Troll Kingdom

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Dirk: You idiot.

Ooh, that's where GTC sleeps. You guys can cuddle and whatnot if you want, and if you get naked and I start taking pictures, it's all good ;)
When did I ever mention you singling me out?

And my position stands. I think the chorus of OMG KIDDIE PRON!! IT'LL DESTROY US ALL ARRGGGGGHHHH was far more indicative of lesser, weaker boards. I had a big laugh at it, but really is this TK or Weenie Hut Jrs? I say again, the most this should have elicited was a wry smile, a comment of "Try again" and deletion. The circus you idiots made of it....OMG....
That particular topic has always been taken seriously, like in the thread I linked to. Stuff like making fun of someone who recently died is typically more shocking and there are more calls for banning, but it's still not moderated.
Established Badlands policy has been to wring our hands and screech like a bunch of preteen girls whenever we get offended.

It's worked for ages, so I don't see where you come around telling us to change it.
Shrieking like a 14 year old at a TOOL concert is the appropriate metaphor, I believe.