Is this real life?
I hope you got lots of books, curiousa. 
Rendezvous with Rama... Wow, that was a good ending. Very inventive throughout and a real page turner/tapper. But it does make me really want to read the sequels even though Sausage says they're bad.
For now though I'm going to read Childhood's End. Does anyone have other Arthur C Clarke recommendations? I have a collected volume of a ridiculously long list of his works.

Rendezvous with Rama... Wow, that was a good ending. Very inventive throughout and a real page turner/tapper. But it does make me really want to read the sequels even though Sausage says they're bad.
For now though I'm going to read Childhood's End. Does anyone have other Arthur C Clarke recommendations? I have a collected volume of a ridiculously long list of his works.