Over at Dweebcast, they've been talking to producer Adi Shankar, who was one of the driving forces behind the much-loved Dredd movie. A week or two back, Dredd star Karl Urban revealed that there may be some behind the scenes progress happening on the project, but Shankar has injected a note of caution.
"I'm going to tread lightly here", he said. "I feel like Karl made a small statement and it got blown way out of proportion by news sites. Yeah, there are conversations going on", but crucially, "there's no fucking script".
Shankar says he's "leading the charge" for a new Dredd film, but has explained the difficulties he's up against. "The movie, it wasn't a studio movie, it was an independent movie. That changes the dynamic immensely, because every country has a different distributor who bought the movie, Every one of those distributors has to sign off".
So can we expect to see Dredd 2 anytime soon? "Big question mark. Dredd has built an audience over time", Shankar said, adding that "I'm a fan... I'm not like a douchebag in a suit who thought they could make a lot of money doing this. If anything, the movie business is in a state of decline, not an upswing".
Still a long shot, it seems, but as Shankar then notes, "The Mega City One universe, the 2000AD universe, it's so rich and so deep. Yes. I would obviously love to see a Dredd 2, or a Dredd TV series. There are so many avenues to go with this". Here's hoping he gets to explore them.
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