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THAT'S WHAT BOTHERS ME! The little girl shouldn't have had such a big reaction to the the autistic boy, it's not like she became best friends with him in less than 3 minutes! If she's that fucked up her parents should be convincing her to tell them what she saw in her flash.. it's getting ridiculous.
3rd episode very meh.

Cant beleive how poor this is getting and how fast the quality has dropped off.

Are they even trying to make any of the characters likeable?


Yeah, I forgot to post last night, which shows how forgettable it was. As Whisky said none of the characters are likable or memorable, and they just keep adding more (Gina Torres is going to adopt a boy, who cares?) The whole nazi plot was highly unconvincing too.
Yeah, didn't think much of it either. There was one thing that the young lady detective said which I thought made her sound borderline retarded, oh yeah... the lead guy said "do the ends justify the means?" and then she says "they never do". What a load of shit.
What was with her being such a bitch to the German prison officer as well, as if he was personally responsible for Nazism.
All of them seem like robots blinding making the future into what they saw as the future, theres only Sulu wanting to change it.

He should have busted bong smoking pant dancing security guy, just to see if the future could be changed.
Also nine FBI agents died that day in the blackouts?


The main leads where in a high speed pursuit and they still lived.

Do FBI cars not have airbags, or were the 9 agents on one of the 70 billion planes and choppers that seemed to crash in those 2 minutes and 17 seconds?
Yeah, while I'm at it.

Incident happened october 6th, the 3rd episode a week at most after that, main characetrs still have bruises from their car crash, yet when they log on dead crows dot com or whatever, not only have they got complete data to the end of october, but also november and december for good measure.

Seriously, quality control, get on the graph guys and fire that mother fucker!
I can believe the blackout, the destruction, the glimpses of the future. I can believe the dead crows and mysterious man in black, and that D. Gibbons is a bad man.

But there is NO FUCKING WAY I believe that Sulu could get a chick as hot as Gabrielle Union. NO FUCKING WAY!
Yeah, the crow data graph was a pretty obvious fuck-up...and the fact that there's a fucking CROW DATA GRAPH in the first place.
The Nazi said it to the female FBI agent for no apparent reason (other than a SUBTLE HINT that she's a lesbian and that's why she's so surprised she'll end up pregnant.)