Another Troll Kingdom member banned and created his own board.


Guilded - The Signal
Click Here For Complete Story
By: The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint

I see Venooker alraedy has 2 accounts...So that means The Question has at least 4...So they have 6 out of the 11 members...Darth Autismus (Moderator/Creative/Legendary Troll) and Frank A Silva (Moderators/Creative)<<<What are the chance that they are The Question's socks?...Another board that mentions ME without me being a member...I'm that damn LEGENDARY

And Another Thing

Except 100 Drummer's invite to join The Signal

^^Are you fucking kidding me^^
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Troll Kingdom Is Dead; Long Live Troll Kingdom!

Well, what is there to say, really? A place is built on a theme; when it strays away from that theme, there are really very few remedies: On the one hand, you rebrand and repurpose. When a thing evolves, it's only fair play that it assume its new identity fully and honestly. Or, the hands on the helm bring it back onto its original course. Or... you dissolve said thing, then build something new that better reflects the new course. If you don't do any of those things, well, you get rebellions -- if you're lucky. People who care enough to throw a fit. On balance, though, what you get is... abandoned. And, for the most part, that's what TK (the other one) is experiencing. (This version can't be abandoned, of course -- you can't lose a population you haven't got, lol) So, here's the new Troll Kingdom. Made in the image of the other, but retaining the spirit of old. Yes, I've given it all the amenities this medium supports (wish I could add an Arcade; maybe Guilded will have that feature someday.) but what this group is, in essence, is a memorial, for the moment. If it draws enough traffic, maybe it'll evolve into a reboot, of sorts. We'll see.

By: The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint -23 days ago

Fuck tard been banned that long ago?, it seems like yesterday.


beer, I want beer
Stop banning the 3 members this place has left.


You're looking at the worst offender above you. He was responsible for getting 20+ members banned. It's his schtick.


Conchaga, Sarek, Dork Pickle, Bickedan, Dirk Funk, Kevin P/Yahooee, Gagh, Laker Girl, The Highwayman (but it aint my doing, Venooker done dat), The Saint, Seph: (was banned here and at ASVS, it was his doing, not mine) Brickvader, The Highwayman, Hunter/Bitchslapsmitty,..In other words synaesthesia you fucking sock, you don't know shit, but taking orders frpm your MAIN shared account by 4 members.<<<I know who they are, bitch mofo...
^^Most of those mothafuckers still have accounts at Troll Kingdom^^


Well-Known Member
^^You're Venooke^^, you'll cut me off...I'm loving it!<<<My word is bond...Still got you posting 24/7. :bigass:

You're tears are lovely. Since Jack cut you off you've gotten quite bitchy. Guess it's tough without your Jack fix LOL

Those tears taste so sweet, and I've been making you dance for the last 8 hours.

A good day all in all.

I'm LOVING it!!


Well-Known Member
Not only have I had you switching accounts every 5 minutes since 11 am this morning, I have you repeating your posts.

I see I hit the nail on the head about jack. He quit you/cut you off/doesn't respond to any of your posts and you've LOST it :bigass:

Nice tears Wilson. They sure taste yummy.

Keep 'em flowing.


A note to The Question...I wanna join your board, but only at your request...Make a post at Guilded - The Signal to give me a yes or no...I'm not going too except Venooker's sock (100 drummer) to join<<<How in tha fuck did y'all think this was a good ideal?...I knew Venooker had something to do with FAKING your banning...I see Venooker (TK's jack), Oerdin and thecoingirl have the same avatar<<What up wit dat?...Hey John, your board has a snow job written all over it., just like Venooker's The Kingdom was...Are you charging your members to become MODERATORS?...To be honest John, your board is hard to navigate/to direct the way that a vehicle, esp. a ship or aircraft will travel, or to find a direction across, along, or over an area of water or land.



[size-4]Mission Statement​

So, if you're here, welcome. Wordforge is intended as a hub for collaboration as well as mutual encouragement and critique of written works. Just a few rules; while these are basic and logical, who knows what the future holds for this group and who might join in the coming years. So just a few basics:

  1. Stay on topic.
  2. Keep criticism constructive.
  3. Just like Vegas, what happens in this group stays in this group.
That's pretty much it.

^^By: The Qustion at Guilded^^

^^You're one pathetic mothafucka^^...All you did at TrollKingdom was post the most racist shit, second behiind Venooker...How the fuck are you going to demand your members to stay on topic...You did the sme racist shit at WORDFORDE, that's why you got your FAT ASS got banned from there...Aint no way you're going to create a FORUM and expect anyone to follow your rules DIPSHIT<<<You must be on DRUGS or DOG FOOD, you bat crazy maroon...Why do you and Venooker think you running a forum is going to work?...Hey John! Why did the 100 Drummer decided to join your FORUM?<<<Is it because Venooker's Troll Kingdoms Radio forum didn't work out at Troll Kingdom<<<Because of steve samurai jack.


C'mon Jonnie...Eeven though your booty butt boy Venooker got your buttocks stuck in a bunch, you know damn well no one at Troll Kingdom or Wordforge is going to join your idiot ass forum...I mean! Let me fuck it up...At least ASVS, Spinn-Flippery, Spack Forum and TrollVhalla gave ME a chance to give me a SPORTS forum...i mean their Forums was famous until they weren't...Your forum suck ass..Like you do when you decided to slap nuts wit Venooker.<<<Bad choice on your part John...Good thang you finally decided to leave, maybay you'll go down as the greatest troll to ever grace TK.<<BUT, you'll have to give my main MORBO/NEIL some credit for dat<<HOLLA BLACK mothafucka.


Well-Known Member
I love how he mentions Jack in every post. Must be tough when your man-crush cuts you off. I got a cup for those tears though. I know how sweet they taste.


The pain of rejection seems staggering, huh cupcake? He's just not that into you after all.

Oh btw, John says "NO" as in ""go fuck yourself" as far as you and any interaction you may want to have with his board. It ain't happening.



Well-Known Member
The pain of rejection seems staggering, huh cupcake? He's just not that into you after all.

Oh btw, John says "NO" as in ""go fuck yourself" as far as you and any interaction you may want to have with his board. It ain't happening.
