Zoophilia: Currently illegal in the US and UK...no more duck sex jokes, Minefield.
Rape: Currently illegal in the US and UK....I think all TK could clean up its act here
We all need to vigilant and report lawbreakers to Mentalist STRAIGHT AWAY for the sake of those who might accidentally blunder on to a troll board and expect to be clean and pristine, because we wouldn't want to offend..
I agree, but he probably would have lost his website before then.You missed the "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" part of it. It's obviously up to a person's discretion as to whether something is serious literature/artistic or not, and it's certainly Menty's right to not allow it if that's what he wants. But it's still not illegal. And in the article that was posted, the guy took a plea bargain. Had he gone before the jury, he could very well not have been convicted
Gagh said:Maybe, but why should they do it HERE when it means the board is it at risk? Not that you'd care about that, of course.
I went back to ToplessRobot.com (hosted in France and NOT the U.S, btw) to re-read this "story" that Yub posted with the SOLE intention of causing trouble. He even admitted that he had not read the piece yet is still vehementley defending it. Way to go. Very convincing.
It's extremely explicit and makes note of the "underage" element of Astroboy on numerous occasions. The fact that it's technically a robot is just that: a technicality. It's a substitute for a little 11 year-old-boy and that is how the entire fanfic reads as Tony Stark rapes and abuses him in graphic detail. This is explicit peadophilic porn written for pedophiles to get off on. If you doubt that then go and find out yourself.
Even on the discussion pages of Toplessrobot there are plenty of comments asking for this to be pulled down. If you read the story you will see how little the robot qualifier actually means to the jist of the piece.
I would rather be called an oppressive asshole for forbidding a piece like that than having to deal with the host or the law. We can argue over the absolute letter of the law here all day long but I know that if someone wanted to cause trouble and reported the site for having the material that Yub posted that there would be, at the very least, questions asked by the host.
I don't condone it and I don't want it. When I said no grey area I meant it. We are talking about explicit descriptions of sexual acts with a robot that is a clear substitution for an underage boy.
I'd be careful if I were you. Your security blanket is gone. Manners isn't in charge anymore and she's the only one that liked you.
And I want you daycared
I agree, I did post it to cause trouble. I didn't except the huge overreaction I admit, I mean this this TK.
Even paedophilia gets a slight look in from time to time. Making you all hypocrites [yes, even me].
Yub, our mutual dislike of each other aside. I admit I overreacted on the picture, but I stand by my decision on the story, and I think most people here including Menty agree. Whether you want to believe it or not, I'm not singling you out. I take my mod position seriously. When someone trusts me with their property I do the best job I can. It wouldn't matter who posted that story. It would have been gone just as fast.