Troll Kingdom

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Honey.............I drink day and night!!!! When I am not drinking..........I am smoking crack.

And even though I drink and smoke crack 24/7............I have moral and intellectual superiority over you, Eric, Susan and DAna combined.
Mentalist said:
What medication are you on at the moment. Still drinking?
I bet you say that to Susan when you are having sex with her. Or maybe you say that to AwnRae when you are sucking his cock.

Oh wait...........I hear his cock is so big you wouldn't even be able to whimper when he shoves it down your throat.

Is it true you deep throat the whole thing????
Don't listen to that CUNT Mentalist, Debbie. He's just out trying to cause trouble. I found out that SaintLucifer is Brian some time back, he's been talking smack about you in the chat rooms for months now.

I just want you to know that some of us are on your side. Mentalfuck is a cunt, through and through and through, be careful.
Brian and ERic won't be doing much talking on the internet before too long. Brian is a warped psychopath who has an obsession with if I would ever give a loser like him the time of day. His obsession is sick and dangerous and I have tried to tell the authorities for years.

He is going to prison. Make no mistake. They have fucked up too much now. They are facing state and federal charges. Here is the thing about sociopaths..........they will end up in prison under the same delusion.
I think this is a bit too serious here, so I'm pulling out right now.

I've added my two cents as to who he most likely is.

Good luck.
Dor_Jan said:
I found out that SaintLucifer is Brian some time back, he's been talking smack about you in the chat rooms for months now.
I told Sardy and Coyote Ugly who SaintLucifer was when he first start posting with the name. One thing is for sure............he is the closest I have ever come to the devil. I have let the authorities know I think he is is the reason I am leaving. You never know what people like them are capable of..........I have never met any of them and they decided to ruin my life. That is why I am going to put them in prison.

It is really creepy to find out he is obsessing over me in chat rooms. That is extremely disturbing.
Tell me about it, Debbie. The guy is a freak of nature! Stomping around the site with his big yellow letters. I swear I have had to leave the chatrooms after listening to some of the vile and perverted stuff he has said about you.

For a while I believed everyone when they said you were crazy. BUT I WAS WRONG. You're not crazy at all. SaintLucifer is the real deal and he is a nasty piece of work. I wish you all the best luck.
Whoa!! Now this is some serious shit here. Who is this FBI person and why is everyone talking about all of this in DAYCARE? MESSENGER? Take EXTREME care who you claim I am. I mean EXTREME care. This could backfire on you. I have no idea who this 'DEBBIE' person is nor have I ever mentioned her in ANY of my posts. Allow her to look. Your hatred for me is so strong strong you would have the authorities involved? I am astonished!

Here it is in bold letters alright?


I will need to speak to one of the Admins about this claim of his. Trouble may transpire if this path of MESSY's continues. I knew he hated me with a passion but this has gone too far now. I no longer find it a laughing matter. He is speaking some serious shit.

Saint Lucifer, you have made disparing remarks when my old Jillian threads were pulled up in DayCare.

I must say...........I got quite a kick out of Messenger pulling up one of my old threads and you thinking I had just posted on the board.

Good one Messenger!!!
Dor_Jan said:
Tell me about it, Debbie. The guy is a freak of nature! Stomping around the site with his big yellow letters. I swear I have had to leave the chatrooms after listening to some of the vile and perverted stuff he has said about you.

For a while I believed everyone when they said you were crazy. BUT I WAS WRONG. You're not crazy at all. SaintLucifer is the real deal and he is a nasty piece of work. I wish you all the best luck.

You had better be ready to back up your claims pinhead. I challenge you right now. Post any threads from which I have said anything about this 'DEBBIE'. Her claims of 'stalking' and 'violence' are some serious shit. For your own sake I ask that you backtrack lest the shit hit the fan. Do you read this loud and clear? You speak of federal offences being committed. That is slander. Would you like to come up here to my city of Toronto and say those things to my face?? I may fuck around but I do NOT mention the law to ANYONE. Everyone in TROLL KINGDOM knows this to be fact. I would wager they do at least. All I ask is for you to scan my entire post history and show this 'DEBBIE' the things you claim I have said about her. I advise extreme caution from here on. Tell me you understand. If you have a hate on for this BRIAN fellow, keep it out of my sphere. Capisce? This is a very dark warning. I do not give a shit about what happens with you, MENTALCASE, MESSEDUP or this DEBBIE person but I advise you to be VERY careful.
FederalAgent007 said:
Saint Lucifer, you have made disparing remarks when my old Jillian threads were pulled up in DayCare.

I must say...........I got quite a kick out of Messenger pulling up one of my old threads and you thinking I had just posted on the board.

Good one Messenger!!!

You are this JILLIAN person?? Whew. I was puzzled there for a moment. I was trying to figure out what the fuck all of this was about. So that is all? Pfft. *waves a dismissal* I know what started this. Damn my illness. Its affecting my thoughts.

So here is why MESSENGER et al are doing this. They attempt to goad me into a battle with someone who pretends to be JILLIAN. Let us review:

I am not buying it you stupid cunt. Run along whomever you are. You caught me there for a moment but I am weak from illness. I would have sniffed this out in a second were it not for this accursed illness. Damn but I am annoyed at me.
SaintLucifer said:
You had better be ready to back up your claims pinhead. I challenge you right now. Post any threads from which I have said anything about this 'DEBBIE'. Her claims of 'stalking' and 'violence' are some serious shit. For your own sake I ask that you backtrack lest the shit hit the fan. Do you read this loud and clear? You speak of federal offences being committed. That is slander. Would you like to come up here to my city of Toronto and say those things to my face?? I may fuck around but I do NOT mention the law to ANYONE. Everyone in TROLL KINGDOM knows this to be fact. I would wager they do at least. All I ask is for you to scan my entire post history and show this 'DEBBIE' the things you claim I have said about her. I advise extreme caution from here on. Tell me you understand. If you have a hate on for this BRIAN fellow, keep it out of my sphere. Capisce? This is a very dark warning. I do not give a shit about what happens with you, MENTALCASE, MESSEDUP or this DEBBIE person but I advise you to be VERY careful.


Ahahaha, I'm quaking in my fucking boots. Oh wait, it's just the fact that I'm hardly able to balance in my chair from laughing so hard at this internet macho bravado. Oooo, Im'a gonna getcha!!

You can't get me, doesn't that suck for you?

I welcome you to try..

SaintLucifer said:
Here it is in bold letters alright?


I will need to speak to one of the Admins about this claim of his. Trouble may transpire if this path of MESSY's continues. I knew he hated me with a passion but this has gone too far now. I no longer find it a laughing matter. He is speaking some serious shit.


Saint Lucifer........if you are not Eric or Brian or one of the federal agents on this board who took $200,000-$250,000 of the taxpayers money, you have nothing to worry about.

If you are Brian or Eric, the consequences you are facing will be devastating. I have made no bones about the fact that I am in the process of seeing the both of you in prison for all the illegal activities you have committed. You have involved several federal agencies in the fiasco you have been building and the Grand Finale on this board is the Finale that is going to land you in prison. That is my GOAL. To put both of you in prison for what you have done to me. The Department of Corrections will pay my legal fee's, my relocation fees, my botox injections. They allowed an employee(s) to commit criminal acts on their computers on company time. They did not do a background check on this employee nor did they do a psychological profile. They did not check to see if he has a criminal record. They are liable.
SaintLucifer said:
You are this JILLIAN person?? Whew. I was puzzled there for a moment. I was trying to figure out what the fuck all of this was about. So that is all? Pfft. *waves a dismissal* I know what started this. Damn my illness. Its affecting my thoughts.

You aren't the illegal weapons dealer are you??
FederalAgent007 said:
Saint Lucifer........if you are not Eric or Brian or one of the federal agents on this board who took $200,000-$250,000 of the taxpayers money, you have nothing to worry about.

If you are Brian or Eric, the consequences you are facing will be devastating. I have made no bones about the fact that I am in the process of seeing the both of you in prison for all the illegal activities you have committed. You have involved several federal agencies in the fiasco you have been building and the Grand Finale on this board is the Finale that is going to land you in prison. That is my GOAL. To put both of you in prison for what you have done to me. The Department of Corrections will pay my legal fee's, my relocation fees, my botox injections. They allowed an employee(s) to commit criminal acts on their computers on company time. They did not do a background check on this employee nor did they do a psychological profile. They did not check to see if he has a criminal record. They are liable.[/QUOTE

Pfft! *waves a dismissal* Your silly little game is not going to work. You work out your difficulties with whomever Brian or Eric are. Tell me, are they Canadian???? No doubt this is a result of a concentrated attack upon my person. I should have seen this. Damn medication. *yawns*. Answer my question and get back to me you dumb bitch.