Troll Kingdom

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Blackfoot's Minstrel Show

No. My book doesn't speak of Cain being black. Do you believe whites are the true caveman?
Oooh - touchy, touchy. But we're talking about blacks at the moment. Cain was given a mark and blacks were thought to be his descendants. This was a justification for slavery.

And how dare you refer to the Bible as "my book." I don't think you are as pious as you claim. But I'm glad you admit Cain was white, like Adam, Eve, and God all are.
I don't think you are as pious as you claim. But I'm glad you admit Cain was white, like Adam, Eve, and God all are.

I never admitted Cain, Adam or Eve as being white, nor do I claim Cain, Adam or Eve as being black. There's no proof or pure facts to prove either. Its the whites who tried to make evreyone believe that this was true. GOD. White or black, does it matter?

Pray to GOD if you want those answers.
I never admitted Cain, Adam or Eve as being white, nor do I claim Cain, Adam or Eve as being black. There's no proof or pure facts to prove either. Its the whites who tried to make evreyone believe that this was true. GOD. White or black, does it matter?

Pray to GOD if you want those answers.

btw only charles refers to proof or pure facts.

Weeeeeeee! I like the way you squeal like a pig in every post made by New Age Posters.

Get on your knees and pray to JESUS for help. Sunshine on cloudy day.......

Um, I hate to break this to you, but if anyone is "squealing", you quote and respond to each and every one of my posts.

Little piggy :bigass:
You just did, yet again.

I love how pwned you really are, Charles. It's more than fun. Hey at least you don't bark at the moon at Commie anymore. They care less than we do :bigass:
Oooh - touchy, touchy. But we're talking about blacks at the moment. Cain was given a mark and blacks were thought to be his descendants. This was a justification for slavery.

And how dare you refer to the Bible as "my book." I don't think you are as pious as you claim. But I'm glad you admit Cain was white, like Adam, Eve, and God all are.

Clearly God is white. He said 'I AM that I AM' not 'I IS dat I IS'
In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship.

So you basically wanted to post a sentence? This is its own thread, why?

I will move this well-wishing to the Tea Room. If someone else thinks it's not appropriate for the Tea Room, they may move it to the Badlands. If the Badlands feel it is not appropriate, they may move it to DC. Everything is appropriate there.

So, here I move this thread to the Tea Room.

On to the Starguard threads.
btw only charles refers to proof or pure facts.


When are people like yourself going to get it through your thick skulls? It is a fucking THEORY that we all came from Africa. Not a fucking fact. It has never been proven that we originated in Africa. Read up on Pangea, you moron. I do not believe for a minor second that I have even the slightest hint of NIGGER within my body. There is no way I have INFERIOR bred right into my genes. No one has successfully explained how, if we did come from NIGGERS, then why is it we look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT? Fucking morons.

This isn't good, but what's the deal?

Does TrollKingdom have trademark rights to Jack, Dirk Funk or any other user on this board.

I registered here at TrollKindom before before registering at Blackfoot's Hyperboard. Does Trollkingdom own my rights?


Are the whiners just whinning because Blackfoot is involved?