Cassie - Sci Fi Reading list please


I want to smell dark matter
Has anyone read the Odyssey One books by Evan Currie? They seem to be science fiction...ah who am I kidding, I'll just buy them and then never read them (only 99 pence each.)


I want to smell dark matter
Finally reading Foundation's Edge, CASSIE.


Touching the monolith
Staff member

You also need to read Snowcrash, mofo.


I want to smell dark matter
I can't remember why I didn't.


Can I have Ops?
I'm re reading The Dispossessed again by Ursula Le Guin. This was a Cassie top tip.

I'm going to buy Snowcrash this week.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I should reread some Ursula! It has been a long time.


Is this real life?
I've started rewarding Good Omens, which Cassie gave me ages ago. I'm curious how the writing process worked with Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchell. Quite a fun read so far.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I love Good Omens! I hope you are loving it with your PEEN.


I want to smell dark matter
I finished Foundation's Edge. SPOILERS. Loved it! Just as good as the original trilogy (which was actually six magazine stories turned into three books but never mind that.) I liked Trev and Pel's friendship. I loved the scene where Bliss first appeared. It reminded me of the opening scene of BSG with Six on the space station for some reason (though less sinister and with a big bum.) I guess she was a robot. Maybe Ron Moore was subconsciously influenced by it. I liked the way it tied the robot stories into the Foundation universe.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm glad you liked it too. I thought it was fun to read.


Is this real life?
I might have to move on to those next, or after I google the reading order anyway. Do the robot ones come straight after the Foundation trilogy, or just whenever you like?

Still reading Good Omens and smirking. Lots of smirking. I'm curious if anyone's ever tried to film it. Some bits might be difficult to do, but I could picture it. The characters are quite well drawn even if we're never with any of them for extended periods.


I want to smell dark matter
The robot stories are actually set thousands of years before the Foundation stories. They weren't in the same universe, originally. I read "The Complete Robot" before I read the Caves Of Steel series. It's a collection of short stories, some part of that same universe (the ones with Susan Calvin in them), some not.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Fuddster, if you need me to send them to you let me know which ones. OKAY? :rwmad:

ALSO, come chat with us again :'(


Is this real life?
Yeah, that would be helpful. It's so hard to find free ebook downloads.

Btw, have any of you read Asimov's short story The Last Question? It's only 4000 words and very good.

I'll try to be in chat over the next couple of days. It's just not very easy without a computer (very fiddly on a tablet).


Touching the monolith
Staff member
So you need Foundation's Edge, Foundation and Earth, Prelude to Foundation, and Forward the Foundation? Or do you already have some of those... I can't remember it has been so long since we talked about them!

The only non-Foundation Asimov books I have are The Naked Sun and Nightfall. I haven't read them yet.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You might not want the prequels, I don't even remember if i read them.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
D'OH, okay I am a space cadet. AND A TRIPLE POSTER... for some reason I thought you'd already read the Foundation Trilogy, but after rereading the last few pages of this thread I see that you haven't!

I will send these to your Phlox email.

Foundation And Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foundation and Earth

I just sent them to you!


Is this real life?
I have read the original trilogy! I was just confused about the order after that, and didn't have any of the other Foundation or robot books. So I can read Foundation's Edge after I finish Good Omens and The King in Yellow. Thanks. :)


I want to smell dark matter
There are a lot of Asimov stories I want to read now...