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Can anyone save the Democratic Party?

The fact that the Dems can't stage a viable fight against McCain are not so much "Classic" as it is highly worrying.

The post Sarek made is in the "most" part the result of neocon criminality and gross incompetence.

I am a social Libertarian, and a a fiscal conservative.
I would say that pretty closely represents me as well. I fail to see how the priorities of the GOP in not so recent years has really paralleled that though.

The war is on course to cost the American taxpayer over a TRILLION dollars. That's 12 zeros.

The government is more bloated than ever and individual freedoms have never been more "regulated" by the state.

Maybe the cradle-to-the-grave mentality of Dems in out of touch with what I believe in but at least you get some bang for your buck that doesn't require high explosives. What have the American people gained from the war? Nothing but death, Economic disaster and international disgrace. Hell, I'm English, I can't say shit either.

McCain is going to take America further and further into oblivion. America and it's political outlook needs to be revamped from the ground up. Obama may be a proponent for change and hope in sound bite form only but he's the best chance at turning things around in my mind. He may not be perfect but he's a damn sight better than the alternative.
Your premise is based on the idea that the Republicans themselves find McCain "viable". The evangelical base hates him, and half the party could just decide to stay home on Election Day.

Dem turnout in primaries is outnumbering GOPers by a 2x1 margin. The Repubs realize that W finally killed what little spark was left of the Reagan Revolution, and that they are flying blind now. Even conservative pundits are conceding that Congress is going Dem this November. That's almost more important than who is President in my book. If McCain wins, he might as well change his name to Overriden Veto.

Bush is imploding and doesn't see it. His endorsement means squat for McCain. And McCain will still have several explosive moments for the media to exploit during his campaign.

This thing is sooooo not over. The Dem convention isn't until August. That's 2-3 more months of media-grabbing attention before the eventual winner and call for unity against the GOP. Whoever wins, the Dems will be charged for the next fight. The elephants are just getting more and more demoralized as the Bush fatigue and the McCain buyer's remorse sets in.

Viable is in the eye of the beholder. And the beholders are gonna surprise you...
I am half way conservative but dont see McCain winning anything. A true conservative would never blow trillions on Iraq.

The American people of both parties are sick of pissing our future away over Iraq.

We need secure borders and to take care of our own back yard.
McCain can try and connect himself with the grass roots of the Republican party all he wants but yes, it's true that he is far from a "viable" candidate for them either.

My point is this:

He is a terrible choice for America. I work in Internet Marketing now and so I'm paid in USD that is in turn converted to the EUR. The dollar is pitiful. We are in a full blown recession whatever anyone else says. I'm not sure that America or the world for that matter can take much more downturn.

The disparity in the GBP, EUR and USD is vast now and is not going to improve any time soon.

You think McCain will get through his presidency without going to war with Iran? --That's debatable but even leaving that aside domestically pretty much everything is imploding. A Democratic Congress vetoing McCain constantly and the executive and legislative branch being at each others throats is NOT what anyone needs.

I personally hope very much that Obama makes it to the White House. I just think that right now the Dems are only hurting themselves. Nothing new there then.
Oh, and Nader is running again. And there's always the chance that a bloodthirsty Christian conservative could run as an independent as well.

The biggest thing that will come out of this election is that, if a non-Democrat wins, it will probably do nothing but diminish the power of the Executive branch. Bush artificially inflated it with the Patriot Act and his foreign policy, but the next guy will not be Bush, nor will he have Karl Rove in his ear.
I personally hope very much that Obama makes it to the White House. I just think that right now the Dems are only hurting themselves. Nothing new there then.
That's media spin, hard at work. In olden days, this would have been hailed as "the Democratic process at work". There are supposed to be vigorous debates and brokering and name-calling. Then everyone kisses and makes up at the convention, where the party platform is ratified. This is how it's supposed to be.

But in this fear-riddled, attention-deficient, fascist, "OMG WHO IS LEADING US OUT OF THE DARK" environment that Bush has fostered, the media is just accustomed to helping to spread the fear by confusing the electoral process with widespread panic. OMG PEOPLE DISAGREE, HOW WILL WE WIN THE WAR IN WHEREVER IT IS?

America is fucked because it is suffering from post-rape trauma. It may take years for it to set itself right again.

In the meantime, let's kill all the pundits. And the lawyers, so they don't feel left out.
That dog won't hunt, my dear. What am I if I call myself an Irish-American?

We all come from somewhere. There's only one kind of Native American. And it's not Obama, it's not me, and (I assume) it's not you.

That dog won't bite, my dear. What am I if I call myself an Irish-American?

We all come from somewhere. There's only one kind of Native American. And it's not Obama, it's not me, and (I assume) it's not you.


Actually, darling, that is the point. There is only one kind of American - those born here. If they weren't born here, then they aren't qualified to be President of this United States of America. This is America - not Africa-America.

I heard black people on a news radio talk show the other morning threatening to riot if Obama doesn't win. Considering how black people have behaved in the recent past, I have no doubt they would do that. Still, I will not be bullied into having Obama as President. He is of the baby-killing mindset, incites rioters and he is non-American.
Hawaii isn't part of America? That's news to me. What about Panama? I don't think that's part of America is it?

ere. If they weren't born here, then they aren't qualified to be President of this United States of America.
By your own admission McCain cannot and should not be PotS. Obama can though.

I heard black people on a news radio talk show the other morning threatening to riot if Obama doesn't win. Considering how black people have behaved in the recent past, I have no doubt they would do that.
All black people? There are a lot of them I've heard. I've also heard that they don't possess a hive mind and actually have separate opinions on nearly everything! Including who should be the next President.

Still, I will not be bullied into having Obama as President. He is of the baby-killing mindset, incites rioters and he is non-American.

Amazing how they fit all the millions of black citizens into that little radio booth for that interview.

We'd better look into this!
Hawaii isn't part of America? That's news to me. What about Panama? I don't think that's part of America is it?

By your own admission McCain cannot and should not be PotS. Obama can though.

All black people? There are a lot of them I've heard. I've also heard that they don't possess a hive mind and actually have separate opinions on nearly everything! Including who should be the next President.


Is Hawaii or Panama Africa-America?

You are obviously not experienced with the en masse violence perpetuated by black people in America, rioting in the streets, burning everything, killing and injuring white people.

Uh - yes,
Democrats advocate the murder of unborn children for any cause. If they don't get their way on that matter, innocent men will go to prison because some girl will cry rape so she can get an abortion or she will employ a back alley abortionist with a coathanger. There is no practicing celibacy, using birth control, jailing/killing the rapist, or any other reasonable method advocated - just baby killing.
You are obviously not experienced with the en masse violence perpetuated by black people in America, rioting in the streets, burning everything, killing and injuring white people.
I'm also familiar with this very kind of rhetoric spouted by fearlful, ignorant white Americans as an excuse to thwart the advancement of minorities on their own merit. Can't keep 'em in the cotton fields no more, so we better circle the wagons!

Democrats advocate the murder of unborn children for any cause. If they don't get their way on that matter, innocent men will go to prison because some girl will cry rape so she can get an abortion or she will employ a back alley abortionist with a coathanger. There is no practicing celibacy, using birth control, jailing/killing the rapist, or any other reasonable method advocated - just baby killing.
I have no fear of another fuel crisis, as long as dinosaurs who still spout this will one day turn into fossil fuel. ;)
Is Hawaii or Panama Africa-America?
Excuse me? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

You were colonized by my country among others in Europe. The motherland of England.
You have a very brief history in the Americas. You are not in a position to say that people from Africa who have settled in America are not American. Don't worry, we will tell you when you can lay claim to true nationality roots. Ultimately you've had some bad experiences with black people and it has made you into a racist. That's unfortunate. Once racism ensues then logical discourse is out of the window. I happen to know you're not stupid so you can't get away with really believing that all black people are the same so that leaves racism which is pretty stupid in of itself really.

White people are pretty good at killing and injuring people themselves by the way. We're fucking great at it as it happens. Blanket statements on the ground of race are really weak.

Democrats advocate the murder of unborn children for any cause. If they don't get their way on that matter, innocent men will go to prison because some girl will cry rape so she can get an abortion or she will employ a back alley abortionist with a coathanger. There is no practicing celibacy, using birth control, jailing/killing the rapist, or any other reasonable method advocated - just baby killing.
Abortion? Really? I suppose you are for Capital Punishment though?

“Too many people in America believe that if you are pro-choice that means pro-abortion. It doesn't. I don't want abortion. Abortion should be the rarest thing in the world. I am actually personally opposed to abortion. But I don't believe that I have a right to take what is an article of faith to me and legislate it to other people. That's not how it works in America.

--Mother Teresa

The state [of Hawaii] was admitted to the Union on August 21, 1959, making it the 50th state.
Barack Obama
Date of Birth
4 August 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Unlike McCain, Obama didn't need a special waiver from Congress in order to be considered an American-born citizen.
p.s. We're probably two generations, maybe less, away from whites being a minority in America.


Where the hell did you pull that from?

As far as any government agency is concerned, We've been a minority in this country since the mid 80's.

But we're the only minority that can't take advantage of all the social service programs our white brothers keep thinking up to help the other minorities. :P