Pish tosh.
Mandi, stop being so down on yourself. L_G is only on your case because she knows TQ is a sensitive issue.
Don't be intimidated by TQ's intellect. Yes, he is extremely smart and well spoken, but he has an 11 year jump on you, girlfriend. Do you think he was that eloquent at 19? Hell no. He's had life experience, and he has also done a ton of reading on topics that interest him. He's had 11 more years to develop his interests. That's not to say you can't catch up to him. I'm just trying to put that gap into perspective.
Though I could give you offline examples, I will utilize an online one so you can have a frame of reference.
I think you will agree that Number_6 is an extremely intelligent person. I am able to go toe to toe with him, in various and sundry debates. Am I as smart as he? I shall never tell...

However, that is irrelevant. I have the
confidence to know I can tackle him, and win. It's all in approaching a subject as if you belong there.
So don't ever think you're not smart enough for
As far as beauty, I've seen your pic. You are a cute girl. What might be holding you back is your perception of the weight issue. I feel confident in addressing this with you because I have the same problem. Again, it's all in how you carry yourself. Strut around like you're a hot chick, exude confidence, and men will be drawn to it. Don't fall into the trap of judging RL reactions by online ones, either. Online guys, especially on the boards we tend to frequent, tend to be immature. Or they feel free to let it all hang out. Or they posture for "the guys". RL guys are not as prevalent to such behavior.
I've noticed you. I notice you more when you're being yourself, and not taking on the persona of an online tart. Have the courage to be real. People here like you just the way you are.
I don't know you well enough to determine what your interests are, so I can't really speak on the talents issue. However, I'm sure you're good at something. Everyone is. Find that something, nurture it, and make it work for you.
Hope that helps.