Do you know why I got married?


beer, I want beer
I was engaged, then I realized I liked sitting down doing nothing far too much.

No, you got it right. Sitting around and doing nothing is pretty much marriage to a "t".


Let's be making sexy business
now that I'm getting divorced, I'm all excited about getting a whole bunch of stuff done around the house. I can't wait until she gtfo's and lets me back in there to get started.

I bought her some Mighty Putty for Christmas. I bet she didn't get me ANYTHING.



Factional Warfare
You want to know the sad part? I got married so she could be on my Military benefits.

We'd been living together a couple years at that point but were in no hurry to get married, and then it got pointed out that she couldn't use my medical if we weren't. That worked out well didn't it?


Let's be making sexy business
I bought her some Mighty Putty for Christmas. I bet she didn't get me ANYTHING.

She sent a beer along with the kids. They said it was from her, but that she had originally bought it for her brother in law... but decided to give to me instead. it was a good beer. I think it was sent because the kids didn't get me anything, and I had made sure they'd gotten her a few things. untcay.


Elder Statesman
I got a pre-school made frame made of Popsicle sticks with painted pasta pieces glued onto it. It also had a pretty good picture of my son on it.

That was a great gift.

An even better one: hearing my ex go "Oh, what a pretty picture, I love it" and hearing my son say "Yeah, I made it for Daddy!"

It sits in a place of honor in my apartment. Partially because I like my son. Partially because it'll be there where my ex can see it when she drops him off.


ON a different subject: someday I'd like to get married again. Maybe it's the triumph of hope over experience.


Well now.

11 years in a few weeks, 10th wedding anniversary in July. 3 awesome children, fourth [and last] on the way. I'm not going anywhere and I doubt she is either. I've probably got a much higher chance of becoming a widower than a divorcee, mainly because we both don't see divorce as an option ever. We stand a higher chance of being hit by a bus or something. Plus she's got an fantastic arse. I love it and it's owner.