a complaint concerning the highest reaction score: is it fair?


Love that your reaction score is over minus 3000 now.

Wait til Father's day :bigass:

In your case Father's will be your Great Great Farther's day, 81 year old man.

Schotanus GIF - Schotanus GIFs

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling

Like Press GIF - Like Press Button GIFs

I'm just bringing this subject back to lite.

I had a thread at 'the tk day care center for the feeble minded' which was deleted with 2,000 messages

By: blackfoot NAP
Started: June 7, 2018
Deleted: July 11, 2021
thread still active in secret forum

the I get an asshole making a thread about 'the question' making the 10,000 reaction score.

I have more likes than any member of 'tk' other than the top 2.

I have more likes than 'mentalist', 'eggs mayonnaise', 'cassie', 'loktar', 'volpone', 'the question', 'whiskey', 'dr. dave', 'mirah'.

basically I have more likes than most of the members here.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No you don't.

Then I get an asshole making a thread moaning and bitching about how owned he is about the reaction score function.


The Question

basically I have more likes than most of the members here.
All the likes you ever got, you gave yourself with your duals. I just went through your whole NHL thread and saw it on record, cupcakeer. Synaesthesia would neg one of your posts, and you'd use your own alt to "Like" the post to neutralize the neg.

Well, I just went through and said, Fuck you! and took care of that shit! :bigass:

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
^^the only reason you got 10,000+ reaction score is because of 'vappoopers' duals.^^

before this thread you only had 4,000+ reaction score.

I heard that 'vappooper' next plan is to make 'loktar' the next 10,000 poster. even though he hasn't posted here since december 31, 2022.

With 43,557 messages you peoples can make it happen.

too date: loktar has a 3,252 reaction score. How long will he hit the 10,000 mark. starting now!

The Question

As for your "complaint" regarding the highest reaction score and "is it fair"...

Yes. It is fair. Everybody here fucking hates you. Get that through your head, retard. The only reason you haven't been banned is because you haven't outright crossed any of the rules (with your two remaining accounts) that would bring that down on you, although I would argue that when you post that copypasta shit and then explicitly refuse to actually discuss the topic, that (in my eyes, at least) crosses the "excessive spamming" rule, since you're not even posting shit you intend to have a discussion about.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I heard that 'vappooper' next plan is to make 'loktar' the next 10,000 poster. even though he hasn't posted here since december 31, 2022.

You're fucking high. Lox posts here regularly. Stop making shit up to suit your fucked up world view.

Truth is, one of his posts contributes more to TK than 1000 of your copypasta bullshit. Why do you think you have to boost your rep with your duals?

Dumb cunt.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Even if that's true, it's not because of my own duals -- unlike you, you worthless fucking waste of skin. :sarek:

It isn't true. You get reaction score based on your content. One look in the MF or anywhere else on the board tells the tale.

So does Synaesthesia's bitch.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^^the only reason you got 10,000+ reaction score is because of 'vappoopers' duals.^^
Stick it up your ass and light in on fire, Synaesthesia's little bitch.

She totally fucking owns you.

By the way, your bitching and moaning is sweet. Keep going.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
55 posts 215 views.

Great job me! This thread was dead til TQ started responding and I took it over. You know it's our input that brings the attention. No one even READS your fucking bullshit.

Guess this thread didn't turn out the way you wanted, eh synbitch?

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
let's check on replies and view count on similar threads:

a complaint concerning highest reaction score: is it fair?
by: blackfoot NAP - June 9, 2023
replies: 52
views: 215

the 10,000+ reaction score club at troll kingdom
by: jack - June 2, 2023
replies: 5
views: 39



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Trolling him is way too easy. Still fun though.


The Question

And the stupid, worthless mother fucker acts like it actually means anything when threads he starts get replies -- as if we don't all know that 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time, it's just him posting. The only time anything else happens in one of his threads, it's because one of us hijacks the fucking thing and a conversation breaks out between the authentic posters making fun of his sad gay self.

Pathetic cock stroking retard.
