Vuhlkansu Wihs
Laker_Girl said:Liberals and democrats have taken it upon themselves to make all other decisions for society, this is the only one we Repulicans have.
Yep. Fantastic legacy the Republicans want to leave.

Laker_Girl said:Liberals and democrats have taken it upon themselves to make all other decisions for society, this is the only one we Repulicans have.
Messenger said:I prefer leftists and right-wingers to people with heads up their asses who actually identify with the political parties, rather than the ideologies.
Sarek said:Yep. Fantastic legacy the Republicans want to leave.
Blindgroping said:We don't have to wish what has already happened.
That's great!Big Dick McGee said:See, unlike the whores who A) can't stop spreading their legs for every cheese dick that comes along, and B) can't be bothered to use contraception even though it's free, our first pregnancy was planned, as is our second.
Consequences as punishing the child to living up in poverty? Which, most of the time, ends up happening, and they rarely break the cycle.Perhaps if there were some actual consequences associated with unwanted pregnancy, people would, oh, I don't know, actually think before engaging in risky behavior.
I am all for people engaging in safe sex, or even no sex. But I doubt making abortion illiegal will stop people from getting the procedure done or making better decisions. Especially since most of folks that this effects the most have grown up with legal abortion as an option.Nah, what am I sayin'? People can't control themselves, not their fault, we should have hot and cold running abortions on demand!
Lou The Beagle said:That's great!
Consequences as punishing the child to living up in poverty? Which, most of the time, ends up happening, and they rarely break the cycle.
I am all for people engaging in safe sex, or even no sex. But I doubt making abortion illiegal will stop people from getting the procedure done or making better decisions. Especially since most of folks that this effects the most have grown up with legal abortion as an option.
Speaking for myself, though, I don't intend to "slip up" and "Take risks" with someone I'm not at least engaged to.
jack said:Don't argue with BDM about abortion, he thinks of women as objects. Sex is for procreation only otherwise TEACH THAT FUCKING NIGGER WELFARE WHORE A LESSON.
Did you know that only niggers use abortion for contraceptive purposes? NIGGER WHORES.
Right BDM?
Lou The Beagle said:Consequences as punishing the child to living up in poverty?
Adults choose to be broke. There are some who lose almost everything due to illness or some job-related loss or whatever, but for the most part, we as adults can make our own choices.The Question said:There are millions of adults being punished with poverty. Should we carry our compassion just that few extra steps and euthanize them?
Garbage.Lou The Beagle said:Adults choose to be broke.
April 7, 2006
Bush, GOP Approval Ratings Find New Lows
Filed at 10:13 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's approval ratings hit a series of new lows in an AP-Ipsos poll that also shows Republicans surrendering their advantage on national security -- grim election-year news for a party struggling to stay in power.
Democratic leaders predicted they will seize control of one or both chambers of Congress in November. Republicans said they feared the worst unless the political landscape quickly changes.
Just 36 percent of the public approves of Bush's job performance, his lowest-ever rating in AP-Ipsos polling. By contrast, the president's job approval rating was 47 percent among likely voters just before Election Day 2004 and a whopping 64 percent among registered voters in October 2002.
By comparison, Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan had public approval in the mid 60s at this stage of their second terms in office, while Dwight Eisenhower was close to 60 percent, according to Gallup polls. Richard Nixon, who was increasingly tangled up in the Watergate scandal, was in the high 20s in early 1974.
As bad as Bush's numbers may be, Congress' are worse.
Just 30 percent of the public approves of the GOP-led Congress' job performance, and Republicans seem to be shouldering the blame.
''These numbers are scary. We've lost every advantage we've ever had,'' GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio said. ''The good news is Democrats don't have much of a plan. The bad news is they may not need one.''
There is more at stake than the careers of GOP lawmakers. A Democratic-led Congress could bury the last vestiges of Bush's legislative agenda and subject the administration to high-profile investigations of the Iraq war, the CIA leak case, warrantless eavesdropping and other matters.
In the past two congressional elections, Republicans gained seats on the strength of Bush's popularity and a perception among voters that the GOP was stronger on national security than Democrats.
Those advantages are gone, according to a survey of 1,003 adults conducted this week for The Associated Press by Ipsos, an international polling firm.
-- Only 40 percent of the public approves of Bush's performance on foreign policy and the war on terror, another low-water mark for his presidency. That's down 9 points from a year ago. Just before the 2002 election, 64 percent of registered voters backed Bush on terror and foreign policy.
-- Just 35 percent of the public approves of Bush's handling of Iraq, his lowest in AP-Ipsos polling.
''He's in over his head,'' said Diane Heller, 65, a Pleasant Valley, N.Y., real estate broker and independent voter.
By a 49-33 margin, the public favors Democrats over Republicans when asked which party should control Congress.
That 16-point Democratic advantage is the largest the party has enjoyed in AP-Ipsos polling.
On an issue the GOP has dominated for decades, Republicans are now locked in a tie with Democrats -- 41 percent each -- on the question of which party people trust to protect the country. Democrats made their biggest national security gains among young men, according to the AP-Ipsos poll, which had a 3 percentage point margin of error.
The public gives Democrats a slight edge on what party would best handle Iraq, a reversal from Election Day 2004.
''We're in an exceptionally challenging electoral environment,'' said Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, a former GOP strategist. ''We start off on a battlefield today that is tilted in their direction, and that's when you have to use the advantages you have.''
Those include the presidential ''bully pulpit'' and the ''structural, tactical advantages'' built into the system, Cole said.
One of those advantages is a political map that is gerrymandered to put House incumbents in relatively safe districts, meaning Democrats have relatively few opportunities to pick up the 15 seats they need to gain control.
In the Senate, the Democrats need to pick up six seats.
''I think we will win the Congress,'' Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean said, breaking the unwritten rule against raising expectations.
''Everything is moving in our direction. If it keeps moving in our direction, it's very reasonable to say there will be a Democratic Senate and House,'' said Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Strategists in both parties say it would take an extraordinary set of circumstances for Democrats to seize control of Congress.
First, the elections would need to be nationalized. Democrats hope to do that with a burgeoning ethics scandal focused on relationships between GOP lobbyists and lawmakers.
Secondly, the public would need to be in a throw-the-bums-out mood. It's unclear whether that is the case, but 69 percent of Americans believes the nation is headed in the wrong direction -- the largest percentage during the Bush presidency and up 13 points from a year ago.
Third, staunch GOP voters would need to stay home. Nobody can predict whether that will happen, but a growing number of Republicans disagree with their leaders in Washington about immigration, federal spending and other issues.
Bush's approval rating is down 12 points among Republicans since a year ago. Six-in-10 Republicans said they disapproved of the GOP-led Congress.
''I'd just as soon they shut (Congress) down for a few years,'' said Robert Hirsch, 72, a Republican-leaning voter in Chicago. ''All they do is keep passing laws and figuring out ways to spend our money.''
Trevor Tompson, manager of news surveys for The Associated Press, and AP writer Will Lester contributed to this report.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's approval rating fell to 32 percent, a new low for his presidency, a CNN poll showed on Monday.
The survey showed that 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job.
Bush's poll numbers have languished below 40 percent in recent months, hit by growing public opposition to the Iraq war, his administration's mishandling of the initial response to Hurricane Katrina and political missteps plus rising gas prices.