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I actually liked the scene where Mark and Jack Davenport met for the first and the argument after. It was quite well done.


Charlie explaining Schrodinger's Cat AGAIN didn't actually seem relevant to the plot at all. I did like him having sex with Daphne from True Blood (who looked hot here) then telling her he killed a man in the future and it FELT GOOD.

The babysitter is hot.
First 55 minutes Meh
Next 4 minutes, ok
Last few seconds, WTF?

Plus Charlie really earned his wages this week didn't he?
Tonight's was actually good, I though. I liked the idea of a group of people who didn't have flashfowards getting together to play Russian roulette and, umm, throw water on each other. Alex Kingston is pretty hot for an older woman. The suicide completely turned the premise on its head, because now we know for sure the future can be changed, so there should be less "IN MY FLASHFORWARD I WAS EATING BREAD SO I BETTER BUY SOME BREAD" stuff. And the daughter showing up at the end was unexpected (maybe she's a clone!)
I agree it was an above average episode but I'm growing reaaallly tired of all that "the future is set in stone" bullshit. And now it's claimed one of the most interesting characters (as of this episode). Hopefully this really will be the end of it though.
Well Alex Kingston's future has changed at least...and surely him dying will have a butterfly effect on everyone else's future. Maybe that's why Sulu's hot girlfriend sees him alive in her vision: it's a parralel universe. Or something.
I don't recall the episode very well where we saw her vision properly, but I seem to remember Sulu was too far away for us to make out if it was really him, or some other dude entirely.
Really, really, really crappy episode.

I am seriously starting to root for the bad guys now.

In the words of Palpatine.

Wipe them out, all of them.
Yeah, yesterday's was so crap I didn't even think of bumping this thread. Can't even remember what happened. A poker game or something. That's never been done on tv before!
Summery of episode

Crap poker game, Mark shot a bad guy with a tattoo so the bad guy couldn't shoot him, episode ended with 20 more bad guys all with identical tattoes, in a move so obvious even blind people could see it coming.

Penny and Charlie had a reunion (well not really since they never met in lost apart from one radio communication)
Well Alex Kingston's future has changed at least...and surely him dying will have a butterfly effect on everyone else's future. Maybe that's why Sulu's hot girlfriend sees him alive in her vision: it's a parralel universe. Or something.

I bet these writers are too stupid to account for the Butterfly Effect. Just watch, at the end of the season all the other character's futures will come true despite the suicide. Maybe they'll just write it in as some "path of least resistance," but it's uninteresting garbage.
So much for putting to bed all that shit about the flashforwards being set in stone.

The only thing that caught my interest was that the evil contractors in Iraq were called Jericho. I imagine they were named after the tv show of that name, which itself also involved an evil group of contractors in Iraq, as well as a mysterious and devastating incident that occurred all over the US at the same time, only it wasn't shit.