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Of course, life imprisonment in Pakistan just means "until the prison gets blown the fuck up". Which probably won't take very long.
A little better tonight, but still not great, plus the fact that its only 14 days after the event makes last weeks graph even worse.

Nice to see Charlie again, but now we know why the main british guy is putting on an american accent, anyone who speaks with a genuine british accent is a terrorist.
Found it quite dull at points, especially the stuff about Sulu. Okay, he thinks he's gonna die, we get it. We got it in the first episode, actually.

Charlie at the end lifted it, at least.
I sometimes get the impression he wasnt available much, so they shot all of Sulu's scenes in the same few days, then just cut and paste them into various episodes.

Chow - "Whats my direction for this scene?"

Director - "Your bitter about dying and angrily trying to prevent it"

Chow - "What episode will this be in?"

Director - "All of them"
The last ten seconds were the best the series has been so far, just because Charlie was (finally) in it.

I actually liked(!) the medical mystery story and the way bearded doctor solved it a bit like Doctor House,only with knowledge of the future.

But nothing else really happened.
It seems that boy isn't as autistic as he was before, though. He's gone from completely unemotional ("I know... my maternal ancestor has ceased to live") to smiling and cute. I noticed the SW duvet too. :)
No Charlie means it's automatically not as good as last week's.

How come Lesbo Preggo FBI agent doesn't have a scar in the future? MAYBE SHE DIES AND HER VISION WAS OF HEAVEN.

The scene with them escaping the rocket launcher was REALLY ridiculous, but quite funny.
They should have just ran directly through the line of fire shouting "I'm still alive in six/five months bitch! You cant shoot me!" Might not work though, if lesbian girl does end up dead, or shot through the womb.

Fairly obvious the president ordered the hit, interesting that they used chinese guys to do it, going along with the "blame China" theory earlier in the episode, although that couldnt be more of a red herring if they arrived in a van shaped like a fish.
The escape from the car was just plain ludicrous... I mean, the main squinty guy (not Sulu) was still in the passenger seat when the car got hit. So lame.

I liked the bits with the lesbos. Not in that way (although Maya was hot). It was just nice to see some characters acting naturally for once. Karaoke scene was quite good too. The rest I found kind of boring. Squinty main guy's hands-on-hips pose during the scene with the senator made me giggle.
Was it the president or the EVIL FIRST LADY or Charlie or Jack Davenport or a nazi or D. Gibbons or CROWS that ordered the hit? WE JUST DON'T KNOW.
Worst assisins ever anyway.

Team A: Hum, we have a bazooka that can blow up their car, should we just fire it now while they are driving, or hit them with our car first so they are stopped and have time to get out somehow?

Team B: We have guns that can kill someone from a distance should we just shoot the girl while shes not looking in the back, or walk up to her where she can use the karate skills she was showing off earlier in the episode on us?
Maybe in their flashforwards, all those assassins were being told off by their boss for being really bad assassins and it demoralised them.
Good last ten mins, but even with Charlie we're still not much closer to knowing what happened (unless you read the wikipedia article). Liked the bit with Alyson Hannigan bouncing down the street. Annoyed by Schrodinger's cat being explained for the billionth time in a tv show (Defying Gravity did it a few weeks back as well).
It was a good episode, not great, but good, the best scenes being the one where Mark and his wife aren't in them.

What is it with all these high concept shows where the supporting cast constantly upstage the so called stars?
Yeah, and I'm glad they replaced that black guy again. The one last week was terrible.

Lesbo FBI woman is the best actor, I think. Closely followed by her hot girlfriend.