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BG Blood & Chrome a go

I left the chat early to watch Blood and Chrome on TV last night. I barely made it through the first hour. The lens flares were much more annoying on the TV, IMO! Then when they crashed on that planet and I knew the ice weasels were coming up I just changed the channel.
Hmmm...I watched it online. I have the DVR set to record it tonight because it supposedly has extra scenes/footage. I wonder if its worth watching after all.
Did you notice any changes before you switched off, Cassie?

Maybe it would have turned out the space snake had been replaced with a cute space puppy?
I wonder if this was also on the UK sci fi channel?

If so I missed it.

The space snake is all I got up to online too.
I did notice some things that weren't in the web series. In the beginning Adama was in a flight simulator,where he got the top score just like CAPTAIN KIRK. I'm pretty sure that was new. They still dropped wrenches when someone said asshole or shit! lol I think there was some stuff about cylons that wasn't in the web version, too.
It's worth watching all the way through. The snake was the lowest point, really. Other than that it was on about the same level as previous webisodes.
I liked the webisodes, I probably would have liked it on the TV if I hadn't seen it already.
I still don't know if I really understood the ending where the Commander revealed that they knew the woman was a traitor all along but they let Adama go on the mission with her just for a laugh or something?
They knew she was delivering the location of the hidden Colonial fleet (in the nebula) to the Cylons, so rather than just stopping her, they let her deliver the info. That way they knew the Cylons would be dropping into the nebula, so could ambush them, and knew that those same Cylon forces wouldn't be guarding their usual bases and wotnot, so the Colonials could attack those as well.
Oh. But did they know about the whole other thing she was doing that Adama stopped her from doing? What if Adama hadn't stopped her from doing whatever that was that I can't remember?
I don't think he stopped her at all, did he? He tried to, but the info had all gone through. Then she got killed by the Cylon prototype I think.
So basically Adama was completely useless and the story would have played out the same even if he hadn't been in it?

I could answer these questions by rewatching it but I'm not going to do that...
No, because he was needed to escort her to the Cylon communications thingy... BUT also had to be too stupid to realise that the woman was a traitor.

Maybe they expected to get a lesser actor who no one would miss when he got killed off, but they were lucky enough to be blessed with Stanton Parish. Shame his character was such a cliche cabin fever type crazy.
Yeah, it's not exactly inspired, is it? I'd rather they had just used an existing starbase design. That one doesn't even look very functional. What good are those hoop things, other than reminding people of DS9's pylons? They don't look as though they could be docked at.

You can almost imagine the meeting.

1st guy: So yeah, we need to make a new DS9, so you know those docking pylons?
2nd guy: Yeah
1st guy: We'll give it four instead of three.
2nd guy: Whoah!
1st guy: And, and we'll make them all meet at the top and bottom!
2nd guy: Dude!
1st guy: And that fine, intricately detailed ring that went around the whole thing..
2nd guy: Yeah?
1st guy: We'll make that really thick and generic looking.
2nd guy: Mind blown!
3rd guy: Where exactly are the ships supposed to dock?
1st guy: We'll just add a massive hanger with only one exit with no doors that can close, and right next to the bit where all the people live, that sounds safe!
2nd guy: I love it!
3rd guy: Fuck this, I'm out.