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Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor

No, but now that you mention it.

Agreed on the 5ish doctors, and part of me really hopes it was the three of them under those sheets for the real episode.
I thought of All Good Things when the vortex appeared at different periods in time, but I'd forgotten about it by the time it got to the Tardises bit.
Took these off my tv last night, didn't post them then in case people hadn't seen the show.

Two of my favourite moments.


Just watched An Adventure in Space and Time. Big gulp! That was excellent. Really an exploration of the aging process as much as anything.

Still got the other Brian Cox's show to watch. And there's a two hour "ultimate guide", but that might be a BBC3 thing.
I thought the show was fantastic and every bit satisfying. The interesting banter between the three mains had me laughing a lot, the writers not only acknowledged the stylistic differences in portrayals but wrote them into continuity as effects of the time war decision, and Tom Baker was priceless. Two minor complaints: Chris Eccleston is a batch for turning down a spot. He should have been there. Second, for Fuddlemiff: the next time you tell a message board that a show features "that title from channel four" please remember that means something entirely different to Americans. I think I sprained something getting to the remote.
Sat and watched both 'An Adventure in Space and Time' and 'The Day of The Doctor' last night. I was completely blown away, and it caused time to stop for me. For three hours it was nothing but 'Doctor Who' for me.

The Day of The Doctor was epic on many levels. I do feel as though parts of it were rushed, but I loved the interactions with The Doctors. It was reminiscent of 'The Three Doctors' kibitzing between the three of them for the tenth anniversary special. To see so many references back to the past was very cool, and the fact that Tom Baker was able to have a small part just perfected the experience.

After this I will be extremely sad to see Matt Smith leave as The Doctor, but I'm intrigued to see how Peter Capaldi handles the reigns, as we were given just a glimpse of him as a tease. The dynamic between his Doctor and Clara will be something to watch.
Okay, so now that it's been two days and accepting what an enjoyable episode it was and what a good job it did appealing to so many different kinds of viewers...

Wasn't the inclusion of the John Hurt Doctor and him being a secret regeneration KIND OF pointless? DON'T GET ME WRONG, John Hurt was great in the episode and the perfect choice to play a secret Doctor and I undertood that his character was kind of a stand-in for the older Doctors. But couldn't they have just told the same story with Paul McGann in his place without it being much different? There wasn't really much story reason for him to be a secret Doctor (since the thing he did was something we already knew about anyway) and it felt more like a write around to get Hurt playing the character rather than an essential plot point.
Wasn't the inclusion of the John Hurt Doctor and him being a secret regeneration KIND OF pointless? DON'T GET ME WRONG, John Hurt was great in the episode and the perfect choice to play a secret Doctor and I undertood that his character was kind of a stand-in for the older Doctors. But couldn't they have just told the same story with Paul McGann in his place without it being much different? There wasn't really much story reason for him to be a secret Doctor (since the thing he did was something we already knew about anyway) and it felt more like a write around to get Hurt playing the character rather than an essential plot point.

Eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sort of but not really. Paul McGann's Doctor is a not the type of Doctor who fights a war, which Night of The Doctor explained pretty well. The idea that The Doctor fully commits to the idea of becoming a soldier - something he never ever has been before - by totally changing who he is and abandoning the title of Doctor makes more sense from a character point of view. It's also just easier from a storytelling point of view for The Doctor to repress an entire regeneration, instead of just a bit of one - if the events of the Time War were so bad that he gave up the name Doctor, then you'd essentially either have to say "Paul McGann isn't The Doctor" or "well, a bit of him is, the later bit, that you didn't see".

Casting John Hurt in the role also allows for the comparison of the older Doctor, commenting on the younger, flasher aspects of New Who, while it also introduces the concept that The Doctor has picked younger regenerations to distance himself from the older War Doctor - both of which are elements that would be lost if it was the (comparatively) younger Paul McGann playing the part.

Him being a replacement for Eccleston doesn't really work is it's heavily implied that he is freshly regenerated in Rose, and so wasn't a part of the time war.
Well they could have put McGann in a beard to make him look older!

I was expecting the John Hurt Doctor to be darker and war-hardened after watching The Night Of The Doctor, but the thing is that didn't really come across to me in the Day Of The Doctor. Like we didn't really hear of what he'd done duruing the war or any of the horrors he'd commited. He just seemed like any other Doctor (all be it one we haven't seen before) rather than the "War Doctor" he was made out to be.

(Also the episode ignored the whole thing with Timothy Dalton planning to destroy the universe (by drowning it in spit) which really gave the Doctor a good reason to destroy Gallifrey.)

There were parts where I thought he felt like an Eccleston replacement (the "what are you going to do, bulding cabinets at them?" line) but then I rembmered it was implied he had just regenerated in Rose...but maybe they just didn't have any mirrors during the Time War so he didn't notice his big ears (I'm not being serious here.)

BUT YEAH GREAT EPISODE (didn't like Joanna Page as Queen Elizabeth) ON THE WHOLE.
I actually kind of liked that The War Doctor wasn't all doom and gloom, and was still - at least in part - The Doctor. It made it easier to accept him as a proper Doctor at the end.

All that stuff with Timothy Dalton and the bad writing was taking place at the same time as this... so while The Doctor said that the Time Lords had gone mad he also rightly justified that it still wasn't worth the sacrifice of billions of innocent lives. Plus it means that when he goes eventually find Gallifrey, there will be a pissed off Timothy Dalton and The Master waiting for him.
Yeah I did like that he was a proper Doctor and not Super Asshole Man. I still think it was a tiny bit unnecessary for him to exist though (but again it was John Hurt and he was totally believable as a lost Doctor so I'm not really complaining.)

Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them – the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.
