a complaint concerning the highest reaction score: is it fair?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You Dont Say The Big Lebowski GIF

I never check my reaction score, because it's an empty gimmick.

Definitely important to just one person on this board, so it makes for a fun troll.

The Question

I was the one who decided that reaction score meant something remember, i was once third on the list.
And you thought so highly of it that you cheated by posrepping yourself with a dual. In fact, I've come to suspect that that's the only reason you flood the board with copypasta, so that you have post after post to "like" with your dual, just to puff up some illusion that you're liked.

But we know it's a sham, and that's why we're tearing it down -- so that, in the infinitesimally thin sliver of a probability that new people join here, they'll know it's a sham, too. Shouldn't have tried to lie, shit hat.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
so that, in the infinitesimally thin sliver of a probability that new people join here,

As long as Blackfoot nap is given free reign, that will never happen..............

Who wants to post with a lying, dishonest and disingenouous spammer?

No one I know. All the other posters left a long time ago. Still the core group is fun to post with, and excluding Blackfoot is an enjoyable hobby.

I was going to retire from TK but the cupcakeer is SO obnoxious I'm just sticklng around.

The Question

As long as Blackfoot nap is given free reign,
<puts on Pedant hat> It's 'rein'. The expression "free rein" comes from the idea of giving a horse slackness in the reins as you're riding it to give it a little more autonomy. <takes off Pedant hat>


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

What is the meaning of free reign?

As a noun, it can refer to the period when a monarch rules or royal authority more generally. By definition, a monarch already has a free reign because he or she is the ruler, the supreme authority in his or her kingdom.Jul 7, 2021

Eggs treats him like a king, while the rest of us get told to "keep this shit in speak freely"


I was going to retire from TK but the cupcakeer is SO obnoxious I'm just sticklng around.

^^HAAAAAAAAAAAA^^... (1.)You can't quite ME Vennoker... (2.) I'm the reason why you hang on to Troll Kingdom.<<<You better hope and pray that you retire from Troll Kingdom before you take that dirt NAP with the worms, which will not be long, you pathetic 80+ year-old man child (What?...1-year,2-years tops?.)<<<Trust me! In your death, will be MY victory when I officially make a speech or piece of writing that praises someone who has just died/kicked the bucket/no longer with us here at Troll Kingdom who will never-ever-never be able to return.<<<< HAAAAAAAAA!.

The Question

Your behavior will ensure that your enemies will outlive you. Because you just keep making more and more of them.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^^.................blah blah blah.
:bigass: Dance some more for me, you stupid black bastard.

Glad that one got under your skin :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Anyway, I really was going to retire, until asshole breath started to act out again.

Now I'm doubling down. Just to spite you.

You could've had TK all to yourself, but not anymore.

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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
As long as Blackfoot nap is given free reign, that will never happen..............

Who wants to post with a lying, dishonest and disingenouous spammer?

No one I know. All the other posters left a long time ago. Still the core group is fun to post with, and excluding Blackfoot is an enjoyable hobby.

I was going to retire from TK but the cupcakeer is SO obnoxious I'm just sticklng around.


^^HAAAAAAAAAAAA^^... (1.)You can't quite ME Vennoker... (2.) I'm the reason why you hang on to Troll Kingdom.<<<You better hope and pray that you retire from Troll Kingdom before you take that dirt NAP with the worms, which will not be long, you pathetic 80+ year-old man child (What?...1-year,2-years tops?.)<<<Trust me! In your death, will be MY victory when I officially make a speech or piece of writing that praises someone who has just died/kicked the bucket/no longer with us here at Troll Kingdom who will never-ever-never be able to return.<<<< HAAAAAAAAA!.

Your behavior will ensure that your enemies will outlive you. Because you just keep making more and more of them

How will I ever live having enemies at Troll Kingdom, Oh the fucking HORROR...Are you serious?...You and I have been going back-and-fourth for 20+ years, Did you lose any sleep over this matter? I didn't ignorant one.

And Another Thang, The Question

You answered my response to Venooker before that old fart a chance, check the time stamp...Nice jackdancing open hole


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How will I ever live having enemies at Troll Kingdom, Oh the fucking HORROR...Are you serious?...You and I have been going back-and-fourth for 20+ years, Did you lose any sleep over this matter? I didn't ignorant one.

And Another Thang, The Question

You answered my response to Venooker before that old fart a chance, check the time stamp...Nice jackdancing open hole

You mad bro?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
As long as Blackfoot nap is given free reign, that will never happen..............

Who wants to post with a lying, dishonest and disingenouous spammer?

No one I know. All the other posters left a long time ago. Still the core group is fun to post with, and excluding Blackfoot is an enjoyable hobby.

I was going to retire from TK but the cupcakeer is SO obnoxious I'm just sticklng around.


Anyway, I really was going to retire, until asshole breath started to act out again.

Now I'm doubling down. Just to spite you.

You could've had TK all to yourself, but not anymore.


So what are really stating is, your are aboit to DIE and you're such a grumpy asshole that you are going to spend the rest of your short life trying to compete with Me at Troll Kingdom?...Its a known fact that several members of your family members WERE sharing your account until you finally past THE DORK LORD'S most message scores...Your only here because of ME and hoping to past GAGH'S (No. 1) score....which will never happen dipshit, you'll never catch CaptainWacky (No. 2) :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So what are really stating is, your are aboit to DIE and you're such a grumpy asshole that you are going to spend the rest of your short life trying to compete with Me at Troll Kingdom?...Its a known fact that several members of your family members WERE sharing your account until you finally past THE DORK LORD'S most message scores...Your only here because of ME and hoping to past GAGH'S (No. 1) score....which will never happen dipshit, you'll never catch CaptainWacky (No. 2) :bigass:

You mad bro? Nice meltdown we're witnessing.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Anyway, I really was going to retire, until asshole breath started to act out again.

Now I'm doubling down. Just to spite you.

You could've had TK all to yourself, but not anymore.


The Question

How will I ever live having enemies at Troll Kingdom, Oh the fucking HORROR...Are you serious?...You and I have been going back-and-fourth for 20+ years, Did you lose any sleep over this matter? I didn't ignorant one.

And Another Thang, The Question

You answered my response to Venooker before that old fart a chance, check the time stamp...Nice jackdancing open hole
Shut up, pathological lyin' fagsack.

"And Another Thang"

"blackfoot NAP" started this thread to bitch. You're still bitching as "C-40."

Pretend they're not duals some more, ya retarded shit hat.
Idiot You Lose GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The best part is him running around his slum apartment smashing things while he's melting down, then he'll log back in and say something even more ridiculous.

and another thang

How long can a 62 year old man expect to live?

Life Expectancy Tables
AgeLife Expectancy-MaleLife Expectancy-Female


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Consider life expectancy by race (Black:White inequities) and gender from 1900 to 2011. Although it has improved for all race/ethnicity and gender groups for the past 111 years, Black men continue to have substantially lower life expectancy at birth than Black women and White women and men (Figure 1a).1 In 1900, the estimated life expectancy for White men was 46.6 years; for non-White men it was 43.5 years; for White women it was 48.7 years, and for non-White women it was 33.5 years. By 2011, the life expectancy for White men was 76.6 years; for Black men it was 72.2 years; for White women it was 81.1 years; and for Black women it was 78.2 years. For both genders, the relative difference in life expectancy declined from a high of 34% in 1900 to a low of 4% in 2011 (Figure 1b). Relative differences in life expectancy declined at a steady rate until 1960, then plateauing for males and females until 1990. The plateau in relative ratios for men probably reflects an increase in mortality from homicide and HIV for young to middle-aged Black men. After 1990, the relative differences declined steadily for both men and women, reflecting annual increases in life expectancy (Figure 1b).

You're probably going to die first cupcakeer. Hopefully from sickle cell anemia or a bullet to the face.

Or perhaps you'll take a bump from your dealer and forget to pay
