Badlands Citizenship and Spamstitution

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The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Try as I might, I can't bring myself to give a shit about Tiger Woods.

People cheat on their spouses all the time!


Pinata Whacker
Try as I might, I can't bring myself to give a shit about Tiger Woods.

People cheat on their spouses all the time!

Obama to invite Tiger Woods, his wife and the mistresses to the White House for a beer to work things out?


Retired Account
and im your fathers father


Shouldn't this thread be unstickied now or are we going to leave it here as a testament to not letting Dual talk the Badlands into doing stupid shit again?


moral imperfection

As per my decree, the Spamstitution is dead.

(Oh, how I love dictatorship, especially when I'm the one in charge)

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I also have a say, my dear. However, I agree. It's served it's purpose and it's time to find a new mechanism for lulz.BFrom this point on, the Badlands is a vassal kingdom ruled by Master Funk and Mistress Ilyanna under authority of His Majesty, Mentalist I.
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