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So two "someone's about to kill this charater but you don't actually see them die" bits in the same episode. Did we really need a five minute musical montage flashing back to LAST WEEK? We know what's going on with Nolan, you don't have to keep recapping it. I'm not even sure who was doing the killings in the main story and if we're supposed to know yet, to be honest?

Is Berlin just gone then? Anna Hopkins' name wasn't with the regular cast even though it usually is. What was the point of having her in this season when all she did was say "I HATE YOU IRISA EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE OBVIOUSLY MIND-CONTROLLED ALSO I LOVE MEN WHO SELL WEAPONS TO TERRORISTS WHO ARE GOING TO KILL ALL MY FRIENDS"?
Yeah, I thought it was weird that we needed to remember why Nolan is all messed up. WE KNOW IT WAS ONLY A WEEK AGO OKAY. :rwmad:

Purple girl was doing the killing. She was hunting.
But then they saw "the beast" again when she was shagging Nolan but it was her dad but I guess that was just to tell us that they can both make the "beast" noise.
Yeah, that's what I got out of that. Purple daddy wanted her to know he found her out.

I wonder how long it will take for them to realize lady Odo has a control thingy in her neck.
I was wondering if you saw the previews. I thought, CaptainWacky and Tomtrek will be HAPPY.

Yeah, at first I thought Nolan was alright, not great or anything, but not particularly bad... but now I kinda hate all the Nolan stuff because he's so fucking hokey. I wouldn't mind if Nolan and Datak both died. Stahma is way too good for Datak.
This show should just be about Berlin redeeming herself and her lips.

What was with the ending where Datak started talking but it went dark and the "NEXT DEIFANCE" guy was talking over him.
I think Datak was just cursing and yelling about being in the cage.

It sucks that purple daddy is dead, but it was hilarious when hot purple lady took advantage of Nolan.
This episode was good. I wish it was consistently this good every week. I was surprised they killed the girl trying to get with Alak, but now he's free to get some sweet sweet Irisa ass at least.

Baby meat must taste the best.
Wow that special effects sequence at the end was actually good.

I hope Kinzi pulls herself back together and kills Nolan.
What was the point of Berlin going away with that arms dealer for a few episodes anyway? They just acted like it never happened.