Do you know why I got married?


I love you
It was so I could stop fornicating.
No wonder it didn't work out.

I've known others to have gotten married for the same reason, so that they could have sex within the law of the bible.


Divorce hearing is in 10 days, pretty fucking excited!!!


I love you
I had no idea. Although you could be talking about anybody's divource hearing. It was a pretty ambiguous sentence.


yeah mine....apparently i have to make a claim on some of his shit, so I can't claim later I didn't get anything.
Neither of us want to claim anything, so we are working out something ridiculous for the red tapes....

Shuld b good ;)


beer, I want beer
How soon before you start fornicating?

Also, where does the line form?


i'm never fornicating again...never marrying again... :D

hooked up with an old colleague, he's sorting out some interstate naughty work so I can buy my house.
Commuting will grow tired, good these things happen quickly ;)


I love you
yeah mine....apparently i have to make a claim on some of his shit, so I can't claim later I didn't get anything.
Neither of us want to claim anything, so we are working out something ridiculous for the red tapes....

Shuld b good ;)

I was going to leave everything and start over on my own. Until I found the note, the website and the pictures. Then I said, "FUck you" And took things, but I still wasn't a bitch.

Then everything else was supposed to be even and it was fine and pretty much no hassle. Until he lost his job and stopped making payments on his vehicle and then they came after me. Be careful.


RIP 1970~2018
I got married when I realized that my then girlfriend was the best I was ever going to do. Also she was/is my friend. Which is critical to success IMO. We have this thing where somehow I think she's a little better then I could ordinarily do and I'm a little bit better then she thinks she could ordinarily do. Which probably means we're both delusional.

The other part is that for some reason I am unable to discern, she likes me. In fact, she's one of two people who likes me. I don't know why and I'm not about to ask. So far this arrangement has been good for seventeen yrs. together.

I have a long list of other reasons I like her but they probably wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to anyone but me.


I was going to leave everything and start over on my own. Until I found the note, the website and the pictures. Then I said, "FUck you" And took things, but I still wasn't a bitch.

Then everything else was supposed to be even and it was fine and pretty much no hassle. Until he lost his job and stopped making payments on his vehicle and then they came after me. Be careful.

We wernt in love, only formalities; and a couple of months ago I thought I needed to get it sorted prety quick.

Although I am slightly concerned about the car thing; he should be fine.
biggest issue is registering teh divorce abroad, so i can still travel without being prevented from departure.
Fukin sharia law bullshitcrapshitfucknshit


RIP 1970~2018
SuN: I once hoped 4 this, grats2u

There's also the possibility that I was just lucky enough to find someone who hates to be alone as much as me.

I guess that's not the 'badass' way for a guy to explain it, but that about what it boils down to.


beer, I want beer
I've been married once, nearly married again, and I don't think I've ever been in love.

That's kinda fucked up.


lol I think thats pretty normal :p


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
When I first met my better half, she actually hated my guts. I knew this and would go out of my way to do things that I knew would aggravate her, then would snicker to myself when she stared screaming about it.

In all rights the both of us are about as opposite as day is from night. I guess that this proves the old saying that opposites actually do attract. :)

As far as "fornication" goes, I've found that one of the best things that keep us going.. is to avoid routines.


come home

got to bed and have sex

wake up next morning

go to work

come home


One thing that I really love doing to avoid this, is having "surprise sex", or trying (note: T-R-Y-I-N-G) to get it from her when she either isnt prepared for it, or is not expecting it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!

I've known her long enough to know when (and when not) to make any attempts, simply be studying her body language.

May sound crazy to most people, but so far it's kept us together.


Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
yeah mine....apparently i have to make a claim on some of his shit, so I can't claim later I didn't get anything.
Neither of us want to claim anything, so we are working out something ridiculous for the red tapes....

Shuld b good ;)

Had no idea you were married.


I love you
He was actually the only man I could spend time with and not be tired of hanging out with. I was in love....but with what or who I am not sure.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Sadly, I think I got married because she paid attention to me. Sadder thing is, I was dating a much, much nicer girl at the time. 11 years of hell followed. Well, some of it was OK, the first couple of years, but it went downhill fast. I did get two beautiful kids out of it, but I unfortunately still have to deal with her.