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Yesterday's was pretty good by Flashforward standards. I'm pretty sure Baltar's character is being played for laughs.
I have noticed that enjoyment of episodes seems to be in inverse proportion to the amount of screen time Mark gets.
Watching the most recent episode now. With the addition of Leoben I think they've reached the critical mass of actors from other shows. I mean, there was scene with Leoben, River Song and Sulu, followed by a scene with Charlie, then Penny and Baltar. It's just too much!

Anyway, pretty good ep generally. The LHC sequence was awesome.
Baltar about to go into an epic frekaout because he didn't like pickles or lettuce, then just suddenly calming down and saying "but I do like tomato" was the best bit.
Yes. We know.

Tonight's was just typical Flashforward. Only two more to go and I hope they feature the hot babysitter/nurse in a big way, otherwise what's the point?

Charlie having sex with that chick from The X-Files then her sitting around in her underwear in a dirty hotel room was just weird.
Watching the most recent episode now. With the addition of Leoben I think they've reached the critical mass of actors from other shows. I mean, there was scene with Leoben, River Song and Sulu, followed by a scene with Charlie, then Penny and Baltar. It's just too much!

Anyway, pretty good ep generally. The LHC sequence was awesome.

As all the other sci-fi shows end or are cancelled, this one scoops them up like a big swirly black hole of sci-fi actors and actresses. Expect the entire cast to show up on V next year...
I just wonder if the cancellation happened after they already finished the last episode, meaning it will end on a cliffhanger.

So so episode, Mark displayed another one of his Sherlock Holmes style intuitions, despite spending most of the season with the detective skills of inspector Clusoeu.

Beardy guy got his daughter back far too easily, bringing down the president was added almost as an afterthought, and the main bad guy was introduced then arrested within the space of 5 minutes, making him look like a collosal dick, still at least he managed to delete all his files in an unconvincing manor first.
They've ruined all the main bad guys. Charlie's "uncle" was cool, then he died in like his second episode. Dyson Frost was potentially interesting so he got shot by the hot terrorist. "Big Guy" waas't even that big and he got arrested easily. And are we actually going to find out why the fuck anyone would want to cause a global blackout anyway?
People were already having flashforwards without the whole world having to blackout for at least the last twenty years.
So, the finale would have been a pretty good season finale. As an episode of Flashforward it was actually really good and stuff happened in it. Ridiculous stuff at some points, but if you think of Flashforward as a comedy it's okay. But then it ends with another fucking blackout and Charlie as an adult and MARK BENFORD DIES after taking out a dozen professional killers despite being LOADED, OKAY? Okay.
He didnt die, he jumped through the window onto the helicopter outside, which since all helicopters would have been grounded to prevent crashing in the new blackout, he knew must be a bad guy helicopter flown by someone wearing a ring.
I know hired goons are pretty expendible, but if you were a member of that group, wouldnt you be a little concerned that:

A) your boss has sent you into a building to kill Mark where the entire building is rigged up to blow on a timer that wont give you and your men enough time to leave, and

B) none of you have a flashforward.
Well, of course he jumped out to the helicopter, but we'll never see this confirmed on screen. Maybe tv just wasn't ready for Mark Benford's new kind of badassery.
But everyone fell unconscious, so even if he successfully jumped out of the building, wasn't sliced apart by the reinforced glass, did manage to land on the helicopter and wasn't blown up by the massive explosion behind him, he still would've died when the helicopter pilot passed out and the vehicle crashed. That'd be like dodging an RPG while sat in a car or something. Preposterous.

Yeah, it was a good episode, for Flashforward. It was nice to have a resolution to the Murse/Keiko story and the Nurse-babysitter story (did you notice the bloke who saved her was the one she recognised in the hospital a while back?). Penny and thing from Pirates of the Caribbean got together way too quickly, but whatever... Funny to see that dramatic black guy's flashforward of being on the loo had an actual purpose to it, though in the actual vision he was reading a newspaper iirc. Charlie and Sulu's acting in the "go ahead, if you're gonna shoot me, then shoot me" type scene was really ropey. Unusual for them.

I wonder if they really had plan for the next season, because from the looks of things it would've taken place five years later and been pretty similar to this one. I mean, even repeating the story of a character who was apparently dead being discovered alive and well. Eh... probably would've been rubbish anyway.
Well the helicopter pilot could have been wearing a QED ring. I hate the bearded nurse/doctor guy now for choosing the Japanese girl over the hot babysitter nurse. Of course maybe next season he would have realised that he doesn't actually KNOW Keiko at all and that he really wants hot babysitter nurse but she's with the guy who wasn't drowing her (WHAT A TWIST) now.

But all this will be the domain of Flashforward fanfic writers.