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Well, it was okay. Penny's American accent was awful, but thingamy Fiennes's one was a little better.

Wasn't the most amazing show ever. I mean, there've been plenty of better, yet less high profile shows. This just seems to have a bigger budget than usual.

I completely missed the dialogue when Seth McFarlane turned up. I'd forgotten he was in it.

Anyway, I'll still tune in next week to see where they take it.
Didn't even notice Seth McFarlane.

Anyway, firstly have to say that it was pretty good before I go on to list the ways Lost is better...

I mean, it's Five's fault I'm compariting it to Lost, since their adverts basically said "THIS SHOW IS JUST AS GOOD AS LOST IF NOT BETTER YOU BASTARD." But really, it's not as good as Lost. Just COMPARE IT to the first episode of Lost. Everything in Lost was just so much smoother and slicker. All the characters were instantly interesting in some way. And they didn't give EVERYTHING away right away either. Here you can kind of tell where must of the main characters are going (not that some of those places aren't interesting.)

And while the scenes of destruction were nice, really they could have done a whole episode of that and had it on a much larger scale. Lost got more mileage out of one plane crash than Flashforward got from a worldwide catastrophe.

Speaking of that, it seems a bit strange that there's only three people actualyl investigating what caused the flashforward. They should have a team of thousands.

ON THE PLUS SIDE it was pretty good. Probably about the same level as the first episode of Heroes. The characters weren't great but none were too annoying. I quite liked John Cho and Sonya Walger is hot and there were a lot of scenes of her in her bra. So that's good.

I liked it when the one FBI guy flashed to being on the toilet.

What was with the kangaroo? Trying to recreate the polar bear from Lost?

The cliffhanger was quite good.

Yeah it was alright.

I mean I felt some of the characters are a bit... undefined. I mean there's Ruggid Unshaven Male Lead #1 who is a cop, Ruggid Unshaven Male Lead #2 is I think works with Penny from Lost in the hospital. Penny from Lost, of course. Sulu. And umm

The hot girl in the bra.

I'll watch next week.

The problem with these mystery shows (like Lost) is that they have to keep the mysery, but not bore viewers by by never ever revealing anything.

Lost does this well by revealing something and then adding about five mysteries when it does it. I wonder what will happen here.

I mean, by the end of this season we'll have rached the date of the Flash Forward, so what about the other seasons? Will there be MORE flash forwards? There'd have to be, surely.
Surely once it gets to the date of you flashforward you wouldn't just be acting normally, you'd lock yourself in a room and repeat "THIS IS THE DATE OF THE FLASHFORWARD" over and over again? In other words, he should have told his daughter to shove her friendship braclet.
Yeah when you think about it he was kind of being a dick:

Sulu: I didn't see anything in my flash forward, I must be dead!

Unshaven Male #1: Don't worry, we MUST be able to change what we can see in our flash forwards!!

*does certain actions simply because they happened in the flash forward*
It wasn't really planned out that well. Lost started off with polar bears and invisible monsters, but it was still believable in some way. You could suspend your disbelief just far enough. But here, not only are there seemingly about half a dozen people investigating the most amazing thing that's ever happened, but one of them manages to find footage of (probably) the only waking person in the whole world and within a matter of hours! And in the distance in a shot of a stadium!

And why did every office building have fires raging all over? Were they all housing lit candles that had to be watched over by humans lest they start an inferno? It was only two minutes... how many things in an office are going to start a fire if left unattended?
I like how there are so many Brits in it, though. Penny, thingamy Fiennes, Charlie, Alex Kingston and Jack Davenport. Probably more. It's funny how half the casts of American shows are from other countries, but that's Hollywood for you.
I know there are lot of helicopters flying over LA, but not that many. And if it was planes you'd expect big fires, but not lots of small ones. Even Big Ben had a little fire at the top for some reason. They obviously just wanted lots of fires to demonstrate the chaos, but went a bit too far.
I think the kangaroo was to give the scene an extra surreal feeling, like WTF IS THAT A KANGAROO? Probably just escaped from a zoo in the 2 minutes the humans were unconscious, maybe the animals learned how to open their cages. I just read something on eonline that says the marsupial is a thing, and then they promised to have more on the kangaroo before the premiere (it's an old article) but then they never have the THING about the kangaroo, the bastards.
People on IMDb (who are quite mixed about the show) just think the kangaroo was another rip off of Lost with its seemingly out of place animals. But apparently on Friday there was a repeat of the show with some kind of voiceover that says "this is a clue" when the kangaroo appears.

They obviously don't have a very high estimation of their viewership when they have to point out "durr, it's a kangaroo, that's MYSTERIOUS isn't it? Oooh!"
They will discover the kangaroo's name is Marcel, and it will live with Fiennes throughout the first season, but then disappear forever.

People on IMDb (who are quite mixed about the show) just think the kangaroo was another rip off of Lost with its seemingly out of place animals. But apparently on Friday there was a repeat of the show with some kind of voiceover that says "this is a clue" when the kangaroo appears.

They obviously don't have a very high estimation of their viewership when they have to point out "durr, it's a kangaroo, that's MYSTERIOUS isn't it? Oooh!"

So either the solution involves a "leap" of faith, or maybe the world will be saved by "Joey" Tribbiani
I liked it. I liked Fiennes and Penny and Sulu and Angela Basset's husband (the black dude). I liked the fact that when I was all like, "There is NO WAY an FBI agent could afford that house if it's anywhere near L.A.!!", they made it believable in that his wife is a doctor.

I really liked the dude in black who was at the stadium. Very creepy. Defo a show I'll be eager to watch each week.