COUNTDOWN to True Blood Season 4 Thread


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Touching the monolith
Staff member

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
IT'S ON NOW I'M WATCHING IT NOW it's good but strange and it has a slightly generic syndicated fantasy/sci/fi-ish feel so far...but there hasn't been much vamp action yet, so that should change any minute.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, it's hard to judge this episode, because it was obviously all about "Let's catch you up in the story and set up the rest of the season" rather than being a really good standalone ep. In that sense it was a lot like a generic sci/fo-fantasy TV show and not "it's not TV -- it's HBO" like we've come to expect. But I'm looking forward to the season, so I guess it did its job.

Jason's a little less blonde. And he likes to keep his uniform on. This is troubling.


Be patient till the last.
PLEASE just a quick synopsis!! The place I usually torrent it has shut - ER - I was out last night and missed it....



Touching the monolith
Staff member
I was totally not expecting the 1yr jump.


moral imperfection
Guys, you're hurting me more with these 'innocent' remarks that headvoid and Dr. Dave could ever do with 7 years of Hate Pyramids. Seriously, synopsis, pls?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Sookie met her grandfather (Gray Cole) in Fairyland, but became suspicious of the fairies' intentions for Earth: they are harvesting humans to gear up an invasive presence to rival the vampires. Sookie does her white energy thing on the Fairy Borg Queen when they try to force her to submit to them (by eating the glowing fruit), and Fairyland turns to ashes and all the beautiful fairy people's plastic surgery melts away. Grampa Gary Cole grabs Sookie and escapes through the portal before it closes, but because he ate the glowing fruit himself, he can't survive as a mortal, and he turns to dust. (So long Gary Cole).

Sookie goes home to find Jason in a cop uniform, packing her things up. The town thought she was long dead, as her brief trip to Fairyland actually lasted a year in human time. Jason had just sold the family house to a development corp, but promises to try and stop the deal since she's back.

Jessica and Hoyt are now in a traditional domestic sitcom. She can't cook and he wants a nice meal after a hard day's work, haha. They go out dancing at Fangtasia, which is trying to remake its image as a human & family-friendly place in the wake of the damage done by Russell Eddington to vamp/human relations. Pam stops Jessica in the ladies room and mocks her attempt at a monogamous relationship with a human, since she spotted Jess drooling over a cute young fangbanger a little while ago. Jessica stands by her man.

In the year Sookie (and the rest of us) missed, Sam looks a lot worse for wear. He did shoot Tommy, but didn't kill him. He hit his spine though, and now Tommy walks with braces. Also, he has been taken in by Hoyt's mother and has found Jesus. (What a waste of a good sexy character)

Sheriff Andy is a V-addicted mess, and Deputy Jason has to constantly set him straight and cover his tracks (including keeping Lafayette quiet after Andy stupidly tries to score some V off him under the pretense of an undercover operation).

As soon as Sookie resurfaces, both Bill and Eric rush to find her. Bill is happy she's alive, and pledges to continue looking out for her even if she still can't forgive him. Sookie is torn on that point. Bill has become a pillar of the community (even though he was the primary suspect in Sookie's disappearance all this time), having dedicated a new community center. Bill provides an alibi for Sookie's absence, saying she was doing "vampire business" for him. Oh by the way, Bill is also the King of Vampires now.

Meanwhile, Tara really did move away. She is now a travelling MMA fighter and in a lesbian relationship with a fellow fighter. She sends Lafayette postcards from time to time.

Lafayette is still with the cute nurse witch guy, except now he is trying to recruit Lafayette to join his coven. We meet the lead witch of the coven, who is trying to revive her dead bird, and can't do it without Lafayette's powers added to the coven's. Lafayette doesn't really want to join, and is torn.

Eric still runs Fangtasia, and seemingly not much else is going on with him. Except that when Sookie tries to find out who bought her house, it turns out that the development corporation is actually Eric. Eric appears in the house when she's alone. She tries to banish him again, but she doesn't own the house anymore, he does -- which means she can't rescind invitations now. Asked why he went to all this trouble, Eric declares that Sookie is now his -- and produces his fangs, ready to claim her.
I want you to know that I only saw the ep once, and I did that from memory. I need help.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah it was alright.

Magic fairy land was JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE which was horribly obvious and as such horribly dull. The one year later thing is, um, interesting I guess. I mean most of the characters seem to have been basically doing the same thing the past year so there isn't that much change (compared to, say, the BSG One Year Later) but they could still do interesting things. I like it that Bill it Vampire King but that probably means he killed Evan Rachel Wood which is bad because she was nice!

I guess they realised that the Tara storylines were always boring as hell so they said "Fuck it, she's gay now so here are some tits." but they forgot to make her stories interesting anyway! Oops!

Creepy witches were creepy. I liked them. I liked the EVIL? ones with glasses.

Surprise surprise, Jessica was awesome and only got two scenes. Hum de hum.

Could've been worse!


moral imperfection
Lol, awesome, thanks! Not sure if I'm gonna like the path the show seems to take for my favorite characters, but hey, it's just the first ep, right?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Apparently episode 2 is already up on HBO GO but since I can't actually watch that I'll wait a week!

Some people have uploaded it from HBO GO to download but I'd rather wait a week for it to be in better quality.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee


moral imperfection
I'm reading those spoilers, anyway, so it's all the same to me. But the others might appreciate it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
WHERE IS TISIPHONE? She's supposed to start the new TB threads, THE BITCH :rwmad:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
We'll start one next week. Seems pointless now.

*Runs and hides behind the couch*