Dr Dave And Miss Tisiphone Adler in 'THE BETTER HALF OF ME'


I want to smell dark matter
My friend, the great consulting detective Dr Dave, had first met the lady who called herself Miss Tisiphone Adler (who could say what her real name was?) some three years previously. He had been contacted by a prominent and corpulent judge on the matter of some pictues Miss Adler, then working as his gorverness, had managed to acquire. He claimed that Adler had drugged him and manipulated him into a compromising position. Dr Dave shot me a wry smile at this obvious untruth. After taking the pictures Adler had fled to the sanctuary of a local brothel.

Dr Dave had been amused by the details of the case and described its coming resolution as "some light afternoon work." No man had ever bested Dr Dave, so the chances of him being outwitted by a mere female were astronomical! He had alighted to the brothel, easily resisted the charms of its ladies, and confronted Tisipone Adler. She said all she wanted in exchance for returning the pictures was for the judge to treat his children more kindly. A likely story! Dr Dave had asked what she REALLY wanted. She stepped close to him and whispered in his ear "I want you, Dr Dave."

That had shocked him. But my friend was not easily rattled, and recovered in a moment. Previously he had arranged for I, posing as a client at the brotherl (I had to sleep with four ladies of the night as part of this work!), to light a small fire. When one of the prostitutes shouted "FIRE!" into Miss Tisipone's room her eyes had shot to a panel on the wall. Dr Dave had smiled, knowing that was where the pictures were contained. Later that night he snuck back into the brothel, disguised as an old man (in his disguise he refused to sleep with girl after girl because they were "too young, dearies!") and went to her room. He took a package from her panel and left.

Later he and I had opened it together, wanting a look at the photos for ourselves. But they were not there. Inside there was a note which read: "My dearest Dr Dave, you may not believe this but you are the finest man I have whispered to in all my life. Would that I could spend more time with you, but by now you will have seen that I have what I wanted: your casebook. I know you always carry it in your breast pocket close to your heart so I picked that pocket while whispering to you. Don't worry, I have no evil intentions...just naughty ones! Your clients are rich and powerful...I could use those types of ally. I will make myself invaluable to them. They will pay me back in whatever way I desire. And they won't even know they're doing it. As for the photos? Don't worry, they will remain safe and secret...as long as our friend the judge treats his children with the utmost kindess. I will know if he does not...as I said I have my means. Perhaps I shall see you again in a year...or three. Miss Tisiphone Adler."

Dr Dave had staggered back and tried to sit down, but missed his chair like Kirk in Star Trke 3. I had offered a cocaine pipe but he refused. He simply repeated one phrase over and over again. Sometimes he said it with anger. Sometimes with joy. Sometimes with whimsy. Sometimes with....what I can only describe as arouasl.

"The woman," he had said. "THE WOMAN!"

In truth I had been disappointed by my friend. Being bested by a female? The shame of it! That had been my first thought. But over time I had come to terms with it. After all, if there are such singular men as my friend Dr Dave (perhaps the MOST singular man of all) then it stands to reason there are similar exceptional and singular women. And it must have been that Miss Tisiphone Adler was the most singular woman of them all. A magnificient creature, I had to admit. Mentally hardly even a woman at all. But still, I always felt a flush of anger whenever I thought of her. My friend might not have shown it, but he had been embarrassed by her. And there is no worse thing that can happen to a man at the hands of a woman.

And now, in the shadow of our greatest triumph - the arrest of the Chinaman himself - she was back. And as I stared into my friend's deep, wise eyes I honestly could not tell if he was happy, sad, angry, excited...or some perverse mix of them all.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop


I want to smell dark matter
"My devious Dr Dave, I am back in town and looking for some fun. You know the sort I mean. Can't wait to catch up. So excited!

Yours in sin, Miss Tisiphone Adler."

That was the letter that had been waiting on Dr Dave's desk after he (with some small assistance by myself and Inspector Tomtrek of the Yard) had defeated the Chinaman, the vilest villain in London. It had been an hour since he had read it, yet still it vexed him. I was supposed to be enjoying my first dalliance with my new mistress Mollie in the secret passageway between Dr Dave's flat and the tobacco shop at this time, but I had had to send Mollie away due to the state of my friend. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to sleep with a woman much younger and much more attractive than my wife again. But my loyalty, as always, was to my best friend Dr Dave.

"So," I said at least, clearing my throat. "What are you going to do"?

"Do, Wackson" asked Dr Dave, a mad look flashing briefly in his eyes. "Why, I'm going to meet her, of course! My hat and coat, please!" And he was standing, already awaiting impatiently.

"But how do you even know where she is right now?" I asked, fumbling for his hat and coat.

"Why that is simple!" said Dr Dave. "Surely you figured it out? She calls me her 'devious' Dr Dave? Says she is look for some 'fun' and I know the type she means? She is obviously at the Devious Fun tavern!"

"Of course!" said I. The Devious Fun tavern was notorious for its devious fun. "But how do you know she wants to meet now?"

"Why else leave the note tonight? Come, we've kept her waiting long enough!" And he was off with I following.

It wasn't far to the Devious Fun Tavern. It was busy, there was no shortage of adults seeking devious fun in London town these days. At the bar there was a red-haired woman in a red dress, busty, with gams to die for.

"She draws attention to herself!" said I. Men were swarming around the bar. "Foolish!"

"It would be, if that were her," said Dr Dave. "Get past the breasts and the gams and look at the face, Wackson! That face is only 90% as beautiful as Miss Tisiphone Adler's! A cunning facsimile, but a facsimile all the same!"

I strained my eyes, but was interrupted by a smelly sailor.

"Do you have a light?" he said in his gutter tongue, thrusting a cigarette in my face.

"Away, you old seadog, before you taste my cane!" said I.

"At ease, Wackson," Dr Dave said in my ear. "Hello, Tisiphone," he said to the sailor. The three of us sat down at a table without a further word. I was astonished. Her mastery of disguise was equal to Dr Dave's.

"We don't have much time," she said. "We are being watched."

"My casebook, return it to me," snapped Dr Dave. All these years and he still wanted it back. Of course he'd mentally recorded the contents anyway and reproduced them since...but the old book had sentimental value to him.

"Of course," she said, leaning forward and putting the book in his breast pocket.

"I of course do not keep my new book in the same place," he said, watching her.

"You don't trust me?" she asked, playfully.

"No," he said.

"Good!" she said. "You shouldn't! But you must trust me in this, Dr Dave. Danger is coming. The greatest danger you will ever face."

"My friend just saved all of London from the Chinaman," I scoffed, feeling protective.

"This is worse," said she. "It's not London that's at risk...but the whole world. But I can say no more...just look to the first of the second, the sixth, the twenty first and the twenty seventh. Meet me again this time tomorrow at the sight of your humiliation. NOW LEAVE!" She was up already and walking from the table. Dr Dave and I observed some burly chaps entering the tavern. The fake Tisiphone at the bar stood in front of them, distracting them with her womanly wiles, as the real Tisi and Dr Dave and myself made our exits.

We got home quickly, Dr Dave instructing his house keeper dear old Miss Manners to be on the lookout for burly men and to call him instantly.

"I don't understand," I said, when we were back in Dr Dave's apartment. "She was speaking goobledegook!"

"The letter," said Dr Dave. "There's another hidden message. The first letter of the second, sxith, twenty first and twenty seventh word. Read them to me, Wackson."

"Okay," I said, still not trusting that this was a true secret mesage. "The letters are D...A...C...E. Dace. That's not even a word! She is playing some game, that harlot!" But when I turned to look at my friend I found him white as a sheet.

"Dace," he whispered to himself. "Doctor Dace. He's real. HE'S REAL!" Then he clutched his chest in fear and agony.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I do have a sailor disguise. HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!?!


I want to smell dark matter
I fetched all the brandy I could find and brought it to Dr Dave. It was barely enough to bring him back to his senses.

"Dace," he whispered to himself. "The phantom menace who has haunted me my whole life...made flesh..."

"Please, Dr Dave, I've never seen you like this," I said, squeezing my friend's hand. "Tell me who this Dace is!" He looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I thought I had imagined him, you know, Wackson," he said. "Thought I'd created him in my mind! Any enemy, equal to me...if one didn't exist I'd have to create him. But he's real, Wackson, he's bally well real!"

"When did you first know of him?" I asked, almost fearing for my friend's sanity.

"I've always known," he said with certainty. "I could feel it, Wackson. A presence. A being of pure evil. It followed me. Stalked me. I feared it, but knew with conviction that I was alive to fight it. To stop its evil plans, whatever they may be. I told my mother when I was but a lad. A foolish move, she just looked at me for a moment then told me I had an imaginary friend. As I said I eventually came to believe that myself. But he's always been there, Waskon, at the back of my mind. I called him Dace. I told no one else that name, there's no way The Woman could have known..."

"She's tricksy," I said. "She could have...drugged you and you said it in your sleep...or something."

"Never!" said Dr Dave. "I know better than to talk in my sleep! I have trained myself mentally against such slips!"

"Sorry," I said.

"There's other evidence as well. Lately there have been rumblings of a force controlling all criminal activity in London..."

"You speak of the Napoleon of Crime?" I asked. Dr Dave had used that term before.

"No, darn it!" he said. "That was probably just the Chinaman! He was whoever the Chinese version of Napoleon was. Of crime! This is much worse. I could never track this force down, he was so elusive. But I could feel him, Wackson. Feel his hand in everything. It reminded me...of Dace. That name, Wackson, speaking it out loud sends chills down my spine. Do you know where I first saw it? I was but five years old. I saw it written in the sand on the beach. Later that day a man was found BURIED under that sand, dead. It was Dace's first victim, Wackson, I'm sure of it. And also my first failure. I couldn't stop Dace from killing him. I couldn't stop him when my family's fortune was lost after a mysterious stranger encouraged my father to invest in BETA MAX VIDEOS! But I can stop him now! I must meet with The Woman tomorrow, pump her thoroughly for information!"

"Just be careful," I said, not liking the idea of my friend being alone with Tisiphone Adler. "The scene of your humiliation, that must mean the whore house where you first met!"

"Yes, I'm quite aware," my friend snapped. "Sorry, it's been a rough day. Let me just check if my old casebook is unmolsted..." He fingered through his old casebook, the one returned to him by Tisiphone. "By jove!" he ejaculated.

"What is it?"

"A note! And it says 'when I say meet me tomorrow I actually mean meet me tonight'! We must go to the brothel at once!"

"Can't we get some sleep?" I pleaded.

"Sleep is for the thrice Daced!" said Dr Dave.



Is this real life?
Has anyone drank brandy? I don't think I've ever had any, but as Wacky quite rightly references, it seems it was considered quite the cure-all in the late 19th century. Both Arthur Conan Doyle and H.G. Wells depict their characters swearing by the stuff, and I suppose many other authors did as well. Fetching some brandy seems to be the equivalent of putting the kettle on.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I've had flavored brandy.


I want to smell dark matter
We found the brothel to be in a more pleasant condition than the last time we had visited it three years prior. It had a new coat of paint, some lovely scented candles and the hookers seemed much happier than before.

"We need a room," said Dr Dave. "A SPECIFIC room, number 23. Hop to it!" The hostess had only one leg. She fetched the key and we went upstairs.

"I'm not waiting outside," I said, firmly, when was arrived at the room. "That woman...she has powers."

"My dear Wackson, I would not expect you to!" said Dr Dave. "I am quite immune to her powers, no matter what you think, but you are my partner in all things. Now come!"

We entered the room. A dark-skinned woman was lying on the bed. I found her exotic nature appealing. Yet I wondered...

"Two of you?" she said. "Well, it'll cost double, but let's get started!"

"Ha!" I said. "Another disguise. Not bad, Adler! Is that soot on your skin? Wipe it off!"

"Wackson..." said Dr Dave.

"You racist pig!" said the dark-skinned lady. She slapped me and left.

"Oh, that wasn't Alder..." I said.

"Well deduced, Wackson," came Tisiphone's voice. Dr Dave and I both looked up. She was taped to the ceiling!

"Get down at once!" said Dr Dave, impatiently. She dropped to the ground.

"Hello, boys," she said. "Was just testing out my new CEILING TAPE. You never know when it will come in handy."

"Tell me, Adler, how long have you owned this establishment?" asked Dr Dave. She smiled.

"How did you figure it out?"

"Easily," he snapped. "The place has had a makeover, the working women are being treated better...and you feel safe here. Of course you own it!"

"Very good," said Tisi. "I've missed this. Yes I made a lot of money from the powerful friends I made thanks to your little book."

"Now tell me how you know of...he who shall not be named," said Dr Dave.

"You mean Dace?" she asked, casually. A fire came over Dr Dave's eyes.

"He is dangerous, more dangerous than you could know!" said Dr Dave.

"But you don't really know much about him, do you?" she asked. "And to be honest I don't either. But I know he has his finger in every pie. Every CRIMINAL pie, that is. He wants to run them all...

"No, it's more than that!" said Dr Dave. "His ambition goes beyond simply being some kind of mob boss!"

"Well, perhaps," said Tisiphone. "I know that many of the powerful people I've spoken to have had dealings with him and that they are terrified. And there's something else. I've heard whisperings of something that's about to go down..."

But we were interrupted by the one-legged whore shouting from outside. "A burly men just entered the establishment and he's asking for Dr Dave! Hide!"

"Quickly," said Tiisphone. "Into bed with me! It's the only thing to do!"

"Okay," said Dr Dave. "BUT NO FUNNY BUSINESS."

"Sure..." she said. The climbed under the sheets.

"Err, what about me?" I asked.

"Oh, there's space behind the bed you can hide there," said Dr Dave, uninterested. As I hanuched down in the very small space, with barely room to breathe, I thought of young Mollie, the girl I had meant to take as a lover. I even thought of my wife and felt pangs of longing for her and guilt at how I'd treated her. She'd just texted me to say that Inspector Tomtrek had been showing her slides of Michelle Trachtenberg for THREE HOURS!

The door oepend. Dr Dave and Tisiphone started making sex noises to scare the burly man away. At least I think that was the reason. But he was not fooled.

"I know you're in here, DR DAVE!" he said. And I knew that voice. It was Gagh!



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Damn these surprised endings!


I want to smell dark matter
"Panic over, it's just Gagh!" said Dr Dave, coming out from under the covers.

"Be careful!" I said, lunging out from my cramped hiding place behind the bed. "He was a ruffian once!"

It was true. When he was younger, Gagh had been involved with crime. Granted, it had been in a peripheral manner, he'd merely fallen in with a bad crowd and often attempt to reign his more agressive friends in. But he'd still served as an enforcer for Dodgy Barry and that was where Dr Dave had first met him, during the curious case of the orange poodle. Gagh was supposed to rough Dr Dave up for Dodgy Barry, but instead he joined us in taking his vile boss down and helping find curiousa2z's prized orange poodle alive and well. He'd helped Dr Dave out with some less than lawful inquiries since then. Dr Dave now considered him a friend. But still, I feared he could have been swayed back to his criminal ways.

"Nonsense!" said Dr Dave, shaking Gagh by the hand. "Gagh is a loyal fellow!"

"I don't blame Wackson," laughed Gagh. "What must you think, me showing up while you're with a hooker!"

"Excuse me!" said Tisiphone.

"Oh, she's no hooker...and if I was going to be with a hooker, it would be a better looking one than her!" said Dr Dave. He and Gagh both laughed. Gagh was a fan of bawdy humour. I must say I chuckled myself at this singular jape.

"Men," yawned Tisiphone. "What does this shaved ape want anyway"?

"Oy!" said Gagh. "I was sent here to warn you, Dr Dave! There's men out there hunting for you!"

"Indeed?" asked Dr Dave. "And who sent you? And have you seen these men for yourself?"

"Well, no," said Gagh. "Funny thing, really. A man in a CLOAK came to me and told me to warn you that you were in danger. He told me the exact brothel you would be in, and even the room number!"

"A cloak!" said Dr Dave. "Much like the CLOAK OF DECEPTION Dr Dace wears!"

"Didn't you wonder how this cloaked man knew where you were?" I scolded Gagh. I shouldn't have, Gagh was a fine chap, but I felt so concerned for Dr Dave's safety.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I've been having these headaches lately. In fact, I feel one coming on right now..." He staggered about a bit. Dr Dave steadied him.

"Easy, lad!" he said. "Take some pills! I'm sure your headache will pass..." He flashed a look to me and Tisiphone. The headache was a clue!

"So Dace knows your every move," said I, gravely.

"Indeed," said Dr Dave. "He sent Gagh here to scare me with that information, knowing that Gagh is a friend. What other friends could he have got to..."

"Mollie!" I said. "Oh, and my wife!"

"Don't worry, Inspector Tomtrek is with your wife still," said Dr Dave. "He just texted me to tell me they're watching the Mercy boxset."

"Look, we're safe here anyway," said Tisiphone. "My girls will protect us."

"Protected by whores?" asked Dr Dave. "What are you going to do, give DEADLY BLOWJOBS to Dr Dace's men?"

"No," she said, smiling. "They're going to kick these men's asses with their NINJAS SKILLS. That's right. I've been building an army of ninja whores!"

"That's fucking hot!" said Gagh.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Ninja whores FTW. That's how you take over ZE WORLD