Coyote Ugly Has Been Banned II A.K.A Admin Abuse


beer, I want beer
You can tell Donovan's the bottom through his passive-aggressive responses. :D

Boy, good effort. THIS lame fag joke was so much more painful and brutal than the other lame fag joke. Way to go, "staple gun."


My previous title sucked.
And I replied, "Fuckin aye right I will, if it keeps me outta jail. 'I didn't do it officer, that guy MADE me.'" Worked for Patty Hearst, it's good enough for me.
Oh, I thought that you weren't saying it's completely okay to murder someone as long as you're convinced by someone else to do so - I thought you just misunderstood me instead. My bad then.

To which I replied: see Manson, Charles, for a notable and well-documented case of a guy going to jail forever because he talked some people into killing other people.
Yeah, and I intentionaly avoided answering this, because it partly pwned my argument. But can you point me a case where a single guy is convinced to do multiple murders by different people, and then that guy is declared as innocent, but the people convinced his to do the murders are declared guilty? Because it's pretty much the case here.


My previous title sucked.
Apparently many people think it's completely okay to murder someone as long as you're convinced to do so. Next time someone tries me to convince to do something wrong I'll have in mind that it's not wrong as long as he made me do it. And Jesus will forgive me.


Retired Account
STFU cupcakeER


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
what seph said!


beer, I want beer
But can you point me a case where a single guy is convinced to do multiple murders by different people, and then that guy is declared as innocent, but the people convinced his to do the murders are declared guilty? Because it's pretty much the case here.
No, because it's not the case here. First, nobody killed anybody. Couple people pushed the edge of the rules on a message board, and in doing so pushed the edges of administrator patience. One got banned, one didn't. If you are asking for other examples of that happening, I point you to the forum marked "God-forsaken Hellholes." There are hundreds of examples there to choose from. Hell, there are dozens of examples right here at TK where double-, triple-, and fourple- standards exist, and dozens of examples where someone got pissy for being treated "unfairly." See, Messenger, the Amazing; Cow, Grandtheft; Henoch; Dork Lord, the; etc.

Truth is, the inherent flaw in yours', Imperium's, "spitgun's" or even missmanners' argument is that they all assume democracy where there is none. Democracy stops at the door; it's a messboard where policy is dictated by a handful of volunteer administrators and moderators, and overseen by a board owner who may or may not overturn any decision at his whim.

Even the best messboard democracy in the universe, ruled by unicorns and fairy princesses and Papa Smurf, is ONLY a democracy as long as two conditions remain constant: first, the owner must steadfastly abide by whatever policies he or she has publicly stated, which is nearly impossible given varying circumstances,

and second (and this is the important one) the participants in the message board community must steadfastly agree to ABIDE by those policies. Since we are all familiar with the term "troll", we all know that ain't happening.

Barring that, we are left with an imperfect system where some get the boot, some get the brass ring, and the rest of us are left to amuse ourselves by arguing about it for weeks on end...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Guys like CU and Impy exist for no other purpose than to try and goad guys like jack into breaking rules.

I do nothing of the sort. I carry no drama to any other sister board or hold grudges. I have fun.

But for fuck's sake, you jackdancer guys
Can you explain, because I honestly do not understand. If responding in kind to posts from jack makes me a 'jackdancer' then LOL at that.

People have made fun of me for years because they claim I am the lowest common denominator of trolls "LOL, NEENER NEENER YOU RESPONDED TO MY POST!!!11!@! so youz = pwned!" Yet its real trolling when jack (or anyone else for that matter does the same thing).

Comon Donovan. I thought you were cool after the POW, RIGHT IN THE KISSER!!! thread.


Retired Account
following him round day and night clutching his ass hairs does.


Retired Account
btw did no one tell u too not floss with them?

its unhygienic, just saying...
Truth is, the inherent flaw in yours', Imperium's, "spitgun's" or even missmanners' argument is that they all assume democracy where there is none. Democracy stops at the door; it's a messboard where policy is dictated by a handful of volunteer administrators and moderators, and overseen by a board owner who may or may not overturn any decision at his whim.

I am so sick of reading this bullshit argument. "It's my message board, I can do what I want!"

Sure fuckface, do what you want but that does not mean people will stay and be a part of the community -- if you want to call it that after applying the rules to people differently.

No one is under the impression that TK is the Ultimate Democracy especially now under the ownership of yesterday's sycophants.

This goes well beyond some sad souls; e.g., jack et. al. This is about the spirit of TK and that is (or was) to be different from other message board's and admins who plays the harp strings "It's mine, I can do what I want."

The rules have changed in the last 7 years. RLI is not tolerated, period. That is the rule. So the admins have two choices:

1) Lift the ban on CU.
2) Ban jack for the exact same violation.

If the admins are having fun to get a rise out of posters, fine. That is in the spirit of TK. ROFL, ROFL, we pwned LULZ.

If the admins, like other fuckcunts on the net, start to show preference for specific posters by applying different ruls then TK is no different than those other shitholes. Sad day indeed.

Chris, Greg, Jenna and everyone else are human and will make "mistakes" but as in a democracy the populace will speak and demand answers.


beer, I want beer
I do nothing of the sort. I carry no drama to any other sister board or hold grudges. I have fun.
And fun is trolling guys with noted hot tempers and/or lack of definable "crossing the line" point. I get it. Especially when pointing out messboard hypocrisy is a tasty side dish. Perhaps I should amend that by saying "Guys like Impy and CU and Donovan." J'accuse...

Can you explain, because I honestly do not understand. If responding in kind to posts from jack makes me a 'jackdancer' then LOL at that.
I don't particularly agree with the term "jackdancer" or the concept that responding makes a person "pwned LOL!" But when I see posters continually egg one guy on ad nauseum without really doing anything else of note, well, that starts to make a convincing argument that he may in fact be on to something.

People have made fun of me for years because they claim I am the lowest common denominator of trolls "LOL, NEENER NEENER YOU RESPONDED TO MY POST!!!11!@! so youz = pwned!" Yet its real trolling when jack (or anyone else for that matter does the same thing).
See my post on Message Boards, inherent unfairness of. Like I tell my kid all the time- a reputation/personal honor is the easiest thing in the world to sell or give away, and harder than hell to buy back. Make sure you don't sell yours so cheaply.

Comon Donovan. I thought you were cool after the POW, RIGHT IN THE KISSER!!! thread.
As a cucumber, ace.
And fun is trolling guys with noted hot tempers and/or lack of definable "crossing the line" point. I get it. Especially when pointing out messboard hypocrisy is a tasty side dish. Perhaps I should amend that by saying "Guys like Impy and CU and Donovan." J'accuse...

Well, you did get pissy about a man punching whore. An obvious whore...

I don't particularly agree with the term "jackdancer" or the concept that responding makes a person "pwned LOL!" But when I see posters continually egg one guy on ad nauseum without really doing anything else of note, well, that starts to make a convincing argument that he may in fact be on to something.

Then that would reflect on the eggeeespecially when the eggee becomes paranoid and offers the oh-so-cute knee jerk reactions sought after.

See my post on Message Boards, inherent unfairness of. Like I tell my kid all the time- a reputation/personal honor is the easiest thing in the world to sell or give away, and harder than hell to buy back. Make sure you don't sell yours so cheaply.

It's not like I care. I am stating a fact. There is the old saying; "There is perception, and then there is reality." You can argue from the perception point of view and I will the later.

As a cucumber, ace.

Fuck yeah.


beer, I want beer
I am so sick of reading this bullshit argument. "It's my message board, I can do what I want!"
But true, and will remain so. As will the existence of people bleating like sheep at the unfairness of it all.

Sure fuckface, do what you want but that does not mean people will stay and be a part of the community -- if you want to call it that after applying the rules to people differently.
Also true. I can name a dozen boards now dead because of the flighty whims of the admins/owners. Doesn't negate the original statement though.

No one is under the impression that TK is the Ultimate Democracy especially now under the ownership of yesterday's sycophants.
Your lack of faith makes Papa Smurf very angry.

This goes well beyond some sad souls; e.g., jack et. al. This is about the spirit of TK and that is (or was) to be different from other message board's and admins who plays the harp strings "It's mine, I can do what I want."
Oh, here we go: "It's not like the old days, we used to MATTER! We used to BE somebody! We were gonna CHANGE THE WORLD!" Dude, get over it, ya fucking hippy, we all grew up and got jobs.

The rules have changed in the last 7 years. RLI is not tolerated, period. That is the rule. So the admins have two choices:
As interpreted by Imperium Esq. and Associates, Internet Attorneys at Law.

1) Lift the ban on CU.
2) Ban jack for the exact same violation.
Or completely ignore your ranting and do whatever the fuck they want. Don't you know these guys are soccer fans? They can redcard a stupid motherfucker and NOT EVEN TELL YOU WHY!

If the admins are having fun to get a rise out of posters, fine. That is in the spirit of TK. ROFL, ROFL, we pwned LULZ.

If the admins, like other fuckcunts on the net, start to show preference for specific posters by applying different ruls then TK is no different than those other shitholes. Sad day indeed.
Well, let's all retire to the pub, get drunk and sing "Danny Boy" while we lament the passing of the good ol days.

Chris, Greg, Jenna and everyone else are human and will make "mistakes" but as in a democracy the populace will speak and demand answers.
Good luck with that.
But true, and will remain so. As will the existence of people bleating like sheep at the unfairness of it all.

Where calling out admins is deemed "bleating". Dictatorships work that way too.

Also true. I can name a dozen boards now dead because of the flighty whims of the admins/owners. Doesn't negate the original statement though.

Nor does it negate the response.

Your lack of faith makes Papa Smurf very angry.
He is a communist. He wears a red hat.

Oh, here we go: "It's not like the old days, we used to MATTER! We used to BE somebody! We were gonna CHANGE THE WORLD!" Dude, get over it, ya fucking hippy, we all grew up and got jobs.
Like selling comic books and living in a dump?

As interpreted by Imperium Esq. and Associates, Internet Attorneys at Law.
I used to go by that name when Laura still posted here.

Don't you know these guys are soccer fans

Well, let's all retire to the pub, get drunk and sing "Danny Boy" while we lament the passing of the good ol days.
With some posters, yes.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Imperium said:
1) Lift the ban on CU.
2) Ban jack for the exact same violation.

Given the two, do you see what choice was made? Isn't that interesting?

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Seriously, I find that interesting and perhaps telling.