Trump's NFT digital trading cards


Forever Empress E
You can't substantiate even one of those accusations. You know how I know you can't? Because none of those things even happened.

Y'know, when I saw that you had replied to this thread, I asked myself: "I wonder, has she engaged in even a picosecond of introspection? Or will she dig herself even deeper into the role of pro-establishment NPC?"

Naw, I'm lyin', I didn't ask myself that -- because I already knew which you'd do. Pattern recognition; it's a hell of a cognitive skill. Thanks, evolution!

Oh... sorry. You don't accept the validity of evolutionary biology, do you. You should go color your hair with crayons about it, ya crackpot. ;)
I do like that you think you are cogent.


Forever Empress E
Hey, let me lend you a hand: Next week, you can tell us that, 2+ years ago, the "insurrection" (in which U.S. voters almost seized control of the U.S. government -- which isn't in fact an insurrection but, rather, the defeat of an insurrection against U.S. voters) sacrificed virgins to Quaxlcolotlaxolaxolaxolo, the Mayan god of Goat Ears.)

I mean, if you're going to just make shit up, at least be a little bit fucking creative about it, c'mon, now.
Trump's people tried to steal the vote of the majority of the voters. They were and are losers. The Mayan God of Goat Ears rejected the offer of your fake virgins.


Forever Empress E
Indeed. That kind of behavior is only appropriate when Antifa and other liberals do it. :marathon:
Are you assuming that I support violent actions by any person or group of persons?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What bullshit. The right operates on fear, boogeymen and lies.

The only people rioting on January 6th 2021 in the Capitol were Trump supporters. Their only purpose there was to illegally stop the transfer of power from a free and fair election. Those are true statements. There's over a thousand of them in the system as a result and they all say they were Trump supporters.

Not an "antifa" or a BLMer in the bunch.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'll see your "antifa" and raise you

Patriot Front
Proud Boys (who were recently convicted of sedition at the Jan 6th insurrection)
Northwest Front (nothing to see here, just a heavily armed neo nazi organized domestic terrorist group)

Christopher O'Malley
“White man, it is time to come home. Take a look around you into the America that you live in. It’s all about survival now folks. Your skin is your uniform. National Socialists, Christian Identitarians, Asatru, constitutionalists, tax protesters, libertarians, Christian conservatives, home schooler, gun rights activists, klansmen, whatever… We are all white and the homeland is for all of us.” - Christopher O’Malley

“Racism is, in fact, the purest expression of patriotism… The idea that we’re supposed to share this land in some kind of grotesque, squalid, multi-racial Babylon is simply stupid.”"

Doug Morrison. The Turner Diaries.

And Many many more. Want to talk ideology? I'll take antifascism anyday. Neo nazi ideology has no place in America. Not my America anyway.

Free speech isn't hate speech or lies.

The Question

Possibly you're forgetting that we've all seen the gleeful abandon with which you fling racial epithets at CeeJay. Now, I'm the last one who'd pretentiously try to shame you for that, but...

Maybe the guy with chunks of sludgey, gooey feces dripping from his own hands shouldn't be telling anybody else how dirty their hands are.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL I'm not telling anyone anything. If the facts hurt, change the dialogue.

Far right ideology/white supremism is not free speech. If your hands are dirty, wash them.

Mine certainly aren't. I stand by EVERYTHING I say, including about CeeJay.

The right is very organized with their hate. Proud Boys/Oath Keepers (and all the rest) all have chapters in many states. All are connected. All parrot the same sound bites. All are armed to the teeth. All want to subvert democracy.

What's Rose City connected to? Besides fighting organized hate groups in their area I mean.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Possibly you're forgetting that we've all seen the gleeful abandon with which you fling racial epithets at CeeJay. Now, I'm the last one who'd pretentiously try to shame you for that, but...

Maybe the guy with chunks of sludgey, gooey feces dripping from his own hands shouldn't be telling anybody else how dirty their hands are.

You're guilty of the same, if not worse. Now you're being a hypocrite.

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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
See what I mean about lying?

"The people obsessed with @ggreenwald and @mtaibbi cherry picking e-mails for the #TwitterFiles dumps regarding Hunter's laptop are the same people who never cared that the Trump WH spent two years lying about Trump's returns being under mandatory presidential audit," tweeted national security attorney Bradley P. Moss."

The Question

You're guilty of the same, if not worse.
I admitted as much, which is why I made a point of saying I'm not trying to shame you for it. But you shouldn't shame others for it, either, for the very same reason.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Who am I shaming? Proud Boys? White domestic terrorists?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Here's my point; the right likes to lazily smear that somehow Jan 6th didn't happen. That it wasn't an armed insurrection. That somehow antifa and BLM were responsible.

Truth is, Trump lied and lots of people are in jail for it as he continues his lies.

He lost the election. Nothing else happened. There was no conspiracy to do anything but expect the peaceful transfer of power, which never happened.

He's still lying about it. he needs to do some time in jail to quiet his seditious chatter. It isn't helping anything.

Biden certainly isn't the answer. As I've said in the past he's a place holder. "We" didn't vote for him, we voted against Trump.

That's what a democracy does. Or a "constitutional republic" whatever your definition is.

The Question

Who am I shaming? Proud Boys? White domestic terrorists?
People having opinions the system doesn't like is not "domestic terrorism."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
People having opinions the system doesn't like is not "domestic terrorism."

It isn't about opinions. Conspiring to hang Mike Pence isn't an opinion the system doesn't like, it's domestic terrorism. Conspiring to overthrow the government isn't opinions the system doesn't like, that's sedition. Conspiring to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer isn't an opinion, it's domestic terrorism.

Whether you like it or agree with it or not, our election was honest. The people spoke. Just because he's a traitor, a liar and a complete criminal doesn't give him a pass to do and say what he's been doing and saying. He's not anti establishement that the "deep state" fears. He's a fucking criminal. There's nothing unusual or unique about him. He's always been a cheater and a liar.

He'll never get the keys back, I can almost assure you of that.

Want to buy an NFT? I hear they're a good investment.

The Question

Conspiring to overthrow the government
Funny, I thought the usual convenient lie was that the American people are the government. How's the government going to overthrow the government?

The Question

He's not anti establishement that the "deep state" fears. He's a fucking criminal.
Anyone the deep state fears and hates gets labeled a criminal. That doesn't impress me one bit.

The Question


Yeah. I am, to put it mildly, "unmoved" by what the deep state considers, "domestic terrorism."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You're entitled to your opinion, just like I am ;)


Forever Empress E
So, the Trumpist/Republican/BS argument is - 1) It wasn't an insurrection, 2) Okay, it was an insurrection but it was by Antifa and BLM, 3) Okay, it can't be an insurrection because the government is by and for the people and those were people taking control of the government which is by and for the people, 4) if feces was involved then it never happened and you are making this up day by day. The typical "and fourth, I don't even have a dog" argument. Trump and his enablers need to be sentenced to prison. If I tried to murder a police officer I'd be in jail. If I tried to murder an elected official I'd be in jail. The insurrectionists who tried to overturn the will of the majority of the people who did not vote for Donald Trump, who tried to steal mine and the majority of voters votes, those murderous insurrectionists should be in prison and all of the elected officials that enabled that atrocity need to be in prison and never allowed to run for office again. The requirements for POTUS need to be changed to include that criminals are not allowed to run for office. It is disgusting that Trump, who would not be qualified to run for the office of mayor of most US cities would be allowed to run for POTUS.

The Question

Same mentally unhinged blather from you as usual. What's going on with you? Are you stuffing chutney up your butthole recreationally and it's making you lose any kind of grip on reality, or something?