freaking way. Opinion is one thing. Totally ignoring the facts is something else. I don't know where you were on the January 6th in question, but I saw the in real time news coverage of Trump and his associates of what they said and what they did. Murderers. Liars. Thieves.


Zombie Hunter
"On tonight's episode of 'Kangaroo Court'..."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hmmm... somebody - The Question - obviously did not watch one single hearing. There are mounds and mounds and mounds of evidence that Trump was in on the planning of the insurrection and incited the violence on January 6th. Yes. There were guns. Yes. Trump knew it. Trump wanted the guns let in. Don't forget the bombs and the bear mace and the clubs and the staffs and the crushing and the beating and the feces smearing and the third world banana republic behavior in general. His plan was to march ahead of the mob into the Capitol and claim victory like the Nazi Communist Red Tie Wearing Dictator Wannabe he is. And, while the January 6th Commission may have withdrawn the subpoena at the final hour the DOJ has still to make its move. Mr. Loves to Hear Himself Speak So Much He Owes Many Cities and Venues for His Rallies hasn't held one single rally since he announced his latest bid for POTUS. Makes me wonder what has muted the Orange Vocalbator. Bet he is trying to negotiate - even he has admitted he usually settles his criminal actions with dollars and promises - his way out of treason over the theft of top secret documents and his misuse of those documents. He needs to go to jail for treason. But, what do the filthy Republicans want to do? They want to spend their time in power investigating Hunter Biden's nasty selfies found on his misappropriated laptop - which, considering how it was obtained and has chain of custody issues plus there are massive doubts the content thereon is genuine and wasn't planted - will probably not be admissible in a court of law any freaking way. Opinion is one thing. Totally ignoring the facts is something else. I don't know where you were on the January 6th in question, but I saw the in real time news coverage of Trump and his associates of what they said and what they did. Murderers. Liars. Thieves.
And therein lies the tale. The right is so fucking brainwashed by their own bullshit they can't discern what's real and what isn't any more.

Sad really. Ordinarily intelligent and perceptive people swallowed down the rabbit whole of phony constructs.

The Question

but I saw the in real time news coverage of Trump and his associates of what they said and what they did.
Yeah, the raging gun battles at the Jefferson Memorial were awesome.

Oh, wait.

The Question

I see. You're trolling me!
You didn't see all the Confederate battle flags and Hakenkreuz banners mounted on mobile artillery, shooting the top off the Washington Monument? It was live on MSNBCPUSA and CNNLOL!

You're one of them, aren't you! One of those filthy... Americans... who went to the property you're voluntarily forced to pay for voluntarily if you don't want to end up in voluntary prison! And you... you... walked around in our Sacred Deified Glorious Leaders' offices!


The Question



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL over 2 years ago.


Zombie Hunter
So you're saying it *didn't* happen? Because it happened "over 2 years ago"? Or are you saying that January 6 *wasn't* 2 years ago as well--and they didn't destroy any statues? :marathon:

This is why I don't waste time on Leftists anymore. A huge percentage of them are too stupid to think. Then there's a section that is smart enough to think but years of being told what to think and being spoonfed their beliefs has fried any ability to reason critically. Then there's a small percentage that can actually still think but they only think to manipulate the rest. There is no point in trying to reason with any of them.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No I'm saying things were DRASTICALLY different just after that cop killed that cupcakeer with his knee during the height of the covid lockdown. Different times, different political posturing.

Being obtuse again are we? This is why I don't waste time on far right fascists who don't see what's as plain as the nose on their face. A huge percentage of them are too fucking stupid to think. Then there's a small percentage that can actually still think but they only think to manipulate the rest with their outright lies and gaslighting.

No point in trying to reason with any of them. So when you post bullshit, expect to have it reacted to as such. Like I've said repeatedly, you have the right to your opinion. You don't have the right to shove it down anyone's throat and demand we all agree it's the truth.
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Zombie Hunter
When I knew Oregon was doomed but I was still stuck there I had a friend of a friend who had been given a doctorate from some university. I don't know or care what university or what the degree was in. I just remember somehow the topic of the Harriet Tubman $20 bill came up and this PhD pointed out how horrible Andrew Jackson was because he owned slaves. And I pointed out to him that Washington owned slaves. Jefferson owned slaves. Grant owned slaves. Hamilton owned slaves. And they are all on money. This completely stumped him. Anyone who paid attention in junior high school American history would've rebutted "OK. But Jackson killed a shit-ton of Indians." (Or just led with "Jackson killed shit-ton of Indians.") This was a freaking *Doctor.* I mean, he was probably a doctor of transgender theory because he didn't have any money or prospects, but if the university system has any meaning today (it doesn't) he's a smart guy who knows what he's talking about and should be listened to. Except he was stupider than a half-bright 12 year old.


Forever Empress E
Sorry - been busy so haven't been able to give this more attention. In the meantime, please search the internet and your oh so excellent sources and find the information where the leadership of the Democratic Party asked its followers to commit insurrection, treason, sedition, murder, and acts of violence on any government office or official., function, purpose, or property.

BLM and Anti-Fa are not Democrat Party associates and should not be considered solely a Democrat issue. Black Lives Matter should matter to everyone and not be related to a political party. I don't know why the Republicans would be pro-fascist either. Also, please advise when the Democrat Party leadership embraced and supported violence committed by those groups? They are not the same as the White Supremacists and Nazi groups embraced, emboldened, and weaponized by Donald Trump and the Republicans.

As Trump's NFTs tanked, I'm wondering who made money on those things who got left with a drained digital currency wallet.