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DR WHO thread

We all spotted it, included my nephew who was first to shout "gob at the screen, why not".
Notice at the end, the back shot of Timothy, they made him taller than the first set of people?
The guy is fucking short!
I think he;s shorter than Mel Gibson.
Nonsense, Sean Connery's only 4'8".

Anyway... um, it was ohh-kaay. I mean, it wasn't boring or anything, but it was awfully schlocky, even by RTD's standards. The shots of "Obama" just made me lol and I didn't know what was happening from one minute to the next. Was a bit confused about Brian Cox as well. I recognised his voice in the narration, but then at the end it turned out to be Timothy "Licensed to Spit" Dalton speaking instead.

As usual, it looked very nice, but over all it was an expensive mess. The only really standout part was Wilfred and the Doctor's conversation in the cafe.

I'd rather see an hour of Wacky drunk than the next episode.

Donna gets her memories back and reverses the Master Race by pressing some buttons on some control console, but in a shocking twist it DOESN'T WORK...

...then HUMAN DOCTOR and ROSE TYLER appear through a wormhole and press some MORE buttons and the Master is all like "shit, I didn't expect that, only a GENIUS WRITER could have come up with that twist!"

The Time Lords arrive on Earth on flying PERSONAL DALEK JETPACKS to enslave humanity for reasons which are never exactly made clear but the Doctor says "NOOO, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!"

The "knock four times" is Wilf knocking Donna on the head after she's brain-wiped again saying "HELLO, MCFLY?"

The "sound of drums" was actually just the timelords hiding inside the Master's nose or something. Even though he said he'd heard it since childhood.

The Master and the Doctor team up to stop the Time Lords and suddenly act like best friends and Timothy Dalton goes to shoot the Master with his evil glove but the Doctor dives in the way AND THAT'S HOW HE DIES.

The Master says "I must fix it all!" and jumps into a the wormhole Rose came through but he REVERSES THE POLARITY and goes back in time five years and stops Christopher Eccleston from ever meetnig Rose and this saves the world somehow but Wilf still remembers everything...BECAUSE HE'S A TIMELORD!

The Master joins Torchwood.

Wilf uses his new powers to stop the Doctor from dying and regenerate but says because of this his next regeneration "will look fucking weird" and the Doctor remembers everything but says never to tell Rose because she's a beautiful flower.

At least 8 sets are directly ripped off from the Star Wars prequels even though RTD snorts about how he's a much better writer than Lucas on Confidentional afterwards.

Matt Smith's first words are "new forehead. Huh."

The episode ends with a MAN reading a newspaper and Rose walks up and says "what's that headline?" and it's a picture of the Doctor for some reason and Rose says "I think I used to know him!" then the man's face is revealed behind the paper and it's RTD and he says "SO DID I!"
Wilf's equal opportunities band of OAPs will have to turn up to save the day at some point, with June Whitfield squeezing the Doctor's bum at the crucial moment and at the crucial transdimensional quantum spatula resonance.
I saw the first episode I've seen of this show since the doctor was that curly haired guy with the scarf and the jelly beans. WAAAAAY back when. It was some sort of conclusion about a portal of a billion daleks and some androids and his girlfriend got trapped on the other side of the gate and when did Doctor Who get all Emo? It's not like he won't get another girlfriend he's a frigging time lord. yeesh.